Overwatch Artists Reveal Their Halloween Skin Secrets

Overwatch Artists Reveal Their Halloween Skin Secrets
21 Oct 2021

With the release of the Overwatch Halloween Terror event came several new legendary character skins, among these, are Bastion’s Coffin outfit, Echo’s Vampire Bat gear, and Brigitte’s Vampire Hunter outfit.

The concept artists that worked on these skins, Daryl Tan and Morten Skaalvik, have shared some of the inspirations and ideas that they used to create the final outcomes of those skins.

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Coffin Bastion. Image by Overwatch.

Daryl Tan, who designed Coffin Bastion and Vampire Echo, says that for Bastion he had to do quite a bit of thinking as he only had ‘coffin’ as his inspiration. In the end, he decided to add a grave keeper’s lantern to Bastion, along with a chained up sarcophagus and a skeletal left hand. 

Another creepy addition is Bastion’s smg, which is now modeled after an open casket. Yikes. Talk about being at death’s door…

Besides these unique features, Bastion boasts a significant number of coffin fragments and graveyard decorations.

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Vampire Echo. Image by Overwatch.

For Vampire Echo, Tan drew relied heavily on sharp Gothic forms for skin’s primary theme. He also added a high-tech robotic twist to Echo by connecting a bunch of coiled fluid tubes to her.

Morten Skaalvik was more than happy for the opportunity to design a skin for Brigitte, who is also Scandinavian. Skaalvik relied heavily on Gothic furniture and architecture for inspiration for Brigitte’s skin.

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Vampire hunter Brigitte. Image by Overwatch.

Skaalvik decided that making Brigitte a demon did not suit her character and opted instead to make Brigitte a Vampire hunter, making her a protector against evil, rather than evil itself.

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