[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Long-Range Guns

Top 10 Best Long-Range Guns in R6 Siege
02 Jun 2023

10. Mk 14 EBR


This unique designated marksman rifle for Dokkaebi and Aruni is in this list because with its heavy firepower and very manageable recoil, it truly is a beast at long-range. That's especially more so the case for Dokkaebi, because through her, the user will be able to attach the scope 2.0x, scope 2.5x, or the scope 3.0x, and of course, those scopes are great for long-range shooting, especially the scope 3.0x. But what truly makes the Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle a special weapon is that it doesn't only excel in long-range shooting.

This weapon excels at any range, including close distances, due to its low recoil. Users can even attach a scope 1.5x and that scope is perfect for close to medium range shooting because it will allow the user to see their enemies well while also not compromising a lot when it comes to peripheral view. So while the main theme of this article is weapons for long-range shooting, weapons like the Mk 14 EBR which aren't only great for long-range, but are also great at other distances, scores more points in my book, because in Siege, you'll be engaging enemies at all kinds of distances.

What Makes the Mk 14 EBR Great:

  • It inflicts heavy damage per shot and has a high destruction rate, so with it, the user can destroy unreinforced hatches or create lines of sight on unreinforced walls
  • Its range damage drop off is very low so regardless of the distance, it will inflict a massive amount of damage which is perfect for long-range shooting
  • For Dokkaebi, the scopes 2.0x, 2.5x, and 3.0x, are available and those scopes will allow the user to really excel in long-range
  • Because of the low recoil per shot, this gun allows the user to also excel in close to medium range, and the scope 1.5x is available to it as well if the user wants to excel more in that distance

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 60
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 450 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 20



Speaking of long-range weapons that can also excel at shorter distances, the CAMRS is one of the best, and that's because when it's used by Buck, it will also have an underbarrel shotgun which he can use to create entry points or harass defenders through a vertical play. For long-distance shooting, the user will be able to enjoy the benefit of using the scopes 2.0x, 2.5x, or 3.0x on this weapon, because these scopes will allow them to see their enemies clearly as they will appear bigger on the player's screen, and of course, bigger targets are easier to hit.

High zoom levels are also very important in long-range shooting because it allows the player to differentiate the enemy among all the objects in the map quite easily. So for the CAMRS to be compatible with all those high level scopes, as well as being able to inflict a devastating amount of damage per shot, makes it a great threat for enemies at long distances. And when it's time for the user to go inside the mission building and engage enemies at short distances, the CAMRS has a tighter hip fire than most designated marksman rifles in the game, and that's a great perk to have at close range.

What Makes the CAMRS Great:

  • When used by Buck, the CAMRS will have an underbarrel shotgun which allows the user to not only excel at long-range shooting, but at shorter distances as well
  • It has a high destruction rate per shot and that allows the user to open up lines of sight on unreinforced walls at long range with this weapon
  • Its recoil is very manageable especially with a muzzle brake attached to it, so the user will be able to align their subsequent shots very well
  • Its hip fire is tighter than most designated marksman rifles in the game and that's great for close quarters combat, especially when the CAMRS is equipped with a laser

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 69
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 450 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 20

8. TCSG12


Kaid and Goyo's TCSG12's long-range capabilities aren't as great as the designated marksman rifles in this list, however, I think it deserves a place here because it's one of the best long-range weapons for the defending side. It's a single-slug firing shotgun, and while its range damage drop off might be quite high compared to marksman rifles, it is still capable of dealing a good amount of damage per shot at long-range, and while it's a shotgun, it's capable of hitting headshots. The TCSG12 is the closest thing that the defending team can have to a marksman rifle, and that's why it's in this list.

Another great thing about the TCSG12 is that it kind of has an integrated suppressor in that it's the only barrel attachment that is compatible with it. And since there's no more damage penalty to using the suppressor, there's really no drawback to equipping it on the TCSG12, so the user might as well use it and take advantage of its stealth benefits. The TCSG12 also has a high destruction rate per shot, so it's capable of creating rotation holes when no one else in the team is making them. It's also capable of destroying unreinforced hatches and opening lines of sight on unreinforced walls.

