[Top 10] Genshin Impact Best Bosses To Kill For Rewards

08 Feb 2023

To prove your bravery and valor as an adventurer, taking down hilichurls or slimes just won’t cut it. Luckily, the game has a lot of options when it comes to bosses. Some are stationary and pretty straightforward, while others have complex patterns and even have “awakened” forms.

With the game having a wide array of bosses currently available, we’ll try to cut them all down with both world bosses and weekly bosses in our list. Stick around to see the best bosses in the game right now and how to beat them.


10. Regisvines

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People in Teyvat take gardening way too seriously.

One of the first bosses we encounter in the game. They provide essential materials for building characters and come in different versions. Currently, we only have three kinds of Regisvines: the Pyro Regisvine, Cryo Regisvine, and Electro Regisvine.


These flowers are different from other bosses as they are completely stationary. They each have shields made of their respective elements that aren’t that tough to take down. The shields come in the form of cores, and they can be located up on the corolla or on their roots, depending on which one you’re fighting.

All Regisvines have wide AoE attacks and can deal lots of damage if you fail to dodge or take up a shield. Once their cores are destroyed, the flowers fall to a weakened state where they are stunned and this is the chance for you to dish out all the damage you can before they rise again. 

Rewards for Killing Regisvines:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Hoarfrost Core (Cryo)
  • Everflame Seed (Pyro)
  • Thunderclap Fruitcore (Electro)
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts
  • Various 3-star Artifacts

Regisvines Guide:


How to EASILY Beat Electro Regisvine in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!


9. Hypostases

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In a sense, the elements are literally the building blocks of the world.

Just like the Regisvines, the Hypostases can also be seen very early in the game. These geometric cubes are made of elemental energy from their respective elements, and we have one for each. Generally, they are not that hard to take down, and the rewards they give are essential to leveling most characters. 


The Hypostases have really tough shells that make them practically invulnerable. Luckily, you will notice a pattern when fighting these bosses. They will attack you periodically and leave their cores open after a certain string of attacks. Use this opening to do as much damage as you can before the cubes can bring their guard up again.

Once you deplete their health bars, don’t celebrate just yet. Most of these cubes have their “revival stage”, or a period to regain their strength to fight once more. To name some examples, the anemo cube requires you to absorb particles in the air, the geo cube will have you breaking down three geo pillars, and the new dendro cube will need you to revitalize dendro piths to finally cleanse it.

With a bit of practice and memorization, you can master all the patterns of every hypostasis and farming them will be a breeze.

Rewards for Killing Hypostases:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Lightning Prism (Electro)
  • Dew of Repudiation (Hydro)
  • Hurricane Seed (Anemo)
  • Basalt Pillar (Geo)
  • Crystalline Bloom (Cryo)
  • Smoldering Pearl (Pyro)
  • Quelled Creeper (Dendro)
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts
  • Various 3-star Artifacts

Hypostases Guide:

How to EASILY beat Electro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact PLUS Solo Strat - Free to Play Friendly!    

How to EASILY beat Anemo Hypostasis in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!

How to EASILY beat Geo Hypostasis in Genshin Impact Free to Play Friendly! (Update 1.1)

How to EASILY Beat Pyro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!

How to EASILY Beat Hydro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!

How to EASILY Beat Dendro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!

How to EASILY beat Cryo Hypostasis in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!


8. Primo Geovishap

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In all fairness, the dude is just minding his own business untill we go and beat him up.

This enemy is pretty cool as it can give rewards based on what element it infuses within itself. The Primo Geovishap is a big rock creature within Liyue that can be found sleeping around. Don’t dismiss its initial calmness, as it turns vicious within mere moments.


The fight starts the moment you wake up the creature. It has heightened resistances during this animation, so make sure to hold off on your attacks until it's completely awake. Notice the scales that it produces to identify what element it currently has infused.

The Primo Geovishap has a kit that mostly consists of melee attacks and breath attacks. Along the fight, it produces a lot of crystallize reactions, but it’s still recommended to always bring a geo shielder with you. This is to tank the creature's signature breath attack, and take down a huge chunk of its HP as it backfires.

What makes this fight great is that it doesnt have the enemy jumping around a lot, nor does it have thick elemental shields for itself. You can totally go all out the moment it finishes awakening. I’ve seen other players actually use this boss for team showcases or rotation practice, as it’s one of the more “controlled” fights.

Rewards for Primo Geovishap:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Juvenile Jade
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts
  • Various 3-star Artifacts

Primo Geovishap Guide:

How to EASILY beat Primo Geovishap in Genshin Impact (ALL ELEMENTS) - Free to Play Friendly!


7. Andrius(Wolf of the North)

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It's normal to have conflicts in the family.

Now begins the list of weekly bosses, there’s no doubt that these bosses have significantly better rewards compared to the regular ones. Andrius is no exception.

