[Top 15] R6 Best Operators That Are OP

The Top 15 Most Overpowered Operators in R6 Siege
02 Jun 2023

15. Oryx

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Oryx is one of the most powerful operators in the game because he's one of the few that possesses more than one special ability, and because of that, he can do so much. His Remah Dash ability allows him to sprint faster than the normal sprint, and because of that speed and his solid muscular build, he can go through unreinforced walls when the Remah Dash is active. It's one of the fastest ways to create rotation holes or escape from enemies, and that's why Oryx is one of the most fearsome roamers in the game.

His Remah Dash ability also allows him to knock down enemies, including shield operators, making him one of the best counters for them, because even the famous big guy Montagne will get knocked down when hit by Oryx's Remah Dash ability. Oryx is also the only defender that is capable of climbing broken hatches, and this ability allows him to go to a higher floor and outmaneuver enemies really quickly. Because of the abilities that Oryx has, he's a very unpredictable roamer that can go from one point to another in a blink of an eye. It's hard to catch him, and it's also hard to predict where he's going to hit you.

What Makes Oryx a Great Defender:

  • Can go from point A to point B very quickly with his Remah Dash ability which also allows him to go through unreinforced walls
  • To this day, he remains as the only defender that can climb through a broken hatch, allowing him to escape or surprise enemies more effectively
  • Oryx is also the only defender that can knock down shield operators like Montagne, Blitz, and Osa, making him one of the most effective counters for them
  • His Remah Dash ability is a great help for setting up the objective spot with rotation holes without having to use any defender utilities like impact grenades

Best Loadout for Oryx:



14. Zofia

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Zofia is on this list because when it comes to firepower, she's probably the best in the attacker side. She's basically an offensive powerhouse, and her role is pretty much to be a straight up fragger.  Her 2-speed 2-health rating makes her a very balanced operator with a good amount of toughness and decent speed that allows her to catch up to even light-armored operators. Especially since her special gadget, the KS79 Lifeline allows her to fire two impact grenades which she can use to create rotation holes for a quick entry or for cutting off roamers.

This makes Zofia one of the best roamer hunters, because not only does she possess heavy firepower for killing, she also has the utility for outmaneuvering them. Zofia's KS79 Lifeline can also fire two concussion grenades which are great for disorienting enemies that are hiding in corners, especially since they can bounce off walls. Of course, Zofia's firepower mainly comes from her M762 assault rifle which inflicts heavy damage per shot, has a good rate for fire, decent magazine capacity, manageable recoil, and can even be equipped with a scope 2.0x.

What Makes Zofia a Great Attacker:

  • She's a great roamer hunter because she has good speed and can outmaneuver escaping enemies through the impact grenades from her KS79 Lifeline
  • Her M762 assault rifle is a great weapon with heavy stopping power, manageable recoil, fast rate of fire, and has a scope 2.0x
  • She has a 2-health 2-speed rating which makes her a very balanced operator with good speed and a decent amount of toughness
  • The two concussion grenades that she can shoot from her KS79 Lifeline are perfect for disorienting enemies before pushing inside the objective spot

Best Loadout for Zofia:



13. Fuze

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When it comes to inflicting destruction and panic to enemies, Fuze is one of a kind. That's because his special gadget, the Cluster Charge, in which he has four of, can release up to five sub-grenades each, and each of those sub-grenades can cause massive damage to enemies that will get hit, as well as of course, destroy defender gadgets within their radius, even bulletproof ones. This makes Fuze one of the best enemy gadget disablers in the game, especially now that he can deploy his Cluster Charges even on reinforced walls and hatches.

But Fuze's Cluster Charges aren't only great for disabling gadgets and damaging or killing enemies. They can be used in a very tactical way as well. They can be used to force defenders out of their hiding spots, and veteran Fuze players can even effectively use his Cluster Charges to lead enemies into their or their teammate's line of sight. Another great thing about Fuze is that if his player wants to, he can be a shield operator, which will make it harder for enemies to kill him, and he can use it to further gather intel on the enemies.

What Makes Fuze a Great Defender:

  • His Cluster Charges inflict a lot of destruction to enemy gadgets and sometimes can even heavily damage or kill defenders in the process
  • His Cluster Charges can also be used to rework enemy movements, forcing them out of their entrenched positions and lead them into more exposed angles
  • If the player chooses to, Fuze can equip a Ballistic Shield as his primary weapon, making him much harder to kill
  • His hard breach charges is great for breaking reinforced hatches, and that along with his Cluster Charges, makes him one of the most devastating vertical attackers in the game

Best Loadout for Fuze:



12. Caveira

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Like Oryx in one of the entries above, Caveira is one of the few operators in the game that has more than one special ability, and that really qualifies her as one of the most powerful operators in the game. Her Silent Step special ability allows her to silence her footsteps even while she's sprinting, so that means that she can go from one place to another both quickly and silently. This makes her hard for attackers to anticipate and also allows her to escape from them effectively, especially since she also has a 3-speed rating.