What Makes the TCSG12 Great:

  • It inflicts a great amount of damage per shot, and at its effective range, it's capable of downing an operator with only two shots, regardless of health rating
  • It has a high destruction and penetration rate per shot and that allows its user to create rotation holes with it, break unreinforced hatches, and open lines of sight on unreinforced walls
  • It can be equipped with a suppressor and through it, the user's shots won't provide enemies with a directional threat indicator, muzzle flash, and its shots will be silent
  • Its compatible to the scope 2.0x and that's a well-balanced scope that will allow the user to excel at any range

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 63
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 450
  • Magazine Size – 10

7. RG15


Like the TCSG12 shotgun above, the RG15 doesn't have the long-range capabilities of the designated marksman rifles in this list, but it's here because among all the handguns in the game, the RG15 is the best when it comes to long-range shooting. That's because it's blessed with the Romeo1 Reflex sight, and it has a simple center dot reticle that provides the user with a lot of accuracy, which is especially useful for medium to long-range shooting. Players who are great at using Zofia, Ela, and Melusi, can have a lot of fun one tapping enemies with this handgun.

While its damage per shot leaves much to be desired, the accuracy that the Romeo1 Reflex sight provides is a great trade off. That's because if the user manages to hit the opponent's head, their armor rating won't matter anyway, because they'll go down with just one shot. Another great thing about the RG15 is that it has a pretty high magazine capacity compared to a lot of handguns in the game, and its hip fire spread is also quite tight, especially with a laser. So with the RG15, the user won't even have to go into aim-down-sights stance to hit opponents at close range.

What Makes the RG15 Great:

  • The RG15 has an integrated romeo1 reflex sight which provides the user with a lot of accuracy due to its center dot reticle
  • Its hip fire spread is tighter than most handguns, so especially with a laser, the user can hit opponents at close range without having to go to an aim-down-sight stance
  • Its magazine size is bigger than a lot of handguns in the game, and that's perfect for engagements with multiple enemies
  • Because of its romeo1 reflex, it's basically a headshot machine in the hands of a player that has great aim, and that also makes it great for long-range shooting

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 38
  • Mobility - 45
  • Rate of Fire - 450 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 15

6. MP5


The MP5 is available to Rook, Doc, and Melusi, and just for us to be clear, it's really only effective at long distances when it's used by Rook and Doc. That's because when the MP5 is in the hands of those operators, they're able to attach scopes that offer higher levels of zoom to it. For Doc, he's able to use the scope 1.5x with the MP5, and Rook is able to attach the scope 2.0x. Those scopes make the MP5 one of the best weapons in the defending side for long-range shooting, and that's basically why it's featured in this list.

The MP5 is a great weapon for Doc and Rook for spawn peeking because in case they get countered and are put in a down-but-not-out state, they're able to self-revive using their special gadgets. The availability of scopes that provide high levels of zoom and its very manageable recoil is really what makes the MP5 a great weapon for long-range, because when you want to hit enemies at long-distances with a fully-automatic weapon, it has got to have a stable recoil. It's also a great weapon to equip a suppressor with, and suppressors are the perfect attachment for long-range shooting.

What Makes the MP5 Great:

  • For Doc and Rook, the MP5 is compatible to scopes that provide higher levels of zoom like the scope 1.5x and scope 2.0x
  • Its weapon kick is very manageable and for long-range shooting, weapon stability is very important as the targets will appear smaller and harder to hit with a fully automatic weapon
  • Its rate of fire is quite fast so it could make quick work of enemies regardless of distance, but especially at close to medium to range
  • It's compatible with the suppressor and it's the perfect barrel attachment for long-range shooting because of the stealth benefits that it brings

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 27
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 800
  • Magazine Size - 30

5. V308


The V308 is another weapon in this list that isn't a designated marksman rifle, but I included it to let players know that it's also amazing for long-range shooting. That's because it's mostly used by Lion players in close to medium range, and that makes sense because of Lion's usual role and gameplay, and the fact that it does amazing in shorter distances too actually adds credence as to why it should be in this list. Because for me, a great long-range weapon isn't limited to long distance shooting. 

