[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Lesion Loadouts That Are Excellent

Top 5 Best Lesion Loadouts in R6 Siege
18 Dec 2023

Lesion has received a lot of changes recently, not just to his loadout choices, but also to his special gadget, the Gu Mine. The changes to his special gadget are a mix of positive and negative changes. Understandably so, because the devs need to think about balancing issues.

Nowadays, his Gu Mines won’t be transparent anymore, but because they’ve lost their electronic parts, they won’t be detected by IQ, be disabled by EMPs, or be converted by Kludge Drones. So all it takes is for the Lesion player to place them at angles that they won’t be seen easily. As for the changes to his loadout choices, this article will go in depth on the topic.


5. T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser + Bulletproof Camera

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For so many years, the compensator barrel attachment was very underrated. Players would almost always automatically go for the flash hider if they want a barrel attachment that adds recoil control. However, because the compensator has been buffed a few seasons ago, more and more players are discovering how good it is in certain guns. What the compensator does is greatly reduce the weapon’s recoil diamond size, and the thinner they are, the less horizontal and random recoil from all directions they’ll have.

So with the compensator on the barrel of the T-5 SMG, Lesion’s firing experience with it won’t have a strong horizontal or random recoil from all directions. He’ll mostly only have to worry about its vertical recoil, and speaking of vertical recoil, the vertical grip will handle it. That’s because the vertical grip specializes in lowering weapons’ overall vertical weapon kick, so for a lot of users, this setup on Lesion’s T-5 SMG will provide them with a more stable shooting experience, especially with long sprays.

Excels in:

  • The T-5 SMG having a compensator on its barrel means that its horizontal and random recoil from all directions will be much weaker, so the weapon will be easier to control.
  • The vertical grip on the other hand will greatly lower the T-5 SMG’s vertical recoil, so with this setup, Lesion will have good control on both horizontal and vertical recoil.
  • The red dot A sight on the T-5 SMG doesn’t provide additional zoom levels, but it’s a great 1.0x sight because of its simple center dot reticle which doesn’t take up a lot of screen space
  • The super shorty shotgun as Lesion’s secondary weapon will allow him to set up the objective spot with rotation holes or more lines of sight
  • The bulletproof camera as Lesion’s generic gadget will provide another intel gathering device for the whole defending team and it can also shoot EMP blasts

Build Details:

  • Primary Weapon - T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary Weapon - Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser
  • Generic Gadget - Bulletproof Camera

Recoil test on the T-5 SMG in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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4. T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser + Impact Grenade

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The T-5 SMG in this setup will have the best recoil control for most players because both the flash hider and vertical grip are present as its attachments. Both of them specialize in lowering weapons’ overall vertical recoil, so the gunshots from the T-5 SMG in this setup will feel more compact. Yes, without the compensator it might be more prone to horizontal and random recoil from all directions, but the recoil diamonds of the T-5 SMG aren’t that big anyway, so its horizontal recoil isn’t that strong.

The flash hider, as its name implies, will also hide the weapon’s muzzle flash, which lessens the visual cues that enemies could react to. This loadout setup also provides Lesion with a lot of ways to rework the map to his and his team’s advantage with the super shorty shotgun as his secondary weapon and the impact grenade as his generic gadget. Ideally though, it’s better to just use the super shorty for reworking the map and reserve the impact grenades for dealing with opponents like Osa.

Excels in:

  • The flash hider on Lesion’s T-5 SMG’s barrel will greatly lower its vertical recoil as well as hide its muzzle flash which lessens the visual cues that enemies can see Lesion with
  • The vertical grip will be another attachment on the T-5 SMG that lowers the overall vertical recoil of the weapon, resulting in a more compact and stable shooting experience.
  • The red dot A 1.0x sight is great for close to medium range shooting and provides pinpoint accuracy because of its simple center dot reticle which doesn’t obstruct the user’s view a lot
  • Providing Lesion with the ability to rework the map to his advantage using the super shorty shotgun which can also be a good weapon for finishing off enemies due to its tight hip fire from the laser
  • Lesion having extra utilities for reworking the map with the impact grenade as his generic gadget which he can also reserve for dealing with enemies like Osa

Build Details:

  • Primary Weapon - T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary Weapon - Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser
  • Generic Gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil test on the T-5 SMG in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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3. SIX12 SD with Reflex B and Laser + Q-929 with Suppressor and Laser + Bulletproof Camera

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This could easily be the best loadout setup if this article is being read by a player that loves non-slug shotguns. That’s because Lesion’s SIX12 SD is one of the best shotguns in the game that shoots multiple pellets per shot. That’s not just because it has high firepower, but also because it has an integrated suppressor which greatly dampens its gunshot sounds. With the integrated suppressor, an opponent who’s not aware of Lesion’s presence can have a delayed reaction to his shots.

