[Top 3] TFT Best Zeri Builds That Are Powerful

Best Zeri Builds in TFT
05 Aug 2023

Zeri is back in TFT with her lethal guns, knowing how to strike her enemies as one of the strongest backlines in TFT.

Zeri doesn’t only hit a single enemy but multiple enemies with her guns to take out as many enemies as she can.

In this article, we will talk about the combos to place Zeri within, her best items, and how to make sure you zap your enemies.

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That's a lotta talk. Let's see if you back it up.

Zeri is one of the greatest picks in TFT as she shares two critical traits, which are Zaun, which gives her and the team additional bonuses.

She also shares the gunner trait, which allows her and other members to stack damage as the round progresses, making her a huge damage dealer.

Zeri’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome from placing her on your team.


Best Zeri builds in TFT Set 9

Zeri’s stats:

  • Cost: 4 Gold
  • Health: 750 / 1350 / 2430
  • Mana: 50
  • Armor: 25
  • MR: 25
  • Ability Power: 100
  • DPS: 52 / 94 / 168
  • Damage: 65 / 117 / 211
  • Atk Spd: 0.8
  • Crit Rate: 25%
  • Range: 4


Zeri’s traits:

1. Zaun

Zaun champions create random chem-mods that only they can use. Champions can be modded once, and mods can only be removed by selling the champion.

  • 2 Gain 1 chem-mod
  • 4 Gain 2 chem-mods
  • 6 Gain 3 chem-mods and Overcharge them

2. Gunner

When Gunner champions attack, they gain bonus Attack Damage, up to 8 stacks.

  • 2 6% Attack Damage per Stack
  • 4 11% Attack Damage per Stack
  • 6 20% Attack Damage per Stack


Zeri’s ability

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Passive: Execute enemies below 8% + 4% Ability Power Health.

Active: For the next X seconds, attacks chain lightning to additional enemies, dealing physical damage.

  • Damage: 50% / 50% / 100%
  • Number of Targets: 3 / 3 / 5
  • Duration: 9 / 9 / 15


Carousel priority:

These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:

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Zeri’s best items

1. Guinsoo's Rageblade

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 Attacks grant 4% bonus Attack Speed. This effect stacks.

2. Infinity Edge

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Grant 20% bonus Attack Damage and 15% bonus Critical Strike Chance.

Damage from an Ability can critically strike.

3. Last Whisper

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Grant 10% bonus Attack Damage. Any physical damage dealt 50% Sunders the target for 3 seconds. This effect does not stack.


Best comps for Zeri


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  • 3 Piltover
  • 1 Technogenius
  • 4 Zaun
  • 4 Gunner
  • 1 Redemption

The T-Rex is the focal point of this comp, so be careful to go on a losing streak until you have him charged up to 30-45 charges before winning a round to improve him.

If you wish the bruiser trait to become active, you can use Vi in place of Heimerdinger.

Optimal group for this build:

1. Zeri, who possesses both Zaun and gunner qualities, is the major damage producer.

2. Jayce is one of the most crucial selections because he possesses the gunner and Piltover traits, both of which can call the T-Rex.

3. While summoning the turret as a Technogenius and the T-Rex as a Piltover member, Heimerdinger will be doing a lot of damage from the backlines.

4. Senna will enhance the gunner trait, provide team protection, and quicken the team's attacks.

5. Jinx, who also possesses the Zaun trait, is the fourth gunner and deals significant damage from the backlines.

6. Urgot is the third Zaun member, providing decent damage while taking a lot more of it.

7. Ekko is the third Piltover member to summon the T-Rex and the fourth Zaun member to take significant damage in battle.

8. Sejuani is a wise choice because she can take a lot of punishment on the front lines.


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  • 3 Yordles
  • 4 Gunner
  • 2 Zaun
  • 2 Bastion
  • 2 Shadow Isles

Zeri is the major source of damage in this composition, which is focused on the gunner trait, which has several low-cost champions.

Top team in this comp:

1. Zeri, who possesses both Zaun and gunner qualities, is the major damage producer.

2. Jayce is one of the most crucial selections because he possesses the gunner and Piltover traits, both of which can call the T-Rex.

3. Tristana is a wise choice because she exhibits both yordle and gunner characteristics.

4. Jinx, who also possesses the Zaun trait, is the fourth gunner and deals significant damage from the backlines.

5. Teemo, the second yorlde, can deliver a lot of damage after he reaches level 4.

6. Poppy is a great tank since she is the third yordle and second bastion.

7. Because he possesses both the shadow isles and bastion qualities, Maokai makes a great frontline tank.

8. As the dark isles trait is active, Veigo will be doing some decent damage to enemies in the front lines.


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  • 4 Gunner
  • 4 Zaun
  • 2 Bruiser

In order to ensure that you get them to level 2 at the very least, rapid reroll to level 8 with strong economy. This comp is centred around the Zaun and Gunner trait and high cost champions.

Top team in this comp:

1. Zeri, who possesses both Zaun and gunner qualities, is the major damage producer.

2. The second most significant selection is Jayce, who shares the gunner and offers his teammates an advantage in assault speed.

3. Sion is the second bruiser and a massive front-line tank that takes a lot of damage.

4. Tristana is an excellent choice for the third gunner, but if necessary, you can swap her out for Senna.

5. Jinx, who also possesses the Zaun trait, is the fourth gunner and deals significant damage from the backlines.

6. Urgot is the third Zaun member, providing decent damage while taking a lot more of it.

7. Ekko is the fourth Zaun member to suffer significant harm in the battlefield.

8. Sejuani is a fantastic choice since, like Sion, she has the bruiser trait, which allows her to take a lot of punishment on the front lines.

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