[Top 5] Two Point Hospital Best Staff Skills

Two Point Hospital Best Staff Skills
09 Nov 2022

Which skills are worth taking for your staff in Two Point Hospital?

Two Point Hospital is a great management game about handling hospitals, diagnosing and treating patients, and well, earning as much money as you can while training and promoting your staff to be better at what they do, and honestly, it is a challenging game at times, especially when you are trying to budget income and expenses.

We will focus on staff management as they are a huge part of the game, and know which skills and qualifications are best to learn and specialize in the long run.

5. Treatment

Body Image

The treatment skill is available for both nurses and doctors. Basically, it increases the chance of curing a patient when your staff is trained in the treatment skill. It goes up to Treatment V, which maximizes the available skill slot for any staff member.

Why Treatment is Great:

  • There is a 10% increase for every treatment level, which works well in early levels.
  • A jack of all trades skill that can help if you have a few doctors or nurses at the start of the game. If you do not prefer micro-managing staff roles, this is a good qualification for your staff.
  • Doctors and nurses can be trained, so you can train more staff at once.

Choose Treatment skill until your staff member gets to Treatment III, then get a specialized treatment skill such as Injection Administration, Pharmacy, or Genetics.

Treatment full details:


Treatment Skill

  • I (Increased): +10%
  • II (Enhanced): +10%
  • III (Advanced): +10%
  • IV (Elite): +10%
  • V (World Class): +10%


  • Nurse
  • Doctor

4. Maintenance/Mechanics

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Maintenance and Mechanics are two janitor-specific skills, and both are important in maintaining your machines and hospital. Maintenance is mostly for repairing your machines, while mechanics is used for upgrading your machines, and it is actually a requirement before you can upgrade a machine.

Why Maintenance and Mechanics are Great:

  • Upgrading machines is a must in Two Point Hospital. Hence, you may want to train your staff with mechanics training.
  • Maintaining several machines can be troublesome if you have tons of them, and a janitor has other tasks as well, and these small backlogs may lead to fire. Increasing their efficiency in repair and maintenance skills will help your hospital scale better.
  • Each level gives out a huge buff for the skill, so it is good to have them at least level 2.

Choose Maintenance and Mechanics if you want an all-around janitor that can do both. Maintenance II and Mechanics II would be great uses to your janitor’s four slots, while the fifth slot can be used for ghost capture (requirement to capture ghosts in your hospital), stamina training, or motivation.

Maintenance full details:

Repair & Maintenance Skill:

  • I (Increased): +30%
  • II (Enhanced): +30%
  • III (Advanced): +30%
  • IV (Elite): +30%
  • V (World Class): +30%


  • Janitor

Mechanics full details:

Upgrade Skill:

  • I (Increased): Allows to upgrade Machines
  • II (Enhanced): +50%
  • III (Advanced): +50%
  • IV (Elite): +50%
  • V (World Class): +50%


  • Janitor

3. Radiology

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Radiology is a one-of-a-kind skill for doctors, and it specializes in diagnostics as it will unlock the use of the M.E.G.A Scanner, and only those who have this skill can use it. If you train a doctor with this skill, make sure he only works in either X-Ray rooms or M.E.G.A Scanner.

Why Radiology is Great:

  • Diagnosis is very important in sending patients to the correct treatment, and the higher the diagnosis percentage, the better chance of curing them. Thus, the use of an M.E.G.A Scanner and X-Ray are both critical in increasing the hospital's diagnosis efficiency.
  • It only takes one slot, so you can use the other four slots to increase the diagnostics level.
  • X-ray and M.E.G.A Scanners are both money-making machines, and thus can help your hospital financially.

Choose Radiology if you want a better diagnosis for your patients while amassing a huge amount of money with every diagnosis. We highly recommend pairing it with up to Diagnostics III to buff up the diagnosis power.

Radiology full details:

Added Skills:

  • +20% X-Ray Diagnosis Skill
  • Allows a Doctor to use the M.E.G.A Scanner and increases X-Ray Diagnostic skill


  • Doctor

2. General Practice

Body Image

General Practice skill is a specialized skill for doctors that will use the GP’s office. Although, it is an optional training to actually use the GP’s Office as all doctors can do it regardless, training in General Practice can increase your doctors’ diagnosis skills dramatically, and thus, it is recommended to have doctors that specialize in General Practice in later levels.

Why General Practice is Great:

  • General Practice is a great skill for your doctor in early levels as they can easily increase the diagnosis percentage every time a patient comes in for a checkup.
  • A high level of general practice skill can sometimes help you diagnose 90% to 100% of illnesses in one visit, making your hospital very efficient.
  • The GP's Office usually has long queues in your hospital. Having specialized doctors with General Practice training can help reduce the queue instead of creating more GP’s offices.

Choose General Practice if you are getting long queues in your GP Offices, and you need to train your doctors to specialize in general practice. We recommend getting at least General Practice IV to maximize the specialized doctor’s diagnosis skills, then a complementary skill would be for stamina or bedroom treatment.

General Practice full details:

GP Diagnosis Skill

  • I (Increased): +15%
  • II (Enhanced): +15%
  • III (Advanced): +15%
  • IV (Elite): +15%
  • V (World Class): +15%


  • Doctor

1. Diagnostics

Body Image

Diagnostics is our top skill considering that it is an all-around skill that can be used by both doctors and nurses in most diagnosis rooms. Plus, most of the time spent by the patients is going from one diagnostic room to another until their diagnosis reaches the threshold before they can go to get their treatment. Thus, we can emphasize this skill to be used in conjunction with other specialized diagnosis skills to further improve your staff member’s diagnosis power.

Why Diagnostics is Great:

  • Diagnostics is an all-around increase in skill as there are several diagnosis rooms that will benefit when your staff has this skill.
  • Similar to Treatment skill, Diagnostics benefits both doctors and nurses, and thus, you can train both types of staff in one go.
  • This can be combined with other specialized diagnosis skills, such as genetics skill.

Choose Diagnostics if you want your nurses and doctors to be all-around in the diagnosis rooms. We recommend getting at least Diagnostics III if you are not going to specialize your staff, otherwise, Diagnostics II would suffice.

Diagnostics full details:

Diagnosis Skill
  • I (Increased): +10% 
  • II (Enhanced): +10%
  • III (Advanced): +10%
  • IV (Elite): +10%
  • V (World Class): +10%


  • Doctor
  • Nurse

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