Starbound Best Race - Which To Pick?

11 Dec 2023

Starbound Best Race - Which To Pick?

We’ll be covering all the playable races of the game. From the humans to the novakid, the list just never fails to impress and sell you the best parts of their race. Full of pride and glory, the cultures vary very much every race. 

It is very appealing to us that these alien creatures relate to us and our existing cultures here. Learning about them won’t be too much of a chore, rather it is an adventure of travel and tension. 


Origins tracing from the earth, humans pair well with the apex anatomy, only with less hair. Friendly as you look, as you fare across the vast expanses of the universe, you will always seem harmless. 

Be careful though, not all humans have chosen to be one of the peaceful bunch, some fell to banditry.  A lot of them you’ll find by random in certain planets, or prisons. 

Not much of the humans are known since the earth was destroyed by The Ruin – all its traces wiped out along the planet, like the library of Alexandria and its library of books. 

Choose Humans if you’re... 

  • a real patriot of our own species
  • staying loyal to our origin
  • A fan of looking like your physical self
  • Not a fan of having different anatomy 
  • team planet earth

Human details:


The feathery race treads planets with their fierce talons and gentle steps. 

Originating from planet Avos, they now roam the universe along with their culture. Building colonies everywhere. You may have come across them in your spacefaring, and you’ve noticed they kind of resemble the Ancient Egyptians, mostly building forts and pyramids, for merchanting and praise. 

A lot of their history is learned by books available in their libraries. 

Choose Avian if you... 

  • pay tribute to Kluex
  • love birds
  • like Roleplaying as a mortal fallen from the aether
  • are rooting for their deeply religious natures

Avian details:


These snake-like people split into two cultures, the cannibals and not. These single-sex races might develop dimorphic physical traits, but they all share one sex. 

Their speech is quite simple and different from ours, mostly you’ll notice hissing in their speech. 

They have no central government or power structure. They split into different tribes across the universe. Before some became friendly, they walked empty space, settling habitable planets, and realizing they’ll need to make friends and not stab them the first time they meet them. 

Careful if you’re a Hylotl and you come across them, they don’t seem too friendly with these folks. Some kind of racial feud. 

Choose Floran if... 

  • Floran looking murderoussss isssss your like
  • You like Floran looking like walking garden
  • You are charmed by Floran dialect 
  • Floran issss thought as cute

Glitch details:


Don’t let their robotic facade fool you, these advanced robots capable of speech and conscience are actually backward medieval. 

Built by an advanced race eons ago, a glitch in their systems occurred, limiting their advancements only until the “stone castles and agrarian villages” stage. 

Strictly on metallic diets, they grow automato farms most of the time satiating their cravings for these techno cuisines. 

Some of them grow a sense of self-awareness, putting out their own unique quirks. These specimens break out of their code to travel the stars and find their own purpose. Quite an existential crisis for an artificial soul don’t you say.

Choose Glitch if... 

  • You stand with the king!
  • You are not appalled by the glitch way
  • You are charmed 
  • You, like me, have read Macbeth and loved it
  • You are a person of the Medieval 

Glitch details:


Similar to humans, the apex only differs by body hair and facial proportions. The race once was more human-like than their present appearance, but a pathogen attacked their colonies. Not too late, their ruling government, the Minikog, developed a cure. But the side effects reverted them to more primitive characteristics, the phenomenon is also called the Vestigi Evo Process (EVP). 

A popular figure, to them, rules them and dictates their society. They call him “Big Ape”. 

Some apes however were not happy with these and started a rebellion.

Choose Apex if... 

  • You like apes
  • You worship Big Ape and stand with the Minikog!
  • Big Ape is your idol and you stand with the Minikog!
  • Love looking futuristic 
  • You are a banana enthusiast 
  • You are fighting alongside the battle against Ape Flu

Apex details:


Progressing through meditation and tradition, these highly technological bunch skyrocketed their advancements while preserving their old traditions. 

These fish-like creatures flex their beauty in the beaches and waters of ocean planets. Their rich colonies do not make war with anyone, however, if they come across any floran, they’ll surely snarl their teeth at them. 

Choose Hylotl if you’re... 

  • attracted to the Japanese-inspired race
  • In love with making katanas
  • A person who valuesmeditation and tradition
  • Against the Floran 

Hylotl details:


These gas-borne creatures are very fond of living in the moment, the type to worry little of the future. Their short attention spans allow them to run risks as they please, fearing danger less than any race would. 

Their wild west-inspired architecture also comes along with their sharpshooting skills and whiplashing fun.

With their train-like ships, they also prefer their ranged guns over any melee weapon. 

And did I mention they also glow in the dark?

Choose Novakid if you love.. 

  • them cowboys
  • sharpshooting your revolver at them bottles
  • hanging out at the saloon 
  • plasma-sentient whip lashing rifle shooters

Novakid details:

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