[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Lesion Loadouts That Are Excellent

Top 5 Best Lesion Loadouts in R6 Siege
18 Dec 2023

Lesion is one of the most solid operators in the game. He may not have any flashy moves or special gadgets, in fact, he’s a very simple operator to use. However, he’s very useful to his team and troublesome to his enemies. That’s because his Gu Mines poisons enemies and prevents them from sprinting, effectively slowing them down. On top of that, a Gu Mine would produce a distinct sound when triggered, and that acts as an early warning device for the defenders. With Lesion on the team, it’ll be quite hard for attackers to catch the defenders inside the objective spot off-guard.


5. SIX12 SD with Reflex B + Q-929 with Suppressor + Bulletproof Camera

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This loadout setup is for players who prefer to run with the SIX12 SD shotgun as their primary weapon when playing Lesion. The SIX12 SD shotgun is drum fed, so its main advantage over most shotguns in the game is that it can be reloaded fast. But one advantage it has that is often overlooked is its integrated suppressor. Because it has an integrated suppressor, Lesion can shoot enemies with it without providing them with a directional threat indicator of where the shots are coming from, and while this weapon is only effective at close range, that added measure of stealth still really helps in slowing down the opponents’ reaction time.

The Reflex B 1.0x sight would be the best sight attachment for the SIX12 SD as well as for most shotguns. That’s because its frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space, so the user will have a really clear view of his front and surroundings, which is great for close quarters combat. For this loadout, the generic gadget is the bulletproof camera which is a great partner to the SIX12 SD shotgun, because it will allow Lesion to know if enemies are near entryways, and that intel will let him have the proper timing on when to suddenly come out and engage them with the shotgun.

Excels in:

  • Taking out enemies at close quarters due to the heavy damage per pellet of the SIX12 SD shotgun
  • Integrated suppressor on the SIX12 SD shotgun prevents enemies from immediately knowing where they’re being shot from
  • Bulletproof camera on the generic gadget slot will provide Lesion and the whole defending team with great intel
  • The suppressed Q-929 handgun will allow Lesion to shoot enemy gadgets with less risk of enemies being alerted
  • Ability to prevent hard breaching or intel gathering with the use of the bulletproof camera’s EMP blast

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - SIX12 SD with Reflex B
  • Secondary weapon - Q-929 with Suppressor
  • Generic gadget - Bulletproof Camera

Pellet spread test on the SIX12 SD in this setup at 5m range

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Pellet spread test on the SIX12 SD in this setup at 10m range

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4. T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + Q-929 with Suppressor + Impact Grenade

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The compensator takes the fourth spot as the T-5 SMG’s best barrel attachment because the weapon doesn’t really have a big recoil diamond. However, the compensator would still lower its size and that would mean less horizontal recoil and random recoil from all directions with the T-5 SMG. This usually results in a more stable firing experience with the T-5 SMG especially for longer sprays. And since the recoil of the T-5 SMG only mostly goes vertically, with this setup, the user will mostly have to just worry about holding down its vertical recoil.

The impact grenades in this loadout are very important for Lesion as an anchor because with them, he’ll be able to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage. With impact grenades, he can make rotation holes inside the objective spot which are very important for flanking enemies and responding to them when they’re pushing the other bomb site. Impact grenades are also great for finishing off enemies who are in a down-but-not-out state if they’re on a long distance and they’re able to crawl to cover, and of course, they’re the best utilities for countering Osa’s Clear Shield.

Excels in:

  • Stabilizing the recoil of the T-5 SMG for longer sprays with the use of the compensator barrel attachment
  • Further lowering the recoil of the T-5 SMG with the use of the vertical grip attachment
  • Being able to shoot defender gadgets with less risk of alerting them with the use of the suppressed Q-929 handgun
  • Ability to rework the map by using the impact grenades to create rotation holes inside the objective spot
  • Ability to counter Osa’s Clear shield and finish off injured enemies behind cover with the use of impact grenades

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary weapon - Q-929 with Suppressor
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the T-5 SMG in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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3. T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + Q-929 with Suppressor + Impact Grenade

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This loadout setup has a high ranking in this list because with it, the user will have the best recoil possible with the T-5 SMG. That’s because both the flash hider barrel attachment and the vertical grip greatly reduces the weapon’s vertical kick, and that’s perfect for the T-5 SMG because its recoil pattern mostly only goes vertically. So, to greatly lower its vertical recoil will make it so that the user will have a very easy time holding down the T-5 SMG even when emptying a whole clip from it. But the flash hider isn’t only great for lowering the weapon’s vertical recoil.