The Wolf of the North can be found in Mondstadt. He rules over all wolves in the area and embodies the powers of cryo and anemo. 


This boss doesn’t feature any elemental shields, and it's pretty easy to attack due to its size and readable attack patterns. Avoid bringing cryo or anemo characters as all their attacks would be rendered useless due to Andrius’ immunity. During his first phase, deal as much damage as you can early on, his attacks during this time will be easily telegraphed, and counter attacking is a must.

Once his HP falls low enough, he retreats for a while and circles around you. Keep your eye on him, as he can attack anytime with a high speed charge. His last charge will be a giant drop attack before transforming into his second phase. In this form, Andrius will use attacks similar to his initial phase, but they will be wider, faster, and deadlier. 

Andrius is the perfect enemy to introduce weekly boss mechanics to new players. Veteran players are sure to farm him from time to time due to the specific rewards for ascension.

Rewards for Killing Andrius:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Tail of Boreas
  • Ring of Boreas
  • Spirit Locket of Boreas
  • Northlander Billets
  • Dream Solvent
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts
  • Various 3-star Artifacts

Andrius Guide:

How to EASILY beat Andrius Lupus Boreas in Genshin Impact Free to Play Friendly!


6. Stormterror

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The big bad dragon turns out to be one of the original protectors of Mondstadt.

The ultimate boss fight from the Mondstadt arc makes the list. Stormterror is actually originally one of the Four Guardian Winds, but was corrupted by the Abyss Order. The fight’s goal is to cleanse Dvalin from his abyssal horns and end his rampage.


The fight employs a unique camera angle that makes it easier to follow Stormterror. Using ranged characters is recommended but not entirely necessary. 

In the initial stage, Stormterror will bite, claw, and use breath attacks, this leaves his claws and neck vulnerable for attack. Make sure to give him all you have during these times to eventually knock him down. Once you do, it’s a race to the top of his head, where the main horn is attached. Again, make sure you unleash all you have, as if you deal enough damage, you can end the fight there.

For those that don’t get the job done immediately, they’ll have to take on Stormterror’s awakened form. This makes his attacks more aggressive, and certain platforms will cause you damage so you have to glide over to new ones from time to time. Continue attacking him during his vulnerable states to finally conquer this boss.

Rewards for Killing Stormterror:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Dvalin’s Plume
  • Dvalin’s Claw
  • Dvalin’s Sigh
  • Northlander Billets
  • Dream Solvent
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts
  • Various 3-star Artifacts

Stormterror Guide:

How to EASILY beat Stormterror Dvalin in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!


5. Azhdaha

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The second rock frog on our list, he's even more crankier.

This is what you get when you piss off your pet so badly. Azhdaha was a friend and ally to Zhongli, but years of captivity and corruption have brought out the worst in this earthen dragon. I’d like to mention as a side note that he has one of the most epic background music in the game. 


Azhdaha is a tough cookie, he starts off as an ordinary geo dragon with heavy melee hits. Bring his HP down enough, and then he starts to absorb other elements from the ley lines. You can actually see what elements he has in store from the signs on his domain gate.

This is one fight where you’ll definitely need to bring along a shielder. This is not only to lessen his melee and stomp attacks’ damage, but to also protect yourself from the multiple domain effects he enforces.

His signature attack has to be when he stomps wildly in a huge AoE that reaches almost the entire domain except for the edges. Once he’s infused with elements, his moveset changes, and some even have him dashing around the area. Mastering all his moves will take time and experience, but you can beat him as long as you have your trusty shield.

Rewards for Killing Azhdaha:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Dragon Lord’s Crown
  • Bloodjade Branch
  • Gilded Scale
  • Dream Solvent
  • Northlander Billets
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts
  • Various 3-star Artifacts

Azhdaha Guide:

How to EASILY Beat EVERY Azhdaha in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!


4. Childe

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If only his playable version could achieve this form.

The first Harbinger that we get to fight does not disappoint. Childe introduced us to the concept of delusions and just how powerful one canbe. In this battle, we see three forms that Childe takes on, and we see him grow in power and speed.


Childe’s initial form is generally easy to take on. Attack him with all you have, but remember to dodge his hydro arrow attacks. Up to a point, he reveals his second phase, where he shifts to using electro. He switches to melee attacks, and goes about dashing and slicing you around the field.

Bringing his HP down will have him reveal his Foul Legacy form. This is the final phase where he now uses both electro and hydro. He’ll be using both ranged and melee attacks so keep your eye on him at all times.

Despite having multiple forms, Childe is comparatively squishy when compared to other bosses. Suffice to say, just dodge his big attacks and bring a really good DPS to take him down quickly.

