[Top 10] One Punch Man Best Fights That Were Awesome

One Punch Man Best Fights
11 Dec 2020

The Best One Punch Man Fights

This anime no doubt was full of fight scenes… of course, it’s a fighting anime!

But which fights stood out the most? What made these ten fights the best? Was it the fighting style? The visuals? The motivation behind the fights?

Or was it plainly awesome because, “hey look, a fight!” Let’s find out:

10. Saitama vs Marugori

“We lay our scene” in a grocery store, as we see Saitama calmly shopping in his superhero suit. As he is about to pay the ground starts to shake and people run away. When he looks up the city has been destroyed by what seems a giant foot!

  • Crazy scientist gets humorously killed
  • Mindless destruction and smooth animation
  • The audience is able to feel compassion for a monster they just met

9. Genos vs Mosquito girl

The city is attacked by a swarm of mosquitos! No, I am not talking about Florida. Genos comes to the rescue, but it seems like Mosquito girl is stronger. All Genos can do now is self destruct… [Enter] butt-naked Saitama.

  • Men have a new appreciation for mosquitos
  • Genos successfully exterminates all mosquitos from Japan
  • Flashy and fast-paced battle

8. Saitama vs Deep Sea King

This fight was a roller coaster of emotions, one moment there is no hope and then a hero appears! Then he gets knocked out and then another hero appears! Just to get knocked out again. The heroes try to stop Deep Sea King from killing all the landlubbers, but to no avail. But when Saitama comes into the scene there is no doubt, one punch and done.

  • Emotional battle
  • The rain is cleared with Saitama’s punch
  • Deep Sea King’s creepy (in more ways than one) design adds to the tension of this scene

7.  Stinger vs Seafolk

Sea monsters arrive at the shore of this beach city threatening its dwellers. Stinger is first introduced in this scene and proves to be as strong as his bamboo shoot weapon. After much of a beating, he finishes off the remaining four monsters in one hit!

  • His bamboo weapon
  • Fighting spirit!
  • Combo attacks

6. Saitama vs Geryuganshoop

Saitama is lost inside an alien ship and receives telepathic instructions, but of course, he does the exact opposite! When he finds himself in the control room he is met with Geryuganshoop the self-proclaimed strongest telekinetic power of the universe. Saitama then decides to play David and Goliath and throws a pebble clean through Geryuganshoop’s head.

  • Simple logical humor
  • Defeats Geryuganshoop by tossing a pebble
  • Unparalleled telekinetic powers meet unparalleled IDGAF attitude

5. Genos vs Deep Sea King

Deep Sea King has come to kill all humans and although multiple heroes have come to stop him, it is futile. “A hero approaches! Genos enters the battle!” And with his new black cyborg tech arms. They exchange powerful blows but ultimately Genos lets his guard down.

  • Tense battle scenes with explosions
  • Fight animation that lets you see every blow given
  • Genos (he’s just so awesome)

4. Class S vs Melzargard

An alien ship destroys City A in an instant and it’s up to the hero association to stop any further damage. Finally action from Class S! After many futile attacks, Metal Bat finds Melzargard’s weakness and the team were able to direct their blows more efficiently.

  • Awesome attack moves
  • Electronic battle music
  • Amazing teamwork from Class S heroes      

3. Saitama vs Genos

Genos wants insight on Saitama’s powers, so he asks to spar with him. What he doesn’t know is that if Saitama does not hold back he will die. Just the pressure from his punch vaporized the mountain behind him.

  • Genos new tech armor
  • Genos gives it his all
  • No battle music or no sound makes for more tense moments

2. Saitama vs Subterraneans

WHOA! Is this how the whole anime is going to be?! Will any fight top this one? These are all the questions we have after a race of Earth dwellers, that call themselves the Subterraneans, come to conquer the surface. But just their luck, they are met with Saitama first.

  • Intense rock music
  • Rough animation which makes for tense moments in the fight
  • Saitama with a serious look instead of doughy eyes

1. Saitama vs Boros

Was there ever any doubt this would be number 1? After an alien ship lands in city A, Saitama finds the “Dominator of the Universe.” We haven’t seen a fight like this since Saitama’s dream in episode 1, and although the anime is jam-packed with action, I think we were all itching to see Saitama fight someone that wouldn’t die in (say it with me) ONE PUNCH!

  • They play the opening song of the anime in this fight
  • Flawless fight animation
  • Striking colors that are visually pleasing
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