[Top 5] Marvel's Avengers Best Hawkeye Builds That Are Great

29 May 2022

Time to go to work, Hawkeye.

5. Rain of Arrows Build

Playing as Hawkeye, similar to Kate Bishop, you’ll find that Hawkeye’s greatest strength lies in his bow and arrows. Yes, he does have a sword you can use. But let’s be honest, that’s just an excuse for Crystal Dynamics to include his Ronin costumes, both from the comics and from the MCU.

While there are good melee builds for Hawkeye, majority of the best builds for Hawkeye are range, starting with the Rain of Arrows build. This build a has high range and high crit chance, making all of your range damage deal out more damage than what your stats say.

What this build is good for

  • High range damage
  • High critical chance

Build Details


  • Hivemind Sword exotic
  • Range gear with Targeted Buff and Targeted Tachyon Surge perks
  • Operative’s Armor exotic
  • Heroic gear with Mighty Blessing perk
  • 2 Blue ISO-8’s
  • Tactigon


  • Critical Care
  • Twin Talons
  • Singularity
  • Sharp Fragments
  • Energized Pulsar
  • Superpowered Pulse
  • Critical Might

These are the only skills needed for the build to work. All other skills can be whatever to your choosing, as long as these are active.


4. The Budapest Build

Remember the “You and I remember Budapest very differently” meme back when the first Avengers movie came out in 2012? It sparked a lot of fan theories of what Black Widow and Hawkeye did during their time in Budapest.

Although the Black Widow movie may have referenced it again, there doesn’t seem to be any clear indication on what exactly went down in Budapest. Although, that hasn’t stopped people from naming this Hawkeye build, the Budapest Build.

This build is focused on range once again, but utilizing more of the Heroic stats. This build also takes advantage of the Sonic gear that was released alongside the War for Wakanda expansion.

What this build is good for

  • High range damage
  • High Heroic damage
  • Sonic focused build

Build Details


  • Melee gear with Faultless Buff and Split Shot Scream perks
  • Range gear with Pym Particle Razor and Pym Particle Pulsar perks
  • Operative’s Armor exotic
  • Operative’s Kit exotic
  • Blue ISO-8
  • Yellow ISO-8
  • Tactigon


  • Inescapable Blast
  • Sharp Fragments
  • Heroic Burst
  • Heavy Draw
  • Tripwire Spread
  • Superpowered Pulse
  • Return Fire
  • Honed Instincts
  • Extended Disruption
  • Multi-Talented
  • Heroic Resolve
  • Critical Might


3. Raid Build

When doing a raid for the first time, it’s important to have a build ready. This build is for those who haven’t attempted the raid yet, and are planning to do so, but have no idea what gear and skills are needed to make sure you can survive the raid.

What this build is good for

  • Raid ready
  • High Heroic damage
  • Also good for Villain Sectors and OLT’s

Build Details


  • Melee gear with Split Shot Scream perk
  • Range gear with Targeted Buff perk
  • Defense gear with Reactive Jarvis Barrier perk
  • Operative’s Kit exotic
  • Yellow ISO-8’s
  • ISO-8 of Cosmic Affinity
  • Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will


  • Critical Care
  • Strong Medicine
  • Fire Devil
  • Strike Point
  • Twin Talons
  • Hunter’s Resolve
  • Stunning Show
  • Sharp Fragments
  • Heroic Burst
  • Pulsar Charge
  • Energized Pulsar
  • Ensnared Targets
  • Parting Gifts
  • Energy Boost
  • Volatile Rockets
  • Multi-Talented
  • Heroic Resolve
  • Critical Might


2. Sonic Battery Raid Build

If you’ve managed to beat the raid and get some goodies, congratulations! You’re one step closer to creating builds designed with raid gear in mind. Now of course, builds that utilize raid gear will be very overpowered, making earlier missions easy. But, it’s all worth it, considering you beat the hardest content in the game and should rewards yourself with a build that breezes previously difficult missions.

Keep in mind, however, that creating this build will require multiple runs through the raid, as the gear needed for this build are mostly exotics from the raid. So be prepared to go in with a good squad, because you’ll be taking a long time to complete this build.

What this build is good for

  • High range damage
  • High Heroic damage
  • Overpowered
  • Uses raid exotics

Build Details


  • Discordant Blade exotic
  • Discordant Arrows exotic
  • Omega Battle Armor exotic
  • Kit of the Storms exotic
  • 2 Yellow ISO-8’s
  • Tactigon


No specific skills needed, just the gear


1. The Discordant God Build

Did you know that you can beat the main boss of the raid without having the boss go through different phases? Do you know how that’s possible? This build right here is the answer.

The Discordant God build is just Hawkeye using 1% of his power, because he can easily defeat Klaw before he can switch to his second phase faster than you can say “Lucky the Pizza Dog”. As with the previous build, this will require you to run the raid multiple times, as you need multiple raid exotics to make this build work.

What this build is good for

  • Overpowered
  • Can beat raid boss within phase one

Build Details


  • Discordant Blade exotic
  • Broadhead of the Storms exotic
  • Discordant Battle Armor exotic
  • Eagle’s Kit exotic
  • 2 Yellow ISO-8’s
  • Sacred Norn Stone of Lethal Will


  • Critical Care
  • Heroic Recharge
  • Hail Storm
  • Falling Sky
  • Twin Talons
  • Bird in the Hand
  • Inescapable Blast
  • Sharp Fragments
  • Heroic Burst
  • Cluster Damage
  •  Tripwire Spread
  • Ensnared Targets
  • Return Fire
  • Honed Instincts
  • Volatile Rockets
  • Multi-Talented
  • Heroic Resolve
  • Critical Might
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