Rewards for Killing Childe:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Tusk of Monoceros Caeli
  • Shard of a Foul Legacy
  • Shadow of the Warrior
  • Dream Solvent
  • Northlander Billets
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts
  • Various 3-star Artifacts

Childe Guide:

How to EASILY beat Childe (Tartaglia) in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!


3. La Signora

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Are you one of those that dream of her being playable someday?

The long-awaited battle against La Signora finally came to be during the Inazuma Archon Quest. As a Harbinger, she’s a formidable opponent that is not to be taken lightly. She utilizes cryo initially, but this is only to suppress her true power as the Crimson Witch of Flames. 


At the beginning of the fight, she leaves herself vulnerable to your attacks, though it may look like she is shielded. The main thing you have to look out for is the frost on the ground, that can really deplete your shield or HP. Luckily, there are mechanisms around the area that can provide warmth that will cleanse you of the frost gradually.

Getting her to a certain point in her HP will force her to retreat to her icy cocoon. You’ll have to pick up the butterflies floating around to enhance your next attack with pyro and deplete the cryo shield of her cocoon. Once you do, you’ll get to see her in her ultimate form.

La Signora turns into the Crimson Witch of Flames and all her cryo attacks turn to pyro, including the frosting effect. You can still use the mechanisms around to ease your condition. Be wary of her positioning, as she moves around a lot and can be annoying.

She’s considerably quicker to take down compared to other bosses as she doesn’t use a shield, but she makes up for it by escaping and depleting your HP bit by bit. Bring a healer to ensure your longevity.

Rewards for Killing La Signora:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Molten Moment
  • Ashen Heart
  • Hellfire Butterfly
  • Dream Solvent
  • Northlander Billets
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts
  • Various 3-star Artifacts

La Signora Guide:

How to EASILY Beat La Signora in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!


2. Raiden Shogun

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Imagine the poor souls in the Archon War who had to face this.

Probably the most aesthetic boss fight currently in the game. Not only is the Raiden Shogun model the coolest, but her attacks are straight out of an anime fan’s dream. In this fight, we take on the Electro Archon herself, so trust that the difficulty of the battle is way up there.


Raiden Shogun, in her initial phase, already makes for a tough opponent. She performs a flurry of melee attacks, creates multiple illusions, and has dash attacks. It won’t take long until she finally reveals her second form, which is where the trouble really comes in.

Raiden transforms into the warrior she truly is. Her signature move is a one-shot attack that only gives you seconds to attack a mechanism in order to shield yourself. The rest of her kit employs lightning pulses, tracking lightning, and swings from her sword. She does all of this with one of the thickest shields ever, that you have to deplete in order to get her vulnerable again.

The best way to conquer Raiden is through preparation, make sure to bring elements that can remove electro infusion. You can also bring on shielders or healers to make the fight a bit more bearable. Lastly, you can also bring an electro character to make interactions with her mechanisms faster.

Rewards for Killing Raiden Shogun:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Mudra of the Malefic General
  • Tears of the Calamitous God
  • The Meaning of Aeons
  • Dream Solvent
  • Northlander Billets
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts
  • Various 3-star Artifacts

Raiden Shogun Guide:

How to EASILY Beat Raiden Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto in Genshin Impact - Free 2 Play Friendly


1. Scaramouche

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Moments away from godhood.

The most epic boss fight happens to be the newest weekly boss added to the game. Scaramouche takes the game’s difficulty up a notch by introducing new mechanics when fighting in his domain. He also punishes players who are too lazy to dodge or bring a shielder/healer to the battle.


Scaramouche, in his initial form, is seen housed in a gigantic upper body of a robotic figure. In this initial stage, you’ll mostly have to look out for the energy blasts coming from his hands, the occasional volley of projectiles, and ground effects that can slowly deplete your HP. 

To be fair, he attacks relatively slowly and has lots of openings for attacks. Also remember to use the Neo Akasha Terminal that Nahida gives you. This will allow you to absorb cores that will occasionally drop and fire them right at Scaramouche.

Once you’ve defeated his initial form, his robotic figure combines with its lower half, creating a gigantic humanoid with a brand new set of moves. He’s going to spawn with a really tough shield that’s gonna take some time to deplete. Use the Neo Akasha Terminal every chance you get to deal good chunks of damage and eventually take him down in his weakened state.

This fight gives travelers an exhilarating experience while getting to actually use the full power of team compositions. Not to mention, the amazing rewards that you are blessed with after.

Rewards for Killing Scaramouche:

  • Mora
  • Companionship EXP
  • Adventure EXP
  • Elemental Ascension Stones 
  • Mirror of Mushin
  • Daka’s Bell
  • Puppet Strings
  • Dream Solvent
  • Midlander Weapon Billets
  • Gladiators Finale Artifacts
  • Wanderers Troupe Artifacts
  • Various 4-star Artifacts

Scaramouche Guide:

How to EASILY Beat Scaramouche in Genshin Impact - Free to Play Friendly!

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