The flash hider, as its name implies, also hides the muzzle flash of weapons. That means it will prevent enemies from immediately noticing where Lesion is shooting them from with a visual cue from the muzzle flash. This is great for Lesion who would have to be anchoring the objective spot most of the time and would be strafing enemies behind cover. This loadout setup practically negates the effects of the recent recoil progression overhaul which made it harder to control the recoil of weapons while performing long sprays.

Excels in:

  • Providing the Lesion player, the best recoil possible on the T-5 SMG with the use of the flash hider and vertical grip attachments
  • Preventing enemies from immediately seeing Lesion through the muzzle flash of the T-5 SMG with the use of the flash hider attachment
  • Ability to create rotation holes or quick escape holes with the use of the impact grenades
  • Being able to shoot enemy gadgets without alerting enemies with the use of the suppressed Q-929 handgun
  • Ability to counter Osa’s Clear Shield and finish off injured enemies behind cover with the use of the impact grenades

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary weapon - Q-929 with Suppressor
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the T-5 SMG in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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2. T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + Q-929 with Suppressor + Impact Grenade

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The T-5 SMG’s biggest drawback is that its damage is below average, and that’s why for a lot of players, the best barrel attachment for it would be the extended barrel. That’s because the extended barrel maximizes the damage potential and output of the T-5 SMG by greatly reducing its range damage drop-off. With this setup, Lesion will be dealing a good amount of damage per shot with the T-5 SMG regardless of range. This is great for Lesion’s role as an anchor because while defending the objective spot, there would be times when he has to strafe opponents at medium to long-range.

Since the extended barrel doesn’t add any recoil control benefits, it’s best to take advantage of the vertical grip attachment. With the vertical grip, the weapon’s vertical weapon kick will be greatly lowered, and this will allow Lesion to control the gun really well even during longer sprays. The suppressed Q-929 handgun will be really useful when Lesion needs to flank and have to shoot attacker drones or claymores while minimizing the risk of alerting the enemies. The Q-929's stock recoil is very manageable so the user doesn’t have to worry about not having a barrel attachment that adds more recoil control.

Excels in:

  • Maximizing the damage output and potential of the T-5 SMG with the use of the extended barrel
  • Reducing the recoil of the T-5 SMG with the use of the vertical grip attachment
  • Being able to shoot enemy drones or claymores without alerting the enemies with the use of the suppressed Q-929 handgun
  • Ability to create rotation holes and quick flank holes with the use of the impact grenades
  • Counter Osa’s Clear Shield and finishing injured enemies off that are behind cover

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary weapon - Q-929 with Suppressor
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the T-5 SMG in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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1. T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Q-929 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Impact Grenade

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The suppressed T-5 SMG is the best primary weapon for Lesion especially since the recent rework on the suppressors which removed their damage reduction penalty on weapons. Now, the only drawback from using the suppressor is that it doesn’t make the weapon’s recoil any better, which makes it perfect for weapons like the T-5 SMG which doesn’t have a strong recoil in the first place. With this setup, the Lesion player can just enjoy the superb stealth benefits that the suppressor adds to the T-5 SMG without really worrying much about controlling the gun’s recoil.

When it comes to that, the vertical grip attachment should be enough to hold down the T-5 SMG’s recoil and make it stable even when firing in longer sprays. As for the secondary weapon in this loadout, it’s best to remove the suppressor on the Q-929 and replace it with a muzzle brake. That's because your primary weapon already has a suppressor and you can shoot enemies and their gadgets with it with less risk of giving away your position. The muzzle brake and laser on your handgun in this loadout will allow you to finish off your enemies quickly when your primary needs to be reloaded.

Excels in:

  • Shooting enemies without them getting a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from
  • Preventing enemies from determining your location due to the sound of your gunshots
  • Hiding the muzzle flash of the T-5 SMG reduces the visual cues that enemies could react to
  • Ability to create rotation holes inside the objective spot using the impact grenades
  • Having a really good recoil control on the Q-929 due to the muzzle brake and tight hip fire from the laser

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - T-5 SMG with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary weapon - Q-929 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the T-5 SMG in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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