[Top 15] MTG Best Jund Commanders That Are Most Powerful

best jund commanders 2022
24 Aug 2022

Jund colors have been a powerhouse in Commander for years, but who to use to command your forces to victory?  Choosing the right Commander is just as important as the cards you choose for your deck, and we’ve put together a list of the top fifteen most powerful legendary creatures, and a super-powered planeswalker, that will be sure to give your list the boost it needs to start winning your pods.

15. Gyrus, Waker of Corpses

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Looking for something different that won’t instantly make you the target of your playgroup?  Look no further.  Gyrus, Waker of Corpses has insane synergies with your graveyard and enters the battlefield triggers, and with its X mana cost can be a huge late-game threat that can win through Commander damage.

What makes it great:

  • Flexible mana cost
  • Value from your graveyard
  • Command tax adds counters

14. Sek’Kuar, Deathkeeper

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If you find yourself always in need of creatures to sacrifice, Sek’Kuar may just be the Commander you’re looking for.  With a near-continuous supply of 3/1 tokens at your disposal, you have the option to use them for the aforementioned sacrifice fodder, or simply use them to turn sideways and maintain pressure on your opponent.

What makes it great:

  • Consistent creature generation
  • Sacrifice enablers
  • Pressure with tokens

13. Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund

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One of the more aggressive Dragon Commanders, Karrthus is great for punishing other dragon-oriented decks, as well as putting your opponent on a very short clock.  This guy wants to see other dragons on the field, so pack them in, along with lots of mana acceleration and/or reanimation enablers, and you’ll find your way into the winner’s circle in no time.

What makes it great:

  • Consistent individual threat
  • Haste makes removal less effective and efficient
  • Perfect colors to enable what would otherwise be awkwardly high mana costs

12. Shattergang Brothers

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A much cheaper option than previous entries, Shattergang Brothers is a master of maintaining control of the board.  The ability to remove three different permanent types, as well as the fact that it affects all players rather than being targeted removal, means you have the recipe for a deck that can handle any number of opponents all at once.

What makes it great:

  • Constant access to mass removal
  • Efficient board control
  • Sacrifice outlet

11. Thantis, the Warweaver

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A master of manipulating combat, Thantis’ presence on the board will do wonders to disrupt the plans of control players that want to sit back with their utility creatures and do things on other people’s turns.  Abuse its passive ability by utilizing untap effects like Seedborn Muse to turn what might be a disadvantage into an incredible strength.

What makes it great:

  • Combat control
  • Disincentivizes you from being attacked

10. Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire

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A fantastic control card, Vaevictis, like Shattergang Brothers, punishes all its opponents equally.  The ability to target any permanent type means it can get around problems that its colors might typically not be able to deal with, and sacrifice means that it gets around pesky little things like indestructible.  Make sure to throw in some cards that give extra attack steps to throw your opponents’ boards into chaos.

What makes it great:

  • Mass removal
  • Ability to deal with all permanent types
  • Strong Dragon combat Commander

9. Henzie “Toolbox” Torre

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Henzie is an absolute beast at abusing both enters the battlefield and death triggers.  The ability to give almost all your creatures in hand blitz means you can surprise your opponents with powerful turns and still refill your hand to do it again.  The deck also works quite well with sacrifice effects, and the card draw from blitz still happens no matter how the creature dies, meaning you can get a lot of work out of some potentially very cheap creatures.  Remember, the blitz discount is permanent for the rest of the game, so re-casting him is always a good decision.

What makes him great:

  • Cost reduction
  • Value enabler
  • Card draw
  • Combat manipulation

8. The Beamtown Bullies

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A rather different style of a a commander than most here, Beamtown Bullies wants to be the diplomat, manipulating your opponents into doing, and attacking, what you want, while encouraging them not to target you because you’re on their side!  All the while, you’re reaping the benefits of extra enters the battlefield triggers and resources, and once you’re in a winning position, they’ll find they’ve fallen right into your trap.

What makes it great:

  • Board manipulation
  • Graveyard as a resource
  • Diplomacy

7. Yurlok of Scorch Thrash

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A sneaky good Commander with built-in mana acceleration for both yourself and your opponents.  While it certainly can just be a mana generator, it serves as a way to be the diplomat and get your opponents to use their cards at times where they’d otherwise be tapped out.  Vigilance means you can be on the offensive and still be ready to help someone else disrupt a play that would otherwise be detrimental to you.

What makes it great:

  • Player manipulation
  • Mana acceleration
  • Early game tempo

6. Ognis, the Dragon’s Lash

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A commander with one of the best keywords in the game, and a fabulous way to take advantage of it as well.  A deck full of haste creatures will mean you have the mana resources to outpace your opponents while pounding them into submission.  For even more value, cards like anger and fervor will allow you to craft a deck full of creatures best able to take advantage of your extra mana and end the game quickly.

What makes it great:

  • Mana acceleration
  • Resource generation
  • Tempo advantage

5. Ziatora, the Incinerator

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A commander of many talents, Ziadora acts as sacrifice outlet, removal, and mana acceleration.  Being a demon and a dragon, two of the most abusable creature types in Magic, only serves as the icing on an already delicious cake.  Not only can it abuse death triggers, but it can also combine with a creature with pumpable power to deal potentially infinite damage to any target.

What makes it great:

  • Multi-purpose
  • One-shot potential
  • Resource generation

4. Kresh, the Bloodbraided

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A very popular Voltron-style commander, Kresh is a win condition in itself.  With the ability to grow enormously strong extremely early in the game, Kresh is well-served to abuse defensive equipment and sacrificial creatures to create a monstrous threat that slays opponents in one blow.  And since it’s Commander damage, it doesn’t matter what their life total is, a big Kresh is going to kill them if it gets through.  Make sure to pack plenty of removal to make sure he does!

What makes him great:

  • Consistent win condition
  • Negates effects of life gain
  • Comes online quickly

3. Prossh, Skyraider of Kher

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A threat in itself as a massive flyer, Prossh turns the commander tax into a benefit by generating more and more tokens.  Acting as both resource generator and abuser, Prossh can enable many different strategies while still being a substantial menace on its own.  For a cheeky alternate win-conwin-con, try using cards like Coat of Arms to pump up your kobolds and turn sac bait into a board full of threats.

What makes it great:

  • Resource generation
  • Sacrifice outlet
  • Consistent threat with evasion

2. Lord Windgrace

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The only planeswalker on this list, Lord Windgrace is a powerhouse, turning lands into a card-drawing resource, then bringing them back to do it all over again.  Its ultimate is just a bonus, but it’s a nice one, giving you another source of removal in a long game.  The ability to turn land into cards means you can run more in your deck, ensuring you’ll never be mana starved and always capable of casting whatever you need to win the game.

What makes it great:

  • Resource generation
  • Immune to creature removal
  • Consistency in gameplay

1. Korvold, Fae-Cursed King

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Topping the list, though by a narrow margin, is one of the best at doing everything Jund loves to do.  Korvold serves as a multi-purpose way to cycle through the resources you have while at the same time creating a threat that has to be dealt with immediately.  Depending on your deck design, Korvold can either facilitate your win conditions or be the win condition itself, keeping your opponents guessing.

What makes it great:

  • Options in deck construction
  • Both threat and answer in one card
  • Resource generation

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