[Top 10] Marvel's Avengers Best Hawkeye Skills From Early To Late Game

29 May 2022

This Master Archer has the skills to back up his talk.

10. Split Shot Arrow

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Hawkeye is a master archer who’s skilled in swordplay as well, thanks to his time as Ronin. Hawkeye shares similarities with his MCU counterpart in that regard, besides being done with the world and being deaf. However, Marvel’s Avengers Hawkeye is a lot more skilled than his more famous counterpart, and here are some skills you need to unlock as you level up the master archer.

Hawkeye mains knows that the Split Shot Arrow skill is a must have when starting out. It may not seem like much, but it is the first step to a moveset that makes Hawkeye one of the top characters in Marvel’s Avengers.

Why Split Shot Arrow Is Great

  • Breaks block
  • Can hit multiple enemies

Split Shot Arrow full details

  • Guard: Breaks Block
  • Damage: High
  • Impact: Medium
  • Stun: Medium
  • Reaction: Stagger


9. Bag of Tricks

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Here is the one move that Marvel’s Avengers players, especially Hawkeye mains, will agree that makes Hawkeye a valuable member of any team if built right. Bag of Tricks is a Power Attack that can be followed up by Split Shot Arrow to hit a large group of enemies close to Hawkeye. This attack does major damage when all 3 shots connect.

Why Bag of Tricks Is Great

  • High damage
  • Lots of arrows being shot
  • The best Hawkeye skill in the game

Bag of Tricks full details

Press Heavy Attack three times after any Signature Attack of Power Attacks to fire a barrage of various trick arrows.

  • 1st Shot = Tripwire Shot
  • 2nd Shot = Pulsar Arrow
  • 3rd Shot = 3 Split Shot Arrows


8. Splintering Fire

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Splintering Fire is an air attack that’s similar to the Split Shot Arrow skill. Holding the Heavy Attack button in midair will make Hawkeye fire 2 Split Shot Arrows before landing on the ground. But the best part about this skill, is that once you land on the ground and repeatedly press the Heavy Attack Button, you will then initiate Bag of Tricks, hitting more enemies.

Why Splintering Fire Is Great

  • Segues into Bag of Tricks
  • Breaks block

Splintering Fire full details

  • Guard: Breaks Block
  • Damage: Medium
  • Impact: Medium
  • Stun: Medium
  • Reaction: Stagger


7. Suspension Arrow

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Suspension Arrow is Hawkeye’s Heavy Combo Finisher. Using this combo will cause all nearby enemies in front of Hawkeye to be launched into the air, open for more attacks. Continuing to press the Heavy Attack button will then allow Hawkeye to perform Bag of Tricks, inflicting more damage.

Why Suspension Arrow Is Great

  • Breaks block
  • Segues into Bag of Tricks
  • Launches enemies into the air

Suspension Arrow full details

  • Guard: Breaks Block
  • Damage: High
  • Impact: High
  • Stun: Medium
  • Reaction: Launch


6. Extended Focus

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Locked On is a status effect exclusive to Hawkeye. While active, Hawkeye can lock on to enemies instantly after aiming and will remain “locked on” until you stop aiming. Locked On will also double your range damage, so keeping Locked On active is a good strategy to have.

Getting the Extended Focus skill will allow Hawkeye to remain in Locked On status for 2 more seconds with each additional enemies defeated, but only if you’re Overcharged.

Why Extended Focus Is Great

  • Extends Locked On status

Extended Focus full details

  • Defeating enemies while Overcharged increases the duration of the Locked On buff by 2 seconds.


5. Overcharge Endurance

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If Extended Focus is not enough to sustain Locked On, then getting Overcharge Endurance will double the effect of it. With Overcharge Endurance active, each enemy defeated will reward the player with 4 seconds, instead of 2. That is due both Extended Focus and Overcharge Endurance being active.

Why Overcharge Endurance Is Great

  • Extends Locked On status even more

Overcharge Endurance full details

  • Increases the Locked On buff duration when defeating enemies by 2 seconds. Requires Extended Focus to be effective.


4. Heroic Resolve

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Having Heroic Orbs spawning all the time is a must have when playing Marvel’s Avengers, as Heroic Orbs is needed to keep your Heroic Skills full and ready to use. Heroic Resolve will allow Hawkeye to get a 15% chance to spawn Heroic Orbs if he defeats enemies while Overcharged.

Why Heroic Resolve Is Great

  • Spawns Heroic Orbs
  • Can fill Heroic Skills faster

Heroic Resolve full details

  • While Overcharged, defeating enemies has a 15% chance to spawn Heroic Orbs.


3. Multi-Talented

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Hawkeye is a talented fighter. Being able to use a bow and arrow, as well as a sword, efficiently makes him a valuable member of the Avengers. The Multi-Talented skill makes Hawkeye show off his impressive skills by increasing his melee damage by 20% and his range damage by 10%, only if Overcharged.

Why Multi-Talented Is Great

  • Increases Hawkeye’s melee and range damage

Multi-Talented full details

  • Increases Melee Attack damage by 20% and Ranged Attack damage by 10% while Overcharged.


2. Fatal Domain

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Hawkeye’s Assault Heroic, Nightstorm Arrow, lets the archer shoot an arrow into the sky and rain down projectile attacks on to his enemies. But what if we can make the radius bigger? That’s where Fatal Domain step in. The skill increases the area of effect by 50%, allowing a larger group of enemies to be hit by the Assault Heroic.

Why Fatal Domain Is Great

  • Increases radius of Assault Heroic

Fatal Domain full details

  • Increases the size of the bombardment zone by 50%.


1. Twin Talons

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Hawkeye’s Hunter’s Arrow is a great way to keep enemies off you. Best thing about this Heroic is that you can proceed to fight while your arrows go around targeting any enemy near you. So naturally, you would want two of them. Twin Talons will allow you to fire 2 Hunter’s Arrow, doubling the effectiveness of the Hunter’s Arrow.

Why Twin Talons Is Great

  • Twice as effective as the regular Hunter’s Arrow
  • Deals more damage for a longer period of time

Twin Talons full details

  • Fire 2 Hunter’s Arrows charged with electricity, increasing the overall damage dealt and applying Shock damage to all affected targets.
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