[Top 10] R6 Best Attack Teams That Are Powerful

R6 Siege Top 10 Best Attack Teams
05 Aug 2023

10. Capitao + Iana + Montagne + Dokkaebi + Ash

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This is an offense-heavy team with only Montagne who’s not really built to dish out a lot of damage. The four other members, though, can inflict a lot of damage to enemies, and what’s scary is that their utilities are also very powerful. With this team, Montagne can lead the push, attract a lot of attention without being killed, while also gathering intel on enemy positions. Ash and Dokkaebi can perform flanking roles and hunt down the defending team’s roamer, because in competitive matches, there’s always one and it’s important to hunt them down.

Dokkaebi is a great roamer hunter as she can compromise their location with her Logic Bomb, and Ash can finish them off with her speed and firepower. Iana and Capitao on the other hand can assist Montagne with the push, and Capitao’s Tactical Crossbow which can fire two smoke grenades and two fire grenades can really help with that, whereas Iana’s Gemini Replicator will allow her to scout ahead and gather more intel on enemy positions while also confusing them and making them panic. She also has frag grenades which she can throw with great accuracy through the intel that she and Montagne have gathered.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • With Capitao’s Tactical Crossbow, he can fire two smoke grenades that can provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push, and two fire grenades that can deny a lot of area to the enemies
  • Iana has excellent intel-gathering capabilities through her Gemini Replicator which will allow her to scout ahead while safely behind cover and confuse enemies or make them give away their position
  • Montagne is great at leading the push because he can attract a lot of attention to him and make enemies anxious as they know he can easily switch to pistol mode if they don’t pay attention to him
  • With Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb, the attacking team will have a good idea when it comes to enemy positioning, and it’s also a great tool for hunting down enemy roamers
  • Ash is the offensive powerhouse of this team, she possesses a lot of heavy firepower through her weapons, special gadget, as well as her speed
  • This team may not look like it on the surface but it has a lot of intel-gathering capabilities, from Iana’s Gemini Replicator, Montagne’s Extendable Shield, and Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb
  • This team excels at applying heavy pressure to the enemies with Montagne leading the push with his Extendable Shield, and the other members providing the firepower and intel-gathering capabilities

9. Dokkaebi + Lion + Jackal + Gridlock + Grim

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This team’s specialty is intel gathering, especially when it comes to hunting down roamers. With this team, it’s going to be very hard for the defending team’s roamers to be effective. That’s because four of the members of this team specialize in intel gathering, while the other one excels at preventing the team from being hit from behind. The latter one that I’m describing of course is Gridlock whose Trax Stingers can litter a large area with barbed mats that will hurt and slow down defenders who will step on them, and that can make it really hard for them to hit the attacking team from behind.

Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb will forcefully make defender phones ring, and that loud ringing will oftentimes compromise their location. Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans will either stop enemies from moving for a few seconds or put a tracker on them that will be visible to the whole attacking team, whereas Lion can tract defender footprints and scan one set of them at a time, and that scan will put a ping on the owner of those footprints that will last for several seconds. On top of that, Grim’s Kawan Hive Launcher will put swarms of nanobots on a large area, and defenders who will step into that radius will get pinged in real time for several seconds.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • With this team, it’s close to impossible for defender roamers to be effective, and it’s likely that they’re going to be forced back to return to the objective spot and anchor
  • Because of the intel-gathering capabilities of this team, it’s unlikely that they’ll get hit or harassed from behind, and they can focus on pushing together and clearing the objective spot
  • Dokkaebi can hack into defender mobile devices and have them ring loudly, effectively compromising their positions, and she can also hack a dead defender’s mobile device, giving the attacking team access to all defender cameras
  • Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans are a great partner to Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb as after the ringing from the Logic Bomb, he can start his EE-ONE-D scan and either have defenders stop their movements or put a tracker on them
  • Lion’s special gadget will allow him to see defender footprints and that'll give him an idea on enemy movements, and he can also scan a set of footprints and that will ping the owner of those footprints for several seconds.
  • The team will have excellent protection from defenders who will attempt to flank the attacking team or hit them behind because of Gridlock’s Trax Stingers which are great area-denial devices
  • The nanobots from Grim’s Kawan Hive Launcher is another great intel-gathering device as it will put a real time tracker on enemies who will step into its nanobots’ radius


8. Sens + Glaz + Finka + Montagne + Gridlock

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This team excels at pushing and straight up applying heavy pressure to enemies. Sens’ special gadget, the R.O.U. Projector System, will provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push. It also has a great combo with Glaz’ thermal sight on his OTs-03 because it will allow him to target enemies who will swing Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System. Glaz and Montagne also both have smoke grenades that can provide more cover for the attacking team’s push, and with Glaz and Sens providing cover fire, Montagne can turn around, put his shield to his back and plant the defuser.

