[Top 15] Minecraft Most Beautiful Biomes That Are Fun To Play

Minecraft Most Beautiful Biomes That Are Fun To Play
29 May 2022

What are biomes and why do they make Minecraft unique?

Biomes are the feature that makes each Minecraft world so unique and diverse;  every biome is based on a real one and each one has its unique features and mobs, for this reason, we decided to do a list of the top 15 most beautiful biomes in Minecraft. 


15. Plains

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Plains are one of the most common biomes you can find in any Minecraft world, but that doesn't mean you can't find some of the most beautiful views in the game; also the fact that most of the plains terrain is flat makes it perfect for exploring or settling to build your home in. Also, most villages will spawn in this biome making it perfect for easy loot gathering. 

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • The flat terrain makes it perfect for exploring
  • Most villages are located in this biome

14. Forest

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Forests are the perfect biome to start your adventure due to the abundance of wood, forests are full of trees, flowers, and mushrooms giving you some of the most beautiful and unique views in the game.

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views 
  • Full of creatures and plants
  • Perfect for gathering wood 

13. Dark forest

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Dark forests in general are a complicated biome since they are full of trees and so compacted together that many hostile mobs will spawn here, but that doesn't mean we can't take advantage of that situation. We can use the lack of light as a natural mob spawner to gain XP, also dark forests are the only biome where woodland mansions can spawn, this is perfect also for gaining XP and getting some loot; just take in mind that forests can be a really big biome so try not to get lost in the process. 

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • Perfect for gathering resources
  • Here you can find woodland mansions 

12. Sunflower Plains

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Sunflower plains are very similar to common plains, except for the fact that sunflowers will spawn in this biome, but don't let the similarities fool you, this variation of the biome is quite an uncommon one and is the only biome where sunflowers can naturally spawn.

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • Full of sunflowers
  • Common but beautiful 

11. Flower forest

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The flower forest is very similar to the forest biome, but with fewer trees, although the lack of trees is countered by the abundance of flowers; in this biome, you will find every kind of flower and some which will only spawn in the flower forest, this biome is perfect for harvesting and farming dyes. 

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful biome
  • Unique views
  • Full of colourful flowers and trees 

10. River 

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Rivers are made up of bodies of water that divide two pieces of land and will generally flow in a curved direction, rivers unlike in real life don't have a current that pulls you, some rivers will end up in the ocean. Rivers are a great biome for fishing and for obtaining clay.

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views

  • Common but very beautiful

  • Easy for finding resources such as food 


9. Frozen River

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Frozen rivers are like rivers, but the water on top is frozen and instead of having normal grass the whole terrain is covered in snow, this combination results in some of the most astonishing views that you can find.

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • The snow makes it unique
  • Perfect for getting resources 

8. Warm ocean 

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Warm oceans are one of the most colourful and beautiful biomes to look at since here is where coral riffs and sea pickles will spawn. Warm oceans are full of beautiful and rare mobs like tropical fish.

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • Full of unique mobs and plants
  • Very colourful 

7. Ice spikes

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Ice spikes are a variation of the snowy plains biome, with the slight difference that large spikes and glaciers can be found, the white landscape is breathtaking and will have you exploring and looking at the huge spikes for hours.

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • Great for exploring
  • unique biome 

6. Beach

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The beach as in real life is one of the most relaxing a beautiful biomes to explore, beaches are where the land meets the sea and are full of mobs and plants and can also be a great biome to settle and gather resources.

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • Full of beautiful mobs
  • Great for exploring land and water

5. Desert

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Although the desert may seem like an inhospitable and empty biome, it is also full of the rarest and most mindblowing structures in the whole game, some examples of this are the desert villages and desert temples which not only are beautiful to look at, but they are also full of loot to gather. 

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • Great for exploring
  • Full of resources

4. Frozen peaks

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Frozen peaks will generate in mountains biomes and the thing which makes them unique is the fact that they are covered in snow blocks and ice spikes which gives them some beautiful views, the only mob that spawns here are goats.

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • Great for exploring
  • Rare biome 

3. Jungle

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Jungle biomes are one of the richest biomes when it comes to mobs, plants, and structures, some of the mobs that only spawn in this biome are parrots and pandas, here you will also find large jungle trees and bamboo, and one of the rarest structure which is the jungle temple. 

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views 
  • Full of resources
  • Full of beautiful mobs and plants

2. Badlands

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The badlands biome is one of the most beautiful and scarce biomes due to its colourful landscapes that are made possible thanks to its terracotta mountains which form in a different variety of colours and sizes, badlands are also full of caves where gold is one of the most common ores to find. You can also find red sand minted of regular sand. 

What makes this biome great:

  • Beautiful views
  • One of the rarest biomes to find
  • Full of colour 

1. Lush caves

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These caves are full of resources and beautiful views to look at although they can be found under mountains the combination of moss plants and the structures that this biome generates make it one of the richest and most beautiful biomes you will encounter in Minecraft, sometimes you can even find other biomes inside of a lush cave such as rivers and lakes.

What makes this biome great:

  • Incredible views
  • Full of resources
  • Great for exploration 

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