It should be great at close range too because ultimately, most Siege encounters will happen at close to medium range. With that said, what makes the V308 great at long distance shooting is its compatibility with scopes that provide high levels of zoom such as the scopes 2.0x and 2.5x. Another reason why this gun excels at long-range is because its recoil is very manageable, even when a suppressor is attached to its barrel. A suppressed low recoil gun is very dangerous at long-distances because it can damage enemies without letting them know where the shots came from.

What Makes the V308 Great:

  • The V308 is compatible to scopes that provides the user with high levels of zoom such as the scopes 2.0x and the 2.5x
  • This weapon has a very manageable recoil and low recoil guns are great for long-distance shooting as the targets will appear smaller, so the more stability, the more accuracy
  • It's a great weapon for a suppressor and suppressed weapons are great for long-range shooting because they can damage or kill enemies without letting them know where the shots came from
  • It has a huge magazine capacity despite being an assault rifle, and that's great for dealing with multiple enemies

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 44
  • Mobility - 50
  • Rate of Fire - 700
  • Magazine Size - 50

4. BOSG.12.2


This unique weapon for Dokkaebi and Vigil is a single-slug firing shotgun similar to the TCSG12 in one of the entries above, but unlike the TCSG12, the BOSG.12.2's long-range damage is high, and that's probably because of its inherently massive damage. It could be hard to use because you can only fire two shots before you need to reload it, and its reload time is quite long. However, it's still a great long-range weapon because of its high damage and scopes that provide high levels of zoom. But what's great about this weapon is that it's not just great for long-range shooting.

Its hip fire spread is actually very tight, so if the player attaches a laser to it, they wouldn't really have to go into aim-down-sights in order to hit an enemy at close range. At medium range, its damage is devastating, even to heavy armored enemies. With just one shot of this weapon at medium range, there's a high probability that the opponent will be outright killed or be put in a down-but-not-out state. As for its small magazine capacity, to the operators that have access to it, it's not much of a drawback, because they have machine pistols for their secondary weapon.

What Makes the BOSG.12.2 Great:

  • It has the second highest damage among all the guns in Siege, and that's why when it hits an enemy, the probability is high that they will be killed or be put in a down-but-not-out state
  • Its two shots before reloading can be fired in quick succession and with a vertical grip, the user can easily align his next shot well
  • It's compatible to scopes that provide higher levels of zoom, and that allows the user to target their enemies well, even at long-distances
  • For more adventurous players who excel at flick shots, the BOSG.12.2 is also compatible with the angled grip which will allow the user to go into aim-down-sights stance faster

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 125
  • Mobility - 450 RPM
  • Rate of Fire - 50
  • Magazine Size - 2

3. 417


The 417 designated marksman rifle is one of the most dangerous long-range guns in Siege because it doesn't only specialize in long-range shooting, it also excels at close range, and as I mentioned above in the V308's entry, I believe that a great long-range gun also works well at shorter distances. But  first off, the 417 is great at long-distance shooting because it's a designated marksman rifle, so it basically specializes in it. The user can attach scopes to it that provide high levels of zoom such as the scopes 2.5x and 3.0x, which will really allow them to see their targets clearly.

Its recoil is also very manageable, so with a muzzle brake, its recoil would feel almost non-existent, but it can also be equipped with a suppressor which is great for long-range shooting because it will remove the weapon's directional threat indicator. So you could be shooting enemies at long range and they'll have no idea where your shots are coming from. As for why it excels at close range too; it's because its hip fire is tighter than most marksman rifles in the game, and with a laser, the user won't even need to go into aim-down-sights stance to hit an enemy.