On top of that, the defenders will find it hard to go around them or flank them because Gridlock’s Trax Stingers will prevent them from doing that. Even if they destroy the Trax Stingers, they’d be wasting a lot of time doing that. Meanwhile, Finka will increase the whole attacking team’s toughness with her Adrenal Surge which adds more health points to every attacking team member as well as a plethora of buffs. It’ll also revive any attackers, including herself, from a down-but-not-out state upon its activation, so overall, this team is very scary to deal with, especially if the members are coordinated through voice comms.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • This team specializes in pushing and defuser planting as four members of this team, I.e. Sens, Glaz, Montagne, and Gridlock have great synergy for that, and Finka will be a great support for them
  • It can be very hard to repel this team’s push and even anti-projectile gadgets like ADS or Mag-NETS will have a hard time preventing this team from applying pressure through smoke grenades and Sens’ R.O.U.Projector System
  • Gridlock can easily block flanking spots with her Trax Stingers as they can be deployed from a distance and will automatically fill an area with barbed mats once they’re deployed
  • Montagne will lead the push, gathering intel on enemy positions while not taking damage due to his Extendable Shield protecting his whole body.
  • Finka will be the offensive powerhouse of this team, while also providing all team members health points boosts, revival from dnbo, as well as a lot of other buffs
  • Glaz will also provide a lot of firepower for this team as his OTs-3 designated marksman rifle has a thermal sight that will allow him to frag opponents behind Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System as well as smoke grenades
  • Sens can provide a lot of cover for the team’s push and defuser plant attempt through their three R.O.U. Projector System that will provide huge walls of light, and they can also provide suppressive fire with their POF-9 which has a large magazine capacity


7. Ace + Kali + Nokk + Dokkaebi + IQ

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This is a very solid all-around team with a great mix of roles, and this is especially better to have than the previous teams discussed when the objective spot has a wall that connects to the outside, and breaching that wall will bring the attacking team closer to victory. That’s because with Ace, the attackers can breach reinforced walls or hatches. The thing is, the defenders will usually have someone who can prevent those walls from being breached. That’s where Kali comes in. Her special gadget, the LV Explosive Lance, can easily disable Bandit’s Shock Wires or Mute’s Signal Jammers.

But if the one preventing the attackers from hard breaching is Kaid’s Electroclaw, IQ, with the use of her Electronics Detector, can disable it from above or below. While Ace, IQ, and Kali are trying to perform hard breaching, Nokk can perform the flanking role, and she does so effectively with her Hel Presence Reduction which allows her to move silently and be invisible to defender cameras. Dokkaebi on the other hand is a good all-around support as her special gadget, the Logic Bomb, is great for gathering intel on enemy positions, so it will be great for pushing after the hard breach has been performed, or for roam clearing.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • This team has great hard breaching capabilities because not only will it have a hard breacher, it will also have two operators that can disable defender gadgets that can prevent hard breaching
  • This team also has some great roam clearing capabilities due to Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb which compromises enemy positions, and Nokk’s Hel Presence Reduction which allows her to hunt enemies silently
  • Ace is a great hard breacher as he has three hard breach devices called the S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher and all of them can puncture huge holes on walls or hatches
  • Kali will be the main hard breach enabler because her LV Explosive Lance can destroy hard breach denial devices, and when the hard breach is successful, she’s a great long-range support due to her CSRX 300 designated marksman rifle
  • The team will also have a great flanker in Nokk, who can move silently and turn invisible to defender cameras, so she can really surprise enemies, and with the help of Dokkaebi, she can also effectively hunt roamers
  • Since the effect of Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb is global, she can support the team no matter where she’s at, so even when she’s pushing with the rest of the team, she can also help Nokk in hunting down enemies
  • IQ is great at disabling enemy electronics gadgets as she can detect them in real time and through walls, so even when she’s below or above the objective spot, she can wall bang the devices that she has detected


6. Buck + Grim + Ying + Iana + Ace

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This is another well-balanced team, and it would excel a lot, especially when it comes to vertical attacks. Buck, with his Skeleton Key under barrel shotgun, can destroy large portions of the wooden floor on or above the objective spot, exposing the defenders vertically. From there, he can keep harassing them, and Grim on the other hand can shoot his Kawan Hive Launcher through the metal beams on the destroyed floor. His Kawan Hive Launcher shoots hives of nanobots that resemble bees, and defenders who will come to their radius will get tracked in real time for several seconds.