Her second special ability is called Interrogation which allows her to interrogate an opponent that is in a down-but-not-out state, and once it's successful, it'll reveal the real-time position of the remaining attackers for several seconds. When Caveira's interrogation is successful, it drastically improves the chances of defenders in winning the round. Of course, we can't forget about Caveira's Luison handgun, which is her unique weapon, and one that will always put enemies in a down-but-not-out state first before killing them. The Luison is Caveira's greatest utility for performing her Interrogation special ability.

What Makes Caveira a Great Defender:

  • Her Silent Step special ability makes her footsteps silent, even while she's sprinting, allowing her to outmaneuver enemies with both speed and silence
  • Her Interrogation special ability, once successful, allows her to reveal the real-time position of the remaining enemies
  • Her Luison unique weapon will always put an enemy in a down-but-not-out state first before inflicting a lethal shot, and this allows Caveira to perform her Interrogation ability
  • She has great utilities in the SPAS-15 shotgun and the impact grenades that allows her to create rotation holes and further rework the map to her advantage

Best Loadout for Caveira:



11. Tachanka

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Tachanka is in this list because when it comes to area-denial, he really is quite overpowered. Area-denial is very important in Siege's gameplay because it's a tactical game, and in so many cases, the one having the better position or angle will win over someone who's got better reflexes and aim. Area-denial also plays a huge role in preventing enemies from pushing and planting the defuser, which is basically the core aspect of ranked gameplay. And the scary thing about Tachanka is that as long as he remains alive, he can deny a huge area for a very long time.

That is possible because his special gadget, the Shumikha Grenade Launcher, allows him to fire a total of twenty fire grenades, and each of those fire grenades can cover a large area in fire for seven seconds. That means that as long as he's allowed to do so, Tachanka can deny a large area to the attackers for up to two minutes and twenty seconds. So if all the attackers are stuck pushing from one direction, they're basically screwed unless some of them will do the right thing and start flanking.

What Makes Tachanka a Great Defender:

  • Can deny a large area to enemies for up to two minutes and twenty seconds through the use of his Shumikha Grenade Launcher
  • His DP27 light machine gun is the most destructive fully automatic weapon in the game and is great for reworking the map to his advantage
  • His 9x19VSN submachine gun have been recently buffed and can now be used with a scope 1.5x or a scope 2.0x
  • He has a bearing 9 machine pistol as one of his choices for his secondary weapon and it's a powerful alternative for when his primary needs to reload during combat

Best Loadout for Tachanka:



10. Rook

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The rework on Rook's armor plates made him very qualified to be in this list because not only is he the toughest defender around, he can also make all of his teammates much tougher. That's because his armor plates add more health points to anyone who wears them, so combine that with Rook's 3-health rating, he'd really be one tough cookie to take down with non-headshot gunfire. The rework on Rook's armor plates also makes it so that anyone who's wearing them will have the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state.

So with Rook in the defending team, not only will the whole defending team be tougher, they'll have a second chance too when they get put in a down-but-not-out state. Rook is also one of the few defenders who can attach a scope 2.0x to their weapon. The scope 2.0x on his MP5 submachine gun, the added toughness, and the ability to revive himself from a down-but-not-out state, makes Rook one of the best operators for spawn peeking as well. On top of that, he also has access to the impact grenades which are great for creating rotation holes in the objective spot.

What Makes Rook a Great Defender:

  • His special gadget, the Armor Pack, allows him and his teammates to wear armor plates that will make them tougher and have the ability to revive themselves from a dbno state
  • His MP5 submachine can be equipped with a scope 2.0x which makes it great for spawn peeking and fragging enemies in general
  • Rook has access to the impact grenades which are great for setting up the objective spot with rotation holes that are important for outmaneuvering enemies
  • His P90 submachine gun is also a great weapon with huge magazine capacity, low recoil, and has a wide variety of attachments available to it

Best Loadout for Rook:



9. Dokkaebi

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Like Caveira and Oryx above, Dokkaebi also has more than one special ability, which is not that common in Siege. Usually, operators only have one special gadget or ability, so operators like Dokkaebi, Caveira, and Oryx, are quite OP. Dokkaebi specializes in intel gathering, and she's also great at intel-denial. Her main special ability, the Logic Bomb, is basically a hack on defender mobile devices, forcing them to turn on and ring loudly. The loud ringing from their mobile devices lets the attackers know where they are, so it's great for rushing and roamer hunting.

