Kellex Overwatch: 32 Most Interesting Facts About Him!

Kellex Overwatch, kellex wiki
30 May 2019

Who is Kellex?

If not, you’re missing out on one of the funniest, quirkiest, and overall best support players in the entire Overwatch league. Learn who Kellex is so that you can cheer on this great friend and unsung hero.


1. Kellex’s real name is Kristian Keller.


2. He was born on February 19, 1999 in Denmark - which means he’s only 19 years old!


3. Kellex’s first team was Singularity Esports, an Overwatch Contenders team. Although they played hard, they never ranked above 6th.


4. Kellex's favorite hero is Lucio. 


5. Kellex's philosophy for winning is to "make sure we are ready for every single team, no matter how good they are how bad they are. We just try to study our opponent and make a plan for them."


6. At first, Kellex's team struggled because they spoke many different languages. They're still learning how to work together.


7. If he gets nervous before a big game, Kellex drinks water and focuses on his breathing. 


8. Kellex loves to see fanart that people make of the team, and to see people wearing his jersey.


9. During March, there was a scandal when Kellex posted the C’mon Bruh emote - a black man making a face - in response to people in the chat saying "monkey, monkey, monkey." People thought he would get punished, but everything was OK.


10. Kellex thinks Mercy is B-O-R-I-N-G.  “It’s just like, holding mouse one, and just, ‘Oh, my team has died,’ press Q, rez them. It’s a very non-involved character.”


11. According to /r/CompetitiveOverwatch, Kellex is one of the hottest players in the whole OWL. The same subreddit has also agreed that he's one of the most talented Lucio players. So he's not just a pretty face! 


12. If Kellex had to summarize Boston Uprising in one word, he'd say "family."


13. Before Overwatch, Kellex played Counter Strike, where he perfected his style. 


14. One of Kellex's favorite games to play with his friends is FIFA. 


15. Kellex's favorite Overwatch player is his friend Fischer from Denmark: " I really mesh well with him, because of synergy built in past teams, and he is also a nice guy in general."


16. Kellex loves Boston because it reminds him of his home in Denmark.


17. Kellex once promised to dye his hair if Uprising won against NYXL - and went through with it! 


18. Boston Uprising's recent winning streak was one of the longest in the league's history.


19. Kellex often retweets minor league Overwatch players to help them find teams.


20. Kellex always wishes his Twitter followers a good holiday: "Merry Christmas lads!"


21. Sometimes, Kellex's mom watches Uprising streams, and all the team members say hi to her.


22. Kellex once retweeted a Tweet that said, "Retweet if you have a big dick."


23. In April 2018, Kellex learned the phrase, “I plead the fifth” and jokingly used it to respond to every fan question in the Discord server.


24. Before one of the Stage Two matches against Shanghai, Kellex threatened to throw the game if NotE didn't give him a hug during their introductions. He was kidding... probably.


25. When asked what his plans for offseason were, Kellex said he wanted to play ranked.


26. In Kellex's opinion, the Boston Uprising has improved the most in terms of their teamwork: " I think everyone on the team has become a better team player. For me, I’ve become a better team player, and I think everyone on the team has become a better team player."


27. Kellex is the tallest player on the Boston Uprising.


28. Currently, Kellex is in Denmark training for the Overwatch World Cup. Team Denmark will compete in the third Group Stage, which begins on September 13th with an 11 PM EDT match between Denmark and Thailand.


29. Kellex has done the most healing this season out of any support player: 2, 306, 436 points!


30. Kellex has always wanted to do an interview where he answers in Danish and has someone translate his answers to English. 


31. Although most posts are private, Kellex's instagram is @kkelleerr.


32. Kellex's parents have flown all the way from Denmark to cheer on the Uprising’s many victories.


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