[Top 10] Best TeamFight Tactics Best Comps (Galaxies Patch)

TeamFight Tactics Best Comps
31 Aug 2022

10. Star Guardian / Sorcerer

  • We have Zoe and Poppy, champions with the value of 1 point of interest and it’s easy to get the level 3 by mid-game!
  • Ahri is also available and getable before the first champion rotation. So we have our both Traits with only 3 champions!
  • We can easily have 3 champions with level 3 by the time we ménage to get all the champions on the battlefield and climb to the top of our game!
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Zoe                     
  • Syndra
  • Poppy
  • Lux
  • Ahri
  • Soraka
  • Neeko
  • Lulu
It includes the following Traits:
  • 6 Star Guardians - Spreading 60 mana when each Star Guardian cast a spell among Star Guardians;
  • 4 Sorcerers - 45 % Spell power which applies to all allied champions;
  • 2 Mystics - 35 Magic Resistance applied to all allied champions.


9. Protector / Mystic

  • Jarvan IV, Rakan, Xin Zhao, or Sona are available from the begging of the fight with the very first opponent.
  • Plus we get to focus on a chance to get Xin Zhao level 3 as fast as possible. Quite interesting. And we all know what level 3 Xin Zhao means, a combination of tank and tons of damage.
  • At last, just imagine the healing from Mystics combined with Celestials. Health bars would stay the same!
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Jarvan IV           
  • Neeko
  • Rakan
  • Karma
  • Sona
  • Soraka
  • Xin Zhao
  • Lulu
It includes the following Traits:
  • 4 Protectors - Protectors gain 30% shield which lasts 4 seconds after casting a spell;
  • 4 Mystics-  105 Magic Resistance applied to all allied champions;
  • 2 Celestials - 15% Healing from the damage dealt by Basic Attacks and Spell casts applied to all allied champions.


8. Dark Star

  • Lots of damage passed among each Darky when a Dark Star dies! And just continue adding till the last one standing! Can we imagine that?
  • So, we put Jarvan IV and Mordekaiser on the front line. So, by the time they die, the rest would only gain more and more power!
  • Plus we have bonus healing and resistance. Easy-peasy!
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Jarvan IV           
  • Shaco
  • Mordekaiser
  • Ashe
  • Lux
  • Jhin
  • Karma
  • Lulu
It includes the following Traits:
  • 6 Dark Stars - Each Dark Star gains 35 Attack Damage and Spell Power when a Dark Star dies;
  • 2 Mystics - 35 Magic Resistance for all allied champions;
  • 2 Celestials - 15% Healing from the damage dealt by Basic Attacks and Spell casts applied to all allied champions;
  •  2 Snipers- Plus 15% increased damage per hex between a Sniper and their target.


7. Vanguard / Dark Star

  • Does the meaning of victory is thought that the one who makes the most of the damage will end up as champion? Hell no!
  • Imagine a great bonus of armor applied to 5 champions standing in the front line?
  • Plus, a bonus of resistance and percentage of healing per damage dealt. The ones in the back can only chill and wait for the front to do their job!
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Poppy                
  • Ashe
  • Mordekaiser
  • Jhin
  • Jayce
  • Wukong
  • Karma
  • Lulu
It includes the following Traits:  
  • 4 Vanguards - Each Vanguard gains a bonus of 250 Armor;
  • 3 Dark Stars-Each Dark Star gains 25 Attack Damage and Spell Power when a Dark Star dies;
  • 2 Mystics - 35 Magic Resistance for all allied champions;
  • 2 Celestials - 15% Healing from the damage dealt by Basic Attacks and Spell casts applied to all allied champions;
  • 2 Snipers- Plus 15% increased damage per hex between a Sniper and their target.


6. Chrono / Blademaster

  • With this comp, you will need the second page only for the Traits you will activate through the course of the game!
  • A great bonus of attack speed and healing from attacks and spells applied to all allies!
  • And upgrades which will be available in your shop strengthen your game to your backline!
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Xayah                 
  • Wukong
  • Shen
  • Kayle
  • Ezreal
  • Miss Fortune
  • Kassadin
  • Thresh
It includes the following Traits:
  • 4 Chronos- 35% Attack speed bonus applied to all allied champions;
  • 3 Blademasters - Blademasters have 30% chance to trigger 2 additional Basic attacks against their target
  • 2 Blasters -  Blasters fires 3 additional Basic attacks against random targets on every fourth Basic attack;
  • 2 Celestials - 15% Healing from the damage dealt by Basic Attacks and Spell casts applied to all allied champions;
  • 2 Valkyrie- Valkyries attacks and spell critically hit their targets when they are bellow 50% Health;
  • 2 Mana-Reavers- Mana-Reaver increases the mana cost of their target by 40%;
  • 1 Mercenary- Mercenary have a chance to upgrade their spells which appears in the shop.