Ace being a hard breacher can destroy the reinforced hatches above the objective spot, further making defenders below unsettled, as the attackers can drop down the hatches anytime. On the other hand, Ying and Iana can push horizontally, and they’ll be very effective at that. Ying and Iana actually has a good combo as Ying can lead with her Candelas which are the best utilities for blinding opponents, and Iana can send in her Gemini Replicator clone while Ying’s Candelas are popping off to gather intel on enemy positions, and since it’s a just the holographic clone, it won’t be affected by the Candela’s blind effects.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • This team can apply heavy pressure horizontally and vertically as well, as three of its members can concentrate on a vertical play, while the remaining two can push horizontally
  • This team is very strong in terms of intel-gathering as both Iana and Grim are experts in surveillance, while the other three provides other advantages like soft and hard breaching
  • Buck is an offensive powerhouse as both his primary weapons can inflict a lot of damage, and his special gadget is the most destructive shotgun in the game, and allows him to rework the map to his advantage
  • Grim has both intel-gathering and area-denial capabilities as his Kawan Hives will put a tracker on enemies that come to their radius, and because of that, enemies will also avoid areas where they’re present
  • Ying is a deadly operator that specializes in pushing as she’s very effective at robbing enemies of their vision through her Candelas, and her T-95 LSW doesn’t only have heavy stopping power, it also has a massive magazine capacity
  • Iana is great at intel-gathering, as well as inflicting confusion and panic to the defenders. Her Gemini Replicator clone also works well with Ying’s Candelas as Iana can use it to gather intel on enemy positions while the Candelas are popping off around it
  • Most of the time, defenders are focused on preventing walls from being breached and neglect the hatches, and if they’re not jammed by Kaid’s Electroclaws, Ace can easily destroy them


5. Fuze + Jackal + Dokaebi + Montagne + Lion

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Like the team setup above, this team also has great vertical play capabilities. In fact, Fuze is probably the best vertical attacker around. With his four Cluster Charges and each of them dropping five sub-grenades, he can rain down explosives after explosives onto the objective spot. But of course, it’s dangerous for Fuze to do that alone, and that’s where Dokkaebi and Jackal come in. Dokkaebi and Jackal both specialize in intel gathering, and that’s great for tracking down roamers, and they can perform some roam clearing while also supporting Fuze.

On the other hand, Montagne can push horizontally while being backed up by Lion. Montagne can ping the position of the defenders and their gadgets inside the objective spot and Fuze can capitalize on that. Lion will be Montagne’s backup, preventing him from being hit from behind, and he can do that effectively with his claymores as well as his V308 assault rifle which has a huge magazine capacity for an assault rifle. The effects of his EE-ONE-D is also global, so even when he’s down there with Montagne, he can also support Jackal and Dokkaebi in roam clearing. 

What Makes This Team Great:

  • This team excels at roam clearing with Jackal and Dokkaebi working hand in hand while also making sure that Fuze, who’s performing the vertical play will be safe
  • Intel gathering is one of the specialties of this team, not just because of Lion, Dokkaebi, and Jackal, but also because of Montagne, which can advice the team on enemy positions while viewing them through his Extendable Shield
  • There would be a lot of panic and destruction inside the objective spot with this team because of Fuze’s Cluster Charges which can kill enemies, but most importantly, destroy many of their gadgets
  • With Jackal around, enemy roamers will mostly be on the defensive and running away from the attacking team as he can track their footprints and show their position to the whole attacking team
  • Dokkaebi will be a great support for everyone in this team, especially for Fuze and Jackal, but also for Lion and Montagne who will be pushing below, as her Logic Bomb will tell them when enemies are flanking
  • Montagne pushing horizontally will greatly unsettle the defenders who are anchoring the objective spot, and he will be able to advice his teammates on enemy positions as he can see through his Extendable Shield
  • With Lion around, it will be hard to frag Montagne from behind, and he can also support the team members who are attacking vertically or roam clearing, through his EE-ONE-D scans


4. Brava + Osa + Ace + Capitao + Ying

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This is a great team for pushing and planting the defuser, especially if the objective spot has a wall that connects to the outside. That’s because with Ace around, the attacking team can create some huge holes on that wall and that will bring them closer to victory. Even if the defending team has hard breach denial operators like Bandit or Kaid, their special gadgets can be disabled by Brava’s Kludge Drones. The only thing is that Brava needs to be careful and not let her Kludge Drones be shot, and she has to be extra careful when there’s Mute around.