While the Logic Bomb is on-going, defenders won't be able to use their cameras, and that is Dokkaebi's intel-denial ability. On top of that, she can also hack into a dead defender's mobile device, and once the hack is successful, the whole attacking team will have access to all defender cameras. This is a great counter to defenders that have cameras as their special gadget like Valkyrie or Maestro. So a lot of times, when defender cameras are hacked by Dokkaebi, they're forced to disable the cameras themselves. Which makes that special ability both a great intel-gathering and intel-denial ability.

What Makes Dokkaebi a Great Attacker:

  • Through her Logic Bomb special gadget, she can forcefully turn on defender mobile devices and have them ring loudly, effectively letting the attackers know their positions
  • She can hack into a dead defender's mobile device and that grants the whole attacking team access to all defender cameras including special gadget ones
  • The loud ringing from the defender mobile devices due to her Logic Bomb are great for masking the sounds that attackers make when they're pushing
  • Her Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle has heavy stopping power, manageable recoil, and has a wide variety of attachments available to it

Best Loadout for Dokkaebi:



8. Azami

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Azami is one of the most tactical operators in the game, and when it comes to utility use, she's one of the best, and that's why she's on this list. She can do many things that other operators can't do, because her Kiba Barrier special gadget allows her to provide more cover on exposed areas or angles, deny enemies from gathering intel, perform quick repairs on breached walls or hatches, and even perform area-denial. First off, her Kiba Barriers are bulletproof and can create a pretty large cover, so they're perfect for fortifying exposed angles.

Secondly, when it comes to intel-denial, the Kiba Barriers can be used to block drone holes, so enemies will have to drive their drone further for them to continue gathering intel on the defenders. And since Azami's Kiba Barriers can be attached to most surfaces, she can use them to issue quick repairs on breached walls and hatches too, making her the only defender that is capable of quick repairs. Lastly, she can use her Kiba Barriers to quickly block an entryway, and if the attackers who are trying to enter want to destroy the Kiba Barrier blocking it, it'll take three melee hits or a utility like the gonne-6.

What Makes Azami a Great Defender:

  • Through her Kiba Barriers, she can create more cover on exposed angles or areas so that she and other defenders can better protect themselves
  • She can perform quick repairs on breached walls or hatches by deploying her Kiba Barriers to cover the breach
  • Azami can also perform intel-denial by using her Kiba Barriers to block drone holes in order to prevent attackers from gathering intel inside the objective spot
  • She has access to great utilities for reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage like the ACS12 shotgun and her impact grenades

Best Loadout for Azami:



7. Mira

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Mira is one of the most banned operators in the higher ranks, and that's precisely because she's basically OP in certain areas of certain maps. Examples of those areas are the games room and aviator room in Villa as well as the basement area in Oregon. When Mira is present in those areas, life for the attackers could be very hard, because through her special gadget, the Black Mirror, in which she has two of, she can basically make two areas or angles very hard to attack. That's because the Black Mirror is a one-way view mirror that'll allow Mira or any defender manning them to clearly see attackers on the other side.

And as long as none of her teammates make the beginner mistake of reinforcing beside her Black Mirror, Mira will be able to quick lean from it and frag the enemies on the other side through the unreinforced wall beside it. What makes Mira even more OP in certain areas of the maps is her combo with Azami. With Azami, Mira can deploy her Black Mirror on an unreinforced wall and have Azami make its bottom part bulletproof through the use of her Kiba Barrier. This way, Mira can use the top part of her Black Mirror for fragging enemies when she deploys it low on the wall, and she can also use the top part for throwing over her nitro cell to the enemies on the other side.

What Makes Mira a Great Defender:

  • Through her Black Mirror special gadget, she's able to make some areas of the maps very hard to push for the attackers
  • Her Black Mirrors are great utilities for gathering intel on enemy positions because they're one-way mirrors
  • She has a great utility in the ITA12S shotgun which she can use to rework the map to her team's advantage
  • Her nitro cell is great for countering pushing enemies, and her proximity alarms are great early warning devices that can prevent her from getting fragged from behind

Best Loadout for Mira:



6. Alibi

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Alibi is easily one of the most versatile operators because she can do so many things with her special gadget, the Prisma, and that qualifies her to be in this list. Basically, she can deploy three holographic clones of her, and when anything from enemies passes through those holographic clones, be it bullets, projectiles, or their own bodies, they will get pinged for several seconds. That ping will be visible to the whole defending team, making Alibi's special gadget a great intel gathering utility while also being very effective in confusing enemies.