5. Sorcerer / Star Guardian

  • Just, let’s imagine this set of champions. A bonus of great percentage spell power applied to each one!
  • More Star Guardians will equal more Mana when each one casts a spell!
  • Putting this comp all together would be true satisfaction!
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Zoe                     
  • Syndra
  • Annie
  • Lux
  • Ahri
  • Soraka
  • Neeko
  • Vel’koz
It includes the following Traits:
  • 6 Sorcerers -  80% Spell power bonus applied for all allies;
  • 3 Star Guardians - Spreading 30 mana when each Star Guardian cast a spell among Star Guardians;


4. Brawler / Void

  • Being rough and void isn’t that bad, ha? What would this set of champions look like?
  • We activate the Voids Trait, which means dealing True damage from attacks and spells from each Void!
  • We also get the Trait from Brawlers, which means a great bonus of Health for each one!
  • And, as if what has been written so far is a little bit, we get a bonus of attack speed and healing percentage applied to all allies!
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Kha’Zix              
  • Vi
  • Malphite
  • Vel’koz
  • Twisted Fate
  • Cho’gath
  • Blitzcrank
  • Fizz
It includes the following Traits:
  • 4 Brawlers - 700 Bonus Health bonus for each Brawler;
  • 3 Voids - Basic attacks and Spell casts deal from Void deals true damage;
  • 2 Chronos - 15% Attack speed bonus applied to all allied champions;
  • 2 Sorcerers-20% Spell power bonus applied for all allies;
  • 2 Infiltrators-50% bonus Attack Speed for the first 6 seconds of the battle for an Infiltrator.



3. Sorcerer / Mech-Pilot

  • Mech-Pilots form a monster, who deals and tanks a lot of damage. And when it dies, it seems like there never been one because all the Pilots are back with full Health and even bonus Mana!
  • Plus we activate a great bonus of spell power percentage applied to all allies!
  • And last, we have 3 champions with exactly the same Traits! Seems interesting, right?
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Zoe                     
  • Syndra
  • Annie
  • Lux
  • Ahri
  • Vel’Koz
  • Rumble
  • Fizz
It includes the following Traits:
  • 6 Sorcerers -  80% Spell power bonus applied for all allies;
  • 3 Mech-Pilots - At the start of the combat, Mech-Pilots combine their Health and Attack damage along with 3 random items from among  them and create Super-Mech.When the Super-Mech dies, the Mech-Pilots continue to fight with their full Health and a bonus of 25 Mana.
  • 3 Star Guardians - Spreading 30 mana when each Star Guardian cast a spell among Star Guardians;


2. Brawler / Blaster

  • We mentioned Brawlers before, but did we mentioned that they go well with Blasters too?
  • A great bonus of Health applied to each Brawler!
  • Each Blaster fires a great number of bonus attacks on random opponents!
  • And, we can get several champions to level 3 by the time of the third champion rotation!
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Graves               
  • Ezreal
  • Malphite
  • Jinx
  • Blitzcrank
  • Cho’Gath
  • Vi
  • Miss Fortune
It includes the following Traits:
  • 4 Brawlers - 700 Bonus Health bonus for each Brawler;
  • 4 Blasters -  Blasters fires 6 additional Basic attacks against random targets on every fourth Basic attack;
  • 2 Chronos - 15% Attack speed bonus applied to all allied champions;
  • 1 Mercenary- Mercenary have a chance to upgrade their spells which appears in the shop.


1.Cybernetic / Blademaster

  • Finally, last but not least! BEST!
  • By putting only a component of an item, we grant 6 out of 8 champions a GREAT bonus of attack damage and GREAT bonus of Health! That’s right, even greater than the Brawlers from before!
  • We have several easy gettable level 3 champions!
  • Plus, we have a bonus of attack speed applied to all allies! Quite powerful!
This comp includes the following Champions:
  • Fiora                   
  • Vi
  • Leona
  • Irelia
  • Lucian
  • Ekko
  • Shen
  • Thresh
It includes the following Traits:
  • 6 Cybernetics - Each Cybernetic will have a bonus of 75 Attack damage and 750 Health if holds at least one item(part of an item or full item)
  • 3 Blademasters - Blademasters have 30% chance to trigger 2 additional Basic attacks against their target ;
  • 2 Chronos - 15% Attack speed bonus applied to all allied champions;
  • 2 Mana-Reavers- Mana-Reaver increases the mana cost of their target by 40%;
  • 1 Mercenary- Mercenary have a chance to upgrade their spells which appears in the shop.

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