Once the hard breach is successful, Osa can lead the push with her Clear Shield. Her Clear Shield is basically indestructible while she’s still holding it in front of her, and she can also gather intel on enemy positions while doing so. Capitao can pop off his smoke grenades to cover the attacking team’s push and defuser plant attempt, and his fire grenades can prevent the defenders from taking positions that would have been effective for their counter attack. On the other hand, Ying can be the team’s flanker and take on enemies from another direction, and she’d be a handful to deal with for the defenders because of her Candelas.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • This team excels at pushing and planting the defuser as Ace can perform the hard breaching, Brava will enable it, Osa will lead the push and plant the defuser, and Capitao can cover all of that with his smoke grenades
  • With Brava on the attacking team, hard breach denial gadgets can be disabled, and other gadgets such as Kapkan’s EDDs or Maestro’s Evil Eyes can be converted as attacker utilities
  • Osa is great at leading the push as she can protect herself from being damaged through the use of her Clear Shield. Her Clear Shield can also protect her when she’s planting the defuser.
  • Capitao is a great support for the push and defuser plant attempt as his two smoke grenades can provide a lot of cover, and his two fire grenades will deny large areas to the enemies
  • With Ace in the team, as well as with the help of Brava, the attacking team can perform hard breaching on the objective spot’s walls or reinforced hatches
  • Ying as the attacking team’s flanker will give the defending team a lot of trouble as she can be a one man army with her Candelas as well as her T-95 LSW which has a huge magazine capacity and high damage


3. Dokkaebi + Ash + Blitz + Lion + Finka

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This is one of the best team setups you could have if your team is planning to rush. Blitz, with his G52-Tactical Shield, can lead the rush while avoiding fatal damage. His charge will be assisted by the Logic Bomb from Dokkaebi. The Logic Bomb will make the defenders’ mobile devices ring loudly, and that will tell Blitz where the enemies are. The ringing from their mobile devices can also mask the sound cues that the attackers make when they’re rushing, so that’s a big plus. Of course, while all of this is on-going, Ash, Lion, and Finka should be syncing their attacks with Blitz.

Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans are a great combo to Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb, as once the Logic Bomb is over, Lion can pop off his EE-ONE-D scan and it will prevent defenders from moving, because if they don’t stop moving during the scan, they’ll get pinged for several seconds and the attackers will know where they are. Finka will be buffing the whole attacking team with her Adrenal Surge which adds more health points to them, effectively making them tougher, and it also adds a plethora of other buffs. Ash on the other hand will be the offensive powerhouse of the team and can also disable pesky bulletproof gadgets with her Breaching Rounds.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • This is the best team among all the teams listed in this article when it comes to rushing, as the operator synergies are really made for that purpose and can surprise the defenders, even veteran ones
  • This team has a lot of firepower as well as intel-gathering capabilities, and those two combined makes for a very dangerous team in a straight up gunfight, and that’s why this team is very effective in rushing
  • With Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb, the attackers will have a good idea about where the enemies are, so they will not be rushing in blindly and without a strategy
  • Ash is an attacker who is built almost for pure offense and can clear the room of enemies fast due to her heavy firepower and speed. She can also disable two troublesome bulletproof defender gadgets
  • Blitz is an integral part of this team setup for rushing as he’ll be leading the charge, and he can take out surprised enemies with his G52-Tactical Shield that can blind them and make them susceptible to a melee attack
  • Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans will make opponents stop moving because if they don’t, a tracker will be put on them and their position will be exposed to the whole attacking team, and this is a great partner for Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb
  • Finka is a great all-around support for the team, as she can make the whole team tougher with the added health points from her Adrenal Surge, and it will also provide them with many other buffs

2. Ace + Maverick + Zero + Grim + Sens

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This is a great team setup for hard breaching, pushing, and planting the defuser, especially when Thatcher is banned, which is most of the time anyway. Of course, Ace will be the hard breacher of the team. His S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher can create huge holes on the walls on the objective spot, exposing it from the outside, and creating a more viable path of attack, especially for the defuser plant attempt. Maverick will be enabling it, because with him around, Bandit and Mute won’t be able to jam the wall with their special gadgets, as he can melt portions of reinforced walls with his Breaching Torch.