Because of the nature of her holographic clones, she can deploy them right behind windows to heavily discourage attackers from entering. Alibi can also quickly take the place of one of her Prisma holographic clones that just got shot by an attacker so that when that attacker peeks again, they'll think that Alibi is the same clone that they just shot, only for her to frag the unsuspecting and confused attacker. On top of all that, Alibi has access to great weapons in the ACS12 and the Mx4 Storm, as well as great utilities for reworking the map, like the Bailiff 410 and the impact grenades.

What Makes Alibi a Great Defender:

  • Her Prisma holographic clones are great for intel gathering because attackers who shoots them or passes through them will get automatically pinged for several seconds
  • She can effectively discourage attackers from entering through windows by deploying her Prisma holographic clones right behind them
  • Her ACS12 single-slug firing shotgun is a devastating weapon with very low recoil, high magazine capacity, and can also be equipped with a high level scope
  • She has great utilities for reworking the map to the defending team's advantage, namely the bailiff 410 and the impact grenades

Best Loadout for Alibi:



5. Capitao

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Capitao is probably the most underrated operator in this list and a lot of Siege players may even be surprised to see him here. However, I maintain that he's actually one of the most overpowered operators in the game, and that's because the combination of his special gadget, weapons, and secondary gadgets, is almost perfect. His special gadget, the Tactical Crossbow, allows him to shoot two fire grenades, and two smoke grenades. The smoke grenades are obviously great for providing cover, while the fire grenades are great for area-denial.

That means that his special gadget is great both for pushing and post-plant plays. On top of that, his Para-308 assault rifle is one of the weapons in Siege that is nearly perfect. That's because it inflicts heavy damage per shot, has a very low recoil, and has a wide variety of attachments available to it. So while the Tactical Crossbow is great for providing cover and area-denial, Capitao possesses heavy firepower as well. As for his secondary gadget, Capitao can bring two claymores into the round, and that's really great for protecting himself and his teammates from flankers and run outs.

What Makes Capitao a Great Attacker:

  • His Tactical Crossbow special gadget is great for providing cover for a push and denying area to the defenders who will attempt to respond
  • His Para-308 assault rifle is a nearly perfect weapon because of its high damage, very manageable recoil, and the wide variety of attachments available to it
  • Capitao can bring two claymore into the round and it's great for countering run outs, roamers, or flankers, who will try to get them from behind
  • He also has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which is a great utility for disabling a pesky bulletproof defender gadget

Best Loadout for Capitao:



4. Finka

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Finka, despite the huge nerf on her 6P41 LMG is still easily one of the most OP operators in the game. That's because her Spear .308 has always been underrated anyway because of how powerful the 6P41 used to be. Of course, the main reason why she's in this list is her Adrenal Surge which provides huge buffs to the whole attacking team. Buffs that include being able to walk over barbed wires faster, more resistance to tinnitus and blind effects, removal of concussion effects upon activation of the Adrenal Surge, and so on.

The most obvious buff that the Adrenal Surge provides of course is the added health points, essentially making the whole attacking team tougher or healing them. Because the effect of the Adrenal Surge is global, no matter how far Finka is, upon activation of her Adrenal Surge, she'll be able to revive anyone in her team, including herself from a down-but-not-out state. As for her utilities, Finka has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon, which is really useful for bringing down a troublesome bulletproof enemy gadget, and she has access to stun and smoke grenades.

What Makes Finka a Great Attacker:

  • She's able to provide a lot of buffs to the whole attacking team, buffs like making them more resistant to slow and blinding effects
  • She's the only one in the attacking side that can provide healing to her teammates as well as making them tougher before a push
  • She's able to revive herself or any teammate from a down-but-not-out state upon activation of her Adrenal Surge
  • She has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which is really useful for disabling a pesky bulletproof enemy gadget

Best Loadout for Finka:



3. Lion

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When it comes to versatility, Lion is one of the best, if not the best, and that of course qualifies him to be in this list. He's so versatile because apart from having a very solid 2-health 2-speed rating, he also possesses a wide array of weaponry and utilities to choose from. He's one of the very few operators that has three choices for his primary weapon, three choices for his secondary, as well as three choices for his generic gadget. This makes Lion a very adaptable operator who can excel at any map due to the weapon and utility choices that he has.

