MHW Best Longsword Builds [Top 7]

Figure out the best Longsword Iceborne Build in Monster Hunter World.
11 Dec 2023

7.  The Best Longsword Build for Early Master Rank

What’s Awesome About the Best Longsword Build for Early Master Rank:

  • Fun New Iceborne Player Set 
  • Good White Sharpness
  • Attack Boost Skill Lv 7 
  • Handicraft Skill
  • Agitator Skill
  • Paralysis Attack Skill
  • Health Boost, Quick Sheath and Effuvial Expert Skills for Comfort

Build Details:

  • Handicraft Maxes the Weapon Sharpness Gauge
  • Paralysis Attack Increases the Rate of Paralysis Buildup
  • Effluvial Expert Decreases Effuvia in the Rotten Vale
  • Quick Sheath Speeds Up Weapon Sheathing
  • Even Agitator Lv1 is Useful
  • Agitator Boosts Attack When Monster is Enraged

Armor Set:

  • Bone Helm alpha
  • Bone Mail alpha 
  • Vespoid Vambraces alpha
  • Girros Coil alpha
  • Nergigante Greaves omega
  • Handicraft Charm III

6. The Most Comfortable Set You Will Ever Use

  • Gold Rathian Essence
  • Divine Blessing Skill Lv5 
  • Peak Performance and Agitator Skills
  • Health Regen and Defense Weapon Augments
  • Defense Boost With Divine Blessing 
  • Still Has Great Offensive Dmg Skills
  • Versatile Set for Other Skills

Build Details:

  • Gold Rathian Essence Unlocks Divine Blessing Secret (Max Divine Blessing Lv)
  • Divine Blessing Has a Chance of Reducing Dmg You Take
  • Peak Performance Boosts Attack When Health is Full
  • Health Regen Restores Health WIth Each Weapon Attack
  • Tool Specialist Reduces Charge Time for Specialized Tools (Mantles)

Armor Set:

  • Golden Headdress beta
  • Golden Lunemail beta
  • Ruinous Vambraces beta
  • Golden Lunecoil beta
  • Garuga Greaves beta
  • Master’s Charm IV (Critical Eye)

5. Frostcraft Elemental Build

Start at 12:24

What’s Awesome about the Frostcraft Elemental Build:

  • Velkhana Divinity 
  • 4 Piece Armor Set Bonus 
  • Armor Looks Awesome
  • Critical Element and Frostcraft Skills
  • High Affinity
  • Quick Sheath Skill
  • Critical Eye, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit, Maximum Might and Critical Draw are Great DPS Skills
  • Protective Polish Skill

Build Detail:

  • Stygian Gula (Stygian Zinogre)
  • Velkhana Divinity Unlocks Critical Element and Frostcraft
  • Affinity Increase, Health Regen and Element Up Weapon Augmentations
  • Critical Element Increases Elemental Dmg for Crit Hits
  • Frostcraft Builds Up Attack Power When Weapon Is Sheathed
  • Quick Sheath Speeds Up Weapon Sheathing
  • Critical Draw Boosts Affinity for Draw Attacks
  • Protective Polish Preserves Weapon Sharpness

Armor Set:

  • Golden Headdress beta
  • Rimeguard Mail beta
  • Rimeguard Vambraces beta
  • Rimeguard Coil beta
  • Rimeguard Greaves beta
  • Critical Charm II

4. Ultimate Punishing Knockout Iai Slash Frostcraft Build

What’s Awesome About Ultimate Punishing Knockout Iai Slash Frostcraft Build:

  • Stun Longsword
  • Slugfest With Highly Offensive Dmg Build
  • Velkhana Divinity
  • Critical Element Skill
  • Frostcraft Without Crit Draw
  • Frostfang Barioth Armor One Pc Set Bonus Punishing Draw
  • Iai Slash Move

Build Details:

  • Velkhana Divinity Unlocks Critical Element and Frostcraft Skills
  • Swap Weapon to Match Monster’s Elemental Weakness
  • Velkhana Divinity, Attack Increase and Sharpness Increase Awakened Abilities
  • Attack Increase and Health Regen Weapon Augments
  • Punishing Draw Adds a Stun Effect to Draw Attacks and Slightly Increases Attack Power
  • Critical Element Boosts Elemental Dmg for Crit Hits 
  • Iai Slash Procs Punishing Draw
  • Use Draw Attacks Often

Armor Set:

  • Rimeguard Helm beta
  • Rimeguard Mail beta
  • Frostbang Vambraces alpha
  • Rimeguard Coil beta
  • Kulve Taroth’s Wrath alpha
  • Challenger Charm V

3. Raging Brachy Power Chasing the Meta Build Lightbreak Edge


​What's Awesome About Raging Brachy Power  Chasing the Meta Build:

  • Lightbreak Edge
  • Teostra Technique and Brachydios Will
  • Beginning Meta Build
  • Great Affinity
  • Won’t Need to Sharpen Much
  • Critical Eye, Attack Boost, Blast Attack, Agitator, Crit Boost, Weakness Exploit Are All Great DPS Skills.
  • Latent Power Skill

Build Detail:

  • Teostra Technique Unlocks Master’s Touch (Preserves Sharpness From Crit Hits)
  • Brachydios Will Unlocks Agitator Secret (Maxes Agitator Lv)
  • Critical Eye Boosts Affinity 
  • Weakness Exploit Boosts Affinity for Weak Spot Hits
  • Latent Power Boosts Affinity After Taking Damage

Armor Set:

  • Kaiser Crown beta
  • Brachydium Mail beta
  • Kaiser Vambraces beta
  • Kaiser Coil beta
  • Brachydium Greaves beta
  • Challenger Charm II

2. Punishing Draw Classic DPS Healthboost Frostfang Barioth Build

Build 1

  • New Monster Frostfang Barioth Armor is OP
  • Punishing Draw 1 Piece Set Bonus
  • 100% Crit Chance
  • Slugger Skill
  • Peak Performance and Agitator Skills
  • Adjustable Build for Other Skills

Build Details:

  • Frostfang Vambraces alpha (Punishing Draw One Piece Set Bonus)
  • Punishing Draw Adds a Stun Effect to Draw Attacks and Boosts Attack
  • Attack Awakenings and Health Regen Weapon Mods
  • Slugger Makes it Easier to Stun Monsters (More Stun Dmg to the Head)
  • Peak Performance Boosts Attack When Health is Full
  • Good White Sharpness  

Armor Set:

  • Kaiser Crown beta
  • Kaiser Mail beta
  • Frostbang Vambraces alpha
  • Kaiser Coil beta
  • Kulve Taroth’s Wrath alpha
  • Challenger Charm V

1. Highest Possible DPS Speedrunner/Pro New Meta Build

Build 6

What’s Awesome About Highest Possible DPS Speedrunner/Pro New Meta Build

  • Meta Build for Highest Damage
  • Righteous Dumb DPS
  • 10 Hits of Purple Sharpness
  • Almost All Damage Skills in the Game
  • Critical Eye+ Attack Boost+ Agitator+ Critical Boost+ Weakness Exploit+ Peak Performance+ Handicraft= RDDPS

Build Details:

  • Safi’s Shatterblade
  • Attack Increase and One Sharpness Awakening
  • Agitator Boosts Attack When Monster is Enraged
  • Handicraft Maxes Sharpness Gauge

Armor Set:

  • Kaiser Crown omega 
  • Frostfang Mail beta
  • Kaiser Vambraces beta
  • Kaiser Coil beta
  • Kulve Taroth’s Wrath alpha 
  • Challenger Charm V (Agitator)

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