If that doesn’t work, Zero’s Argus cameras can finish the job, as their lasers can disable the hard breach preventing devices on the other side of the wall, and they can reach Kaid’s Electroclaws better than Maverick’s Breaching Torch can. Sens will provide cover for the attackers’ push and defuser plant attempt, and Grim can litter the objective spot with his nanobots through his Kawan Hive Launcher. That way, defenders who are going to counter the push and defuser plant attempt will be pinged in real-time. This attacking team setup will be hard to stop, even with anti-projectile operators like Wamai or Jager.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • This team specializes in hard breaching because both Maverick and Zero’s special gadgets can disable hard breach preventing devices that the defending team have
  • This team also excels at pushing and planting the defuser, because Sens can provide a lot of cover through their R.O.U. Projector System and Grim can gather intel while also denying area to the enemies with the use of his Kawan Hive Launcher
  • With his S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher, Ace can create large holes on the objective spot’s walls, exposing the defenders inside and creating another path of attack that will make it easier for the attacking team to plant the defuser
  • Because Maverick’s Breaching Torch allows him to melt portions of reinforced walls, he can easily expose hard breach preventing devices like Mute’s Signal Jammer or Bandit’s Shock Wires, and have them easily destroyed
  • Zero’s Argus cameras are great for intel gathering as they provide a wide view of the surroundings, but they can also shoot lasers that disable enemy electronic gadgets, so they’re also great at enabling hard breaching
  • Grim’s Kawan Hive Launcher deploys nanobots to large spots, and enemies who enter their radius will be pinged in real time for several seconds, making it a great intel-gathering utility as well as area-denial
  • Sens’ three R.O.U. Projector System provides long walls of light that will effectively cover the attacking team’s movements, especially when they’re planting the defuser


1. Thatcher + Thermite + Hibana + Zofia + Zero

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This team setup works best when the objective spot is on a lower floor and it has walls that connect to the outside as well as hatches that can be breached from above. Obviously, this setup is only possible if Thatcher isn’t banned. But when he’s not banned, there’s no question that the attacking team should have him, especially when there’s a wall or hatch that is important to breach. That's because Thatcher’s EMP Grenade remains to be the best utility for enabling hard breaching, as it can also easily take out Kaid’s Electroclaw. He also has three of them and if he mixes up their timing, even Bandit or Kaid tricking can be difficult to perform.

When Thatcher is around, it’ll be great to have a Thermite as he can completely obliterate walls. That means that attackers won’t have to crouch or vault in order to enter the breach that he’s made. Hibana and Zofia can perform roam clearing duties, and after roamers have been taken out, Hibana can proceed on breaching reinforced hatches. So with this team, the objective spot will be exposed from all directions and that will greatly unsettle the defenders inside. Zofia will be the offensive powerhouse of the team, and through her heavy firepower, she can frag a lot of enemies. Zero on the other hand will perform intel-gathering duties, and can also be a backup hard-breach enabler.

What Makes This Team Great:

  • This is a great team for hard breaching, as there will be two hard breachers in Thermite and Hibana. Hibana can breach reinforced hatches, while Thermite can breach reinforced walls
  • This team possesses heavy firepower with Zofia being built as an almost purely offense operator, while the other team members also have unique weapons that inflict a lot of damage and are compatible with high-powered scopes
  • Thatcher has three EMP Grenades and they’re very effective in disabling hard breach preventing devices because their radius is wide and its effects pass through walls. So even if an Electroclaw was deployed on a tricky spot, it won’t escape being disabled
  • Thermite’s Exothermic Charges completely destroys walls, and that makes it more convenient for attackers to go through them as they won’t need to vault or crouch
  • With her X-Kairos Launcher, even if the objective spot has four reinforced hatches like the basement in Bank, Hibana can breach them all, especially now that she has more control over how many X-Kairos pellets it will launch
  • Zofia is an all-out offense operator and would be great for supporting Hibana in breaching reinforced hatches as it can be too dangerous to do alone. She can also perform roam clearing well.
  • With his Argus Cameras, Zero can gather a lot of intel on enemy positions. They can provide a wide view of the surroundings and even switch views to the other side of the surface. They can also shoot lasers that disables enemy electronic devices


Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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