Top 35 Best Jill Valentine Cosplays of All Time

 Jill Valentine Cosplays
11 Dec 2023

A survivor with sexy killer style, Jill Valentine is a cosplay must!

Jill Valentine is one of the most iconic characters from the Resident Evil franchise.

Mainly because she is tough and somehow always managed survive. Her role went through so much development the fans were continually wondering where she would turn up next.

Because of this development, she has gone through many costume changes. You know that always inspires the cosplayers! So, here we have the 35 best Jill Valentine Cosplays of all time. 

35. Hellena88

Cosplay by Hellena88

Battle ready cosplays are so much fun! Hellena88 looks fantastic as a battle-tested Jill Valentine!

34. Fiore Sofen

Cosplay by Fiore Sofen

It had to take quite a bit of time to make that chest piece. Fiore Sofen did a fantastic job of bringing her battle suit Jill Valentine to life!

33. Spifzaya

Cosplay by Spifzaya

Any time you can use your natural hair for a cosplay is a bonus. Spifzaya did a fantastic job of putting together this cosplay, and the pictures are simply gorgeous!

32. Tify-Diamond

Cosplay by Tify-Diamond

Everybody loves officer Jill! I especially love the sewing work on this costume. Tiny Diamond did a really great job.

31. Hini Tsuburagi

Cosplay by HiniTsuburagi

I really appreciate the color contrast in the bottom line of the skirt with the sweater wrapped around her waist. That’s a nice touch.

30. Ally Auer

Cosplay by Ally Auer

The seam lines on this costume are just wonderful. Ally did a great job a sewing this together!

29. Awesome Blossom

Cosplay by Awesome Blossom

I love the chest piece Awesome Blossom was able to design for this cosplay! She looks amazing all over!

28. Sheikahchica

Cosplay by Sheikahchica

It’s great to see cosplayers reaching into the the depths for Jill Valentine inspiration. This Resident Evil Revelations cosplay by Sheikahchica is wonderfully made.

27. Rejiclad

Cosplay by Rejiclad

BSAA Jill Valentine is quite the popular choice amongst cosplayers. The main thing I love about Rejiclad’s version is the gloves. Gloves are the worst part when it comes to making a cosplay. So, when someone has an excellent pair, they need to be celebrated!

26. Escaped Angel

Cosplay by Escaped Angel

This is a very well done cosplay by Escaped Angel. You can tell she spent a lot of time researching the Jill Valentine battle suit. I especially like how she made it two separate pieces. That is a brilliant touch!

25. Alexiel Cosplay

Cosplay by Alexiel Cosplay

There are so many beautiful lines on this cosplay! Alexiel did a fantastic job of putting it all together.

24. Madam Bella

Cosplay by Madam Bella

The boot covers on Madam Bella’s battle suit Jill Valentine cosplay are astounding! So is the back piece. Perfectly seamless! 

23. PriSuicun

Cosplay by PriSuicun

Beautiful work by PriSuicun on her Jill Valentine Remake cosplay! It is pretty much spot on!

22. Tiny Purple Wings

Cosplay by Tiny Purple Wings

I am loving the apocalyptic feel to this cosplay by Tiny Purple Wings! It was a really great thought process to make the costume look “dirty.”

21. Jill Styler

Cosplay by Jill Styler

The accessories on Jill Styler’s cosplay are perfect! This is an extremely well done Jill Valentine cosplay!

20. Sophie Valentine

Cosplay by Sophie Valentine

I love the straps and the chest piece on this cosplay. Sophie has a really good eye for the fine details and looks great!

19. Stray Wind

Cosplay by Stray Wind

Everything about this Jill Valentine cosplay is spot on! Wonderful job by Stray Wind!

18. StephanieRECosplay

Cosplay by StephanieRECosplay

Stephanie looks like she stepped right out of the video game. This is fantastic!

17. Sophie Valentine

Cosplay by Sophie Valentine

The contrast in textures of the fabrics really bring this cosplay to life. It photographs like a dream and looks fantastic! Well done!

16. LifeisaFiction

Cosplay by LifeisaFiction

Another accessory genius! I love the big Gatling gun she is carrying in the first picture. From there her strap work and belt pockets are done really well. This is an excellent rendition!

15. Shermie

Cosplay by Shermie

The best part of Shermie’s cosplay is the boning work in her tube top. That just enhances the fit so it doesn’t roll or slouch funny. It keeps your shape which, let’s face it, is a vital part of cosplay. 

14. Meryl-sama

Cosplay by Meryl-sama

It seems like every time I research a cosplay, Meryl-sama comes up. I mean, her work is flawless so I’m not overly surprised. This Jill Valentine is no exception to the rule. Every line in the top is perfect and the whole thing fits like a glove. Well done!

13. Enji Night

Cosplay by Enji Night

I had to do a double take to make sure this wasn’t actually Jill Valentine! What a fantastic job!

12. Leticia Faria

Cosplay by Leticia Faria

Everything about Leticia’s cosplay is stunning! From the background to the big gun, to the perfect way her costume fits. 

11. Yukilefay

Cosplay by Yukilefay

Yukilefay nails the stern Jill face! Between that, her accessories, the fit of the costume and her poses, she is ready for Resident Evil action!

10. Lady Lemon Cosplay

Cosplay by LadyLemonCosplay

Lady Lemon always does a fantastic job. She also added some boning to the top so it would fit perfectly. All her accessories are spot on as well. Fantastic!

9. Vanessa Arrevillaga

Cosplay by Vanessa Arrevillaga

One thing that really stuck out to me on Vanessa’s cosplay are the shoulder pads. She used a satin to cover them, which is in line with the character. Perfect eye for detail!

8. Paulina

Cosplay by Paulina

I can’t even begin to describe how much I love this cosplay! She captures the essence of Jill Valentine perfectly! I love the grey and white too.

7. Holly Brooke

Cosplay by Holly Brooke

Holly added the all important boning to the top of this cosplay ensuring its fit and took extra care with her accessories to really make this cosplay pop. 

6. Daran Eichi

Cosplay by Daran Eichi

Daran is a perfectly battle ready Jill Valentine! Everything about this cosplay is just incredible.

5. Pixie Quinn

Cosplay by Pixie Quinn

There is quite a bit of subtle shading work done on this cosplay. Pixie Quinn spent a lot of time making sure the finer details came through in photos. Very well done!

4. Narga-Lifestream


Cosplay by Narga-Lifestream

If these photos don’t evoke the feeling of a zombie apocalypse I don’t know what will! This is a beautiful rendition of Jill Valentine!

3. Candy Cosplay

Cosplay by Candy Cosplay

I am so impressed with the fit of Candy’s bodysuit and how she made sure her strapping was on point. The way she styled her wig and those prop guns only add to the effect. This is great! 

2. Narga-Lifestream

Cosplay by Narga-Lifestream

When it comes to cosplays of the Remake of Jill Valentine, this is what you think of. Narga spent a lot of time making sure this costume was perfect and she nailed it!

1. Candy Cosplay

Cosplay by Candy Cosplay

Candy is Jill Valentine come to life! She had to have stepped out of the video game in this costume. It’s phenomenal! 

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