[Top 3] Fate Grand Order Best Starters

Fate Grand Order Best Starters
20 Oct 2018

It’s Dangerous to Go Alone! Take THESE!

Fate/Grand Order, which even now threatens the popularity of Pokémon Go in Japan, provides players with a similar kit of Starter Servants in the opening chapters to help you on your quest. RANDOMIZED Starter Servants. Yikes. What you’ll get is anyone’s guess. Have no fear though; we’re going to teach you how to give the Summoning System a nice, friendly wrench whack to ensure that your opening roster has at least one powerhouse in its ranks.

Shortly after Fate/Grand Order’s Battle Tutorial, but before human history viciously implodes like a tachyon Jenga tower, you’ll be given a modest amount of Saint Quartz (SQ) to try out the game’s SQ Summoning system with. This is a mandatory event, but fortuitous as you’re guaranteed at least one 4-Star (A Ranked Gold!) Servant from your very first SQ 10-Roll Summon. Specifically, one of these:

The (4-Star) Gold Standard!

Yes, you read that right. Elisabeth Bathory, one of Europe’s most infamous serial killers can be a member of your squad. That is, if you’re lucky enough to get her as who you receive from this initial roll is up to chance. Well, sort of.

If you don’t like what you get at first, you can always “Reroll.” This is quite a common practice among FGO’s fanbase. It involves deleting the application and redownloading it (don’t worry, it’s a free program) from your phone to give the Tutorial Summon another try. Here’s a quick step-by-step.

  1. Do the Tutorial Battles and Clear the Prologue. If you’re all ready rerolling, you can use the Skip button in the top-right corner of the screen to zip through story moments you’ve seen previously.
  2. Do the Tutorial 10-Roll Summon
  3. If you’re not happy with the results, delete the entire application and reinstall to try again. Android users will have to clear app data.

There. You might consider it a little underhanded, but All’s Fair in Love & Holy Grail Wars. This intro concluded, here are the Top 3 Best Starter Servants you should be aiming for.

3. Elizabeth Bathory

Even if you don’t get her this time, take heart, you’ll be seeing A LOT more of Elisabeth during Halloween

Okay, hear us out. Her crimes against women and her foul taste in tub water aside, Elisabeth is actually a fairly solid Servant to have. Her very first Skill is Charisma C, which increases the entire party’s attack for 3 whole turns. The second Skill she acquires after her first Ascension is Torture Technique A, putting her infamous sadism to good use as she greatly diminishes one enemy’s defense for 3 turns. The last Skill she can get is Battle Continuation B, which brings her back to life with a fraction of her HP if she’s knocked out.

Her Noble Phantasm (NP) is about as acceptable. Báthory Erzsébet E- hits the whole enemy team and bypasses their defense buffs while inflicting Curse with Overcharge. All in all, Elisabeth is reliable, functional, and decent. Can’t say the same about her singing though.


Hitman for Humanity, Self-Loathing Sentinel, and an Excellent Chef

One of the original 7 (technically 9) Servants from the Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel, EMIYA is an interesting grab bag of abilities. Eye of the Mind (True) B allows him to evade all attacks for 1 turn while boosting his defenses for 3 turns. Clairvoyance C isn’t very notable by itself as it just increases the Critical Star generation from his attacks. His typical combos won’t benefit from Clairvoyance much, but combined with his NP Unlimited Blade Works (UBW), which hits multiple times, it can generate a lot of Critical Stars to use for the next turn.

In contrast, Magecraft C- doesn’t synergize too well with his Noble Phantasm as it only boosts the effectiveness of his Arts Cards for a turn, which he has plenty of, but UBW is a Buster NP. You can upgrade Magecraft C- into Projection A (a Skill that buffs the power of his Arts, Quick, and Buster cards for one turn) after you complete his Strengthening Quest, but that can only be accessed after you’ve fully Ascended EMIYA.

Nonetheless, this crimson hero’s stats and varied moveset allows him to fill a lot of roles on your team. Being the sole Archer among your choices in the Tutorial Summon also makes him a powerful asset to use against the big boss of the First Singularity: a certain Dark Saber he shares a violently amorous past with.

1. Heracles

He might rank #3 on our Top 10 Servant list overall, but here, Herc unquestionably stands at the top of the Tutorial Servant totem pole. His Skills make him extremely difficult to put down. His Buster Command Cards and Nine Lives NP make it extremely easy for him to bash through much of your opposition in the early Singularities. And his Berserker Class gives him a type advantage over all non-Shielder foes. Herc’s placement here is as much a no-brainer as he is a mindless killing machine. Even the official gag comic agrees!

Not Pictured: Herc graphically destroying all your enemies (and some of your more irritating allies) after he joins you.

So that’s your Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle set for Fate/Grand Order! Which one will you try to get? Do you want to know more about the other potential Tutorial Servants? Feel free to tell us in the Comment Section!

Feel free to recharge between Singularities with some tasty [JELLY DONUTS], Masters!

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