That’s because suppressors also remove the directional threat indicator from weapons’ shots as well as the muzzle flash. With this, when Lesion is roaming or rotating and needs to destroy a portion of the map to outmaneuver his enemies, he can do so with less chance of alerting the enemies. As for the bulletproof camera on his generic gadget slot, it’ll provide another intel gathering device for the whole defending team, and it can also let Lesion know when there are enemies near his location, allowing him to gauge whether to spring into action with his SIX12 SD shotgun or not.

Excels in:

  • Lesion having the close-range superiority over his enemies because of the SIX12 SD shotgun which fires multiple pellets and does high damage at close range
  • The integrated suppressor on Lesion’s SIX12 SD shotgun could slow an opponent’s reaction time as they won’t get a directional threat indicator from it and it’ll be hard to hear its shots
  • The laser on the SIX12 SD will greatly tighten its hip fire pellet spread, so Lesion doesn’t always have to go to aim-down-sights with it to be effective, especially at close range
  • The Q-929 handgun will provide an extra way for Lesion to disable enemy utilities like claymores with much less chance of alerting the enemies to his presence
  • The bulletproof camera is an excellent intel gathering utility that can be used by the whole defending team and it can also shoot EMP blasts that can disable enemy electronics

Build Details:

  • Primary Weapon - SIX12 SD with Reflex B and Laser
  • Secondary Weapon - Q-929 with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic Gadget - Bulletproof Camera

Hip fire pellet spread test on the SIX12 SD in this setup at 5m range:

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Hip fire pellet spread test on the SIX12 SD in this setup at 10m range:

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2. T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser + Impact Grenade

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Perhaps the biggest weakness of the T-5 SMG is its firepower. It’s quite low in Siege standards, but with the extended barrel, it’ll be higher, and it’ll deal more damage than normal at medium to long range because the extended barrel also reduces weapons’ range damage drop-off. So with this loadout setup, Lesion maximizes the damage potential of his T-5 SMG primary weapon. This loadout setup has the best chance of downing an enemy as fast as possible.

The only downside to using the extended barrel is that it doesn’t provide additional recoil control, so with guns like the T-5 SMG which has a pretty strong vertical recoil, it’s important to partner it with a vertical grip. The vertical grip will greatly reduce the weapon’s overall vertical recoil, allowing Lesion to have a more manageable time shooting it, even with long sprays. The super shorty secondary weapon on the other hand would mostly be used as a utility for reworking the map but can also be used for finishing off enemies when the T-5 SMG needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat.

Excels in:

  • The extended barrel will provide Lesion with more firepower on his T-5 SMG because it now adds more damage to weapons as well as greatly reducing their range damage drop-off
  • The red dot A 1.0x sight will provide Lesion with pinpoint accuracy at close range due to its simple center dot reticle which is great for headshots as it doesn’t obstruct the view of the opponent’s body parts
  • The vertical grip on Lesion’s T-5 SMG will greatly help maintain vertical recoil control on the weapon which is important in this setup because the extended barrel doesn’t provide additional recoil control
  • The super shorty shotgun isn’t just a handy tool for setting up the map. It can also be used for fragging enemies at close range when the T-5 SMG needs to be reloaded.
  • The impact grenades are great utilities for quickly creating rotation holes but it’s also an excellent counter to operators like Osa or Blitz

Build Details:

  • Primary Weapon - T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary Weapon - Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser
  • Generic Gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil test on the T-5 SMG in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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1. T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser + Impact Grenade

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Even though it doesn’t add more firepower to Lesion’s T-5 SMG, this loadout setup with the suppressor on its barrel is generally the best in most situations. That’s because with the suppressor on Lesion’s T-5 SMG, its shots won’t create a directional threat indicator or muzzle flash. Its gunshot sounds will also be greatly dampened, so it could take a while for enemies to realize where Lesion is shooting them from. That’s a great perk to have because that lessens the enemies’ ability to counterattack or protect themselves.

But like the extended barrel, the suppressor doesn’t add recoil control to weapons, so it’s also important to partner it up with a vertical grip. The vertical grip will help maintain its stability especially when being fired in long sprays. The super shorty and the impact grenades on the other hand are great utilities for reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage, but they’re also great weapons for fragging enemies in certain situations so players should remember to use them especially when the T-5 SMG needs reloading in the middle of a gunfight.

Excels in:

  • The suppressor on the T-5 SMG will hide its muzzle flash and directional threat indicator, which makes it so that enemies could be slower to react to Lesion’s gunshots
  • The suppressor will also greatly dampen the gunshot sounds from the T-5 SMG, so it’ll be even harder for enemies to determine where Lesion’s shots are coming from especially at medium range or further
  • The red dot A 1.0x sight on Lesion’s T-5 SMG will provide him with good accuracy for close to medium range shooting especially since its reticle design is made for pinpoint shooting
  • The super shorty will have a tight hip fire pellet spread because of the laser so besides being a great utility for reworking the map, it can be used effectively for fragging enemies at close range as well
  • The impact grenades are great for quickly making rotation holes but they’re also great for damaging enemies and especially for countering Osa’s Clear Shield

Build Details:

  • Primary Weapon - T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary Weapon - Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser
  • Generic Gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil test on the T-5 SMG in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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