Top 10] Ninjala Best Shinobi Cards That Are Great

Shinobi cards.
22 Feb 2022

When you first start off your ninjala journey, the very first thing you would be drawn to immediately (Aside from customizing your own character) is your weapon.  After choosing the weapon you would most likely stay loyal to, death do us part, the priest that combines the skill of the player and enhances the weapon is none other than shinobi cards. I’ll simply just be listing the ones that are the best contenders for it. 

1. Life Drainer

  • It is useful for fast-weapon users as it enables you to absorb life from your foe every time you attack them.
  • Your damage gets reduced after absorbing life,  making the card a double-edged sword.
  • Not to mention the reduced gum damage.
  • Makes it easier to earn IPPONS.


2. Strike big

  • Increases the chance of getting more IPPONS since most start with a small weapon.
  • Life is recovered if you are able to defeat an opponent with the big weapon you start with.
  • It will increase your S-energy gauge when you defeat an opponent with the big weapon, giving you a better advantage over other players.
  • An increased ninjutsu gauge every time a weapon crush is performed on you, giving you the time to escape, perform PARRY or respawn your weapon.


3. Discerning eye

  • If you’re looking to destroy drones rather than attack enemies, then this is the shinobi card for you.
  • By defeating drones, your movement speed will be increased temporarily thus giving you the increased chance to find more drones to destroy.
  • The location of opponents near drones will be able to be seen through walls to a certain extent. Helpful if you’re looking to destroy a drone and get a kill at the same time.
  •  There is an Increased likelihood of getting a drone kill bonus, earning you a higher place within the ranks.


4.Starting Dash

  •  It allows you to move faster at the start of the battle and after respawning, increasing the likelihood of gaining the first attack.
  • The damage at the beginning and after respawning will be significantly reduced.
  • Best to use if you’re looking for a well-rounded play, both defensively and offensively.
  • Gives you an increased S-energy capacity, making it a great card for beginners to use.


5. Energy hoarder

  •  It is a great shinobi card to choose from, as its S-energy gauge increases as you obtain S-energy.
  • Every time you obtain S-energy, your life recovers as well.  
  • Your ninjutsu gauges increase as well.
  • It is Great offensively if you’re looking for easier KOS.


6. Last Spurt

  • If your often find yourself in last place, then this is the shinobi card for you.
  • When using this card, you will have at least 60 seconds of a maxed-out s-energy gauge, meaning that no matter how many times you use it, it will never run out.
  • Shortens the cooldown of gum shoots while it is active.
  • Life recovery starts sooner.


7. Quick Respawn

  • Gives you the advantage of respawning instantly so at least you will have the opportunity to take revenge against the one who KOED you.
  • Equipping will allow you to move quicker temporarily after respawning.
  • When respawning quickly, you will be able to gain increased ninjutsu gauge.


8. Ninjutsu Stock

  • A card that doubles the capacity of your ninjutsu gauge.
  •  It pairs well with energy hoarder, enabling you get twice the amount.
  • When its gauge is over the limit, it displays the position of foes within a set range beyond the walls. Increases the likelihood of getting IPPONS.
  • It restores your life as well when you defeat foes with your gum ninjutsu.


9. Sudden Burst

  •  This card enables you to activate an S-burst, even when your s-energy gauge is depleted. Especially useful if you use it in the beginning.
  • During a parry, if you defeat your foe, you will be to increase your ninjutsu gauge.
  • Defeating your foe with an ippon will restore your life instantly.
  •  It Pairs extremely well with last spurt because even if it fails the first time, the unlimited amount of S-energy gives you the upper hand.


10. Stealing Hyena

  •  A card that allows you to steal your opponent’s kill.
  • As you increase the range of it, you will be able to find weakened opponents easier.
  •  It Allows you to move faster when running towards a foe that is low on life.
  •  It will enable you to deal increased gum damage with gum shoots direct at foes, just in case their trying to run away.
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