What Makes the 417 Great:

  • It inflicts high damage per shot and it's capable of downing an opponent regardless of armor rating with just a few shots at long range or even at shorter distances
  • It's compatible to a wide variety of scopes, so the user can really customize it for the distance that they would be operating in
  • Its recoil is very manageable so it would be very easy to control when equipped with a muzzle brake, and that's really great for accuracy
  • Because of its low recoil, the user can equip the suppressor instead of the muzzle brake and take advantage of its stealth benefits

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 69
  • Mobility - 450 RPM
  • Rate of Fire - 50
  • Magazine Size - 20

2. CSRX 300


Although I mentioned before that for a weapon to be great at long-range, it should be great at close quarters combat as well, the CSRX 300 is an exception. That's because its long-range prowess greatly outweighs its drawbacks in close distances. It comes with a variable 5x and 12x scope, meaning that players can switch between them, and that also means that the CSRX 300 has access to two highest levels of zoom in the game. When it hits, it will instantly kill operators with 1-health rating. As for operators with 2 and 3 health ratings, they will be put in a down-but-not-out state instead.

That makes the CSRX 300 one of the most dangerous weapons in Siege. Its shots are devastating enough that when it hits Clash's CCE Shield, it will sway and leave her vulnerable for a few seconds. The CSRX 300's penetration rate is also very high because if you line up all five defenders, one shot from the CSRX 300 is capable of damaging all of them. Its weakness really is that its rate of fire is very slow, and its shots leave a clear trail that will tell enemies where the user is. But like I said, these drawbacks are outweighed by the CSRX 300's long-range capabilities.

What Makes the CSRX 300 Great:

  • It has the highest damage among all the guns in Siege and can instantly kill light armored operators with one shot or put medium and heavy armored ones in a down-but-not-out state
  • It specializes in long-range shooting because it provides the user with a variable 5x and 12x scope, and that means the user can switch between the two levels of scope
  • The CSRX 300 is one of the best counters to Clash because one shot from it will sway Clash's CCE Shield, leaving her vulnerable for a few seconds
  • Its under-barrel can launch the LV Lance which is a great utility for destroying defender utilities from long-range

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 135
  • Mobility - 50 RPM
  • Rate of Fire - 50
  • Magazine Size - 5

1. OTs-03


Glaz's unique designated marksman rifle is still the best gun for long-range shooting because it has all the qualities that make up a great long-range gun. It inflicts a massive amount of damage per shot, it can be fired in quick succession, and its recoil is very manageable, even without a muzzle brake. But what makes it so special is its scope, the thermal flip sight which not only provides the user with a very high level 4x zoom, but also a thermal sight. Having a thermal sight in Siege is a great perk because it will allow the user to easily identify the enemies amidst all the objects and backdrops in the game.

As a Glaz main, I cannot tell you how many times I've spotted an enemy through the OTs-03's thermal sight when they're only exposing a few pixels of their body while they think they're completely covered. That allows me to shoot their feet or hands or other parts of them that are exposed, as well as to advise my teammates on that particular enemy's current position. So the OTs-03 isn't only great for fragging, it's also really great for recon because it allows the user to see enemies clearly. On top of that, the OTs-03 can also excel in close range because the user can switch its sight back to 1.0x.

What Makes the OTs-03 Great:

  • It has a flip sight that provides the user with 4x zoom as well as a thermal sight that will allow the user to identify enemies among all the objects and backdrops in the map
  • Its flip sight can be switched back to the weapon's default 1.0x sight, and that will allow the user to excel with it at close range enemy engagements
  • It inflicts a massive amount of damage per shot and has a high penetration and destruction rate, so it's also great for breaking unreinforced hatches and creating lines of sight on soft walls
  • Along with the CSRX 300 above, the OTs-03 is one of the only two guns in the game that is capable of penetrating the windows of the Presidential Plane map

Weapon Stats:

  • Damage - 71
  • Mobility - 36
  • Rate of Fire - 380 RPM
  • Magazine Size - 15


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