Plague Inc Brutal Guide

Plague Inc Brutal Guide
11 Dec 2023

Brutal definitely lives up to its name, because beating a plague on Brutal is no walk in the park.

Plague Inc. is fun because it challenges players to be creative with how they choose to eradicate humanity. For Plague Inc. players who have already conquered normal, brutal is the next hurdle that must be overcome. However, brutal is no piece of cake and this guide will explain exactly why that is and what you can do about it.

So What’s the Problem with Brutal?

To get a sense of how brutal the brutalis, on Plague Inc. it is described as, “for strategic geniuses living in concrete bunkers”. In normal, you have about 2/3rds of the population washing their hands, but in brutal everyone is a compulsive hand washer. In normal doctors work three days a week, but in brutal doctors are on call 24/7. In normal sick people are ignored, but in brutal sick people are shipped off to prison. These rough conditions are what make brutal challenging and a level worth beating.

Strategy #1: Loose Lips Sink Ships 

This is a tip that applies to pretty much all difficulty levels in Plague Inc., but it is especially important when playing brutal. Most who have cleared brutal recommend only evolving transmissions and devolving symptoms in the first half of the game. The general suggestion is to start investing in symptoms once all, or at least over half the population in each country, have been infected. That way, humanity won’t know what’s hit them until they’re suddenly struck down.

Strategy #2: Evolve Only What You Must

DNA is a precious resource that is unfortunately limited. In brutal, it is absolutely crucial to only buy what you must or else you might find yourself backed into a corner when the cure progress is high, your lethality is low, and no DNA bubbles are popping up. Transmission wise, the only ones you really need are air one and two, water one and two, and at most extreme bioaerosol. Symptom wise, it is recommended to start from the bottom right corner and work your way up to the deadlier ones like internal hemorrhaging or total organ failure.

Strategy #3: Play to Your Plague, and to the Situation

Each plague is a different challenge, and so for each plague you must have a different battle plan. For instance, with Virus you would want to take advantage of Viral Instability toward the end of the game because that way you won’t have to waste DNA on symptoms, but that option doesn’t exist for Fungus. Also, if in your scenario scientists have done research on tumors that make tumors less deadly, don’t bother evolving that symptom. Pay attention to the news and what your plague has to offer if you want to emerge victorious.

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