On top of that, Lion also has a very powerful special gadget in the EE-ONE-D. His EE-ONE-D scans last for a few seconds, and during that time, enemies who are moving will be pinged for several seconds. That's why it's a special gadget that can stop enemies from moving, and this is really great when the attackers are rushing, especially when performing post-plant plays. Lion also has one of the near perfect weapons in the V308 assault rifle because it has a huge magazine capacity, heavy firepower, very low recoil, and it can even be equipped with scopes that provide high levels of zoom.

What Makes Lion a Great Attacker:

  • Through his EE-ONE-D scans, he can prevent enemies from moving, because those who will not stop from moving will be pinged for several seconds
  • He has a wide array of weapons and utilities to choose from; since he has three choices for his primary weapon, three for his secondary, and also three choices for his generic gadget
  • His V308 assault rifle is one of the best weapons in the game because of its heavy damage, very low recoil, huge magazine capacity, and a wide variety of attachments compatible to it
  • He also has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which is great for disabling one pesky bulletproof defender gadget or breaking an unreinforced hatch

Best Loadout for Lion:



2. Melusi

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Melusi belongs to this list because she's one of the most troublesome defenders, and that's mainly because of her special gadget, the Sonic Banshee Defense, which is the best defender utility when it comes to slowing down attackers. That's because any attacker who will step into its radius will experience its slow effects which will be even stronger the closer they are to the Banshee. And when a Banshee is actively slowing down an attacker, it will emit a noise that is usually loud enough to be heard by defenders near the area.

That makes Melusi's special gadget also a great early warning device, and she has three of them. That means that she can guard three entryways with her Banshees. So with Melusi around, it is unlikely for the defenders anchoring the objective spot to be caught off guard. Of course, there are ways to disable her Banshees, but to do that, the attackers will either have to trigger it to remove its bulletproof status, or use an explosive utility to destroy it. This makes Melusi's Banshee Sonic Defense one of the most troublesome defender gadgets to deal with, because to disable it, the attackers will either be making a lot of noise, or will have to use up their utilities.

What Makes Melusi a Great Defender:

  • Her Banshee Sonic Defense special gadget is the best defender utility for slowing down attackers
  • Her Banshees are very troublesome because to disable them, the attackers will be making a lot of noise or use up their explosive utilities
  • With Melusi around, it'll be hard for the defenders anchoring the objective spot to be caught off guard due to her three Banshee Sonic Defense
  • Her Banshees aren't only great at slowing enemies down, they're also great early warning devices due to the noise that they create when an enemy is in their radius
  • She also has access to two impact grenades which she can use to rework the map to the defending team's advantage

Best Loadout for Melusi:



1. Kapkan

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Like Mira in one of the above entries, Kapkan is one of the most banned operators in ranked, and that's because he's one of the most OP. He did recently suffer a bit of nerf with the removal of the scope 1.5x from his 9x19VSN submachine gun, but that doesn't really lessen his potency. That's because what makes him one of the most troublesome operators in the game is his special gadget, the EDD. Ever since the update that made him capable of deploying multiple EDDs in one entryway, he's become one of the very few operators in the game that can inflict death with just one detonation of their special gadget.

Kapkan is a big reason why it's really good for attackers to scan and know the defenders that they'll be dealing with. Because if you know that there's a Kapkan in the defending team, you'll be able to watch out for his EDDs whenever you're passing through an entryway. But that's the thing, even if you know that there's a Kapkan on the opposite team, he would still have a big effect on you because you'll always have to check each entryway that you'll be going through, and that could make you end up losing a lot of time as well as leave you vulnerable while checking for his EDDs.

What Makes Kapkan a Great Defender:

  • He's one of the very few operators in the game that can get a kill with just one detonation of their special gadget
  • His EDDs are great utilities for countering a rush, because when enemies are rushing, there's a high probability that they're going to get damaged or killed by Kapkan's EDDs
  • Even when the enemies know that there's a Kapkan, he still has a big effect on their gameplay, because his presence almost forces enemies to slow down and check every entryway
  • Kapkan can also bring two impact grenades into the round and they're great for creating rotation holes which are very important when defending bomb sites
  • His SASG12 shotgun is one of the best shotguns in the game because it doesn't only inflict heavy damage, it also has a wide variety of attachments compared to most shotguns in the game

Best Loadout for Kapkan:



Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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