[Top 5] LoL Best Garen Builds That Destroy Enemies (Used By Pros)

[Top 5] LoL Garen Builds That Destroy Enemies (Used By Pros)
04 Nov 2022

Here we have a champion who is widely regarded as one of the easiest to play and requires no skill at all. Of course, that only applies to the lower ranks; as you move up the ranks, you realize how simple it is to counter Garen. This champion is a tank, but most people play him as a bruiser nowadays, and I even met a player who claimed that this champion is only a bruiser. Of course, veteran players like myself know better.

The champion's gameplay is very simple, and the best part is that he doesn't even have a mana bar, so you can spam his abilities to your heart's content. His Q “Decisive Strike” is a point-and-click damage ability, his W “Courage” provides a shield, his E “Judgement” spins him around like a ballerina, and his R “Demacian Justice” is an execute that deals true damage. More real damage than you'll ever see in your life.

Laning and understanding what it means to be a top laner are the most difficult aspects of this champion. Most people enjoy playing Garen, especially in the lower ranks, but no one can beat the pro player STREYITO. He is a Garen God who will not be challenged.

5. Splitpushing Build

To begin this list, there is a thing that every top laner should be doing: split pushing. Riot Games even attempted to push their players in that direction by adding an item called "Hullbreaker" that is specifically designed for that purpose. Garen is extremly great at splitpushing and this build just enhances his abilities at doing that.You can't use this build in every single match, but if the opportunity arises, feel free to take advantage of it because no one will be able to stop you.

This build excels at it, but don't be afraid to take a few fights up front as you can easily win them. If you choose to use this build, keep in mind that you only need to farm, split push, and get objectives. Don't force fights you can't win and don't always stick around for an ARAM on mid. Games are won by completing objectives rather than fighting constantly.

Use This Build If:

  • If your team doesn’t need a constant tank to be on the frontline. 
  • Great for split pushing and getting objectives. 
  • You will take every chance you can to farm and put pressure on the enemy team. 
  • This build enhances the split-pushing potential of Garen.



  • Conqueror 
  • Triumph 
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Last Stand


  • Demolish 
  • Bone Plating


Level 1: Decisive Strike

Level 2: Judgment

Level 3: Courage

Level 4-5: Judgment

Level 6: Demacia Justice

Level 7: Judgment

Level 8: Decisive Strike

Level 9: Judgment

Level 10: Decisive Strike

Level 11: Demacia Justice

Level 12-13: Decisive Strike

Level 14-15: Courage

Level 16: Demacia Justice

Level 17-18: Courage

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

Because your main goal with the build will be to split push, maxing out your E “Judgement” is expected. During the laning phase, your Q “Decisive Strike” will be a useful tool for either poking the enemy or escaping because it increases your movement speed. Because you won't be taking many fights and will be mostly alone, you'll max out W “Courage” last.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Doran’s Shield, Health Potion, Boots, Sheen, Heartbound Axe, Berserker’s Grieves, Triforce, Hullbreaker, Sterak’s Gage, Dead Man’s Plate, and Mortal Reminder. 

4. Full Conqueror Garen 

If you don't have the opportunity to split push during the match but are up against a melee top laner, this build is for you. Because this build focuses solely on combat. Unlike the previous build, you will need to be as close to your team as possible to tank and deal damage. Don't worry about dying because this build will provide you with enough sustain to last you a lifetime.

This build will combine armor, sustain, armor penetration, and damage because it is focused on fighting people. During the match, you will be the ultimate destroyer. To get there, you must play safe in the lane and only engage in fights you are confident you will win. If you have nothing to gain from it, don't run off to help your team.

Use This Build If:

  • If you’re not able to split-push during the match. 
  • If you’re going up against a melee match-up. 
  • If you know that you will be constantly fighting. 
  • This build combines everything in one nice neat package for all your needs during team fights. 



  • Conqueror 
  • Triumph
  • Legend: Tenacity
  • Coup De Grace


  • Second Wind
  • Revitalize


Level 1: Decisive Strike

Level 2: Judgment

Level 3: Courage

Level 4-5: Decisive Strike

Level 6: Demacia Justice

Level 7: Decisive Strike

Level 8: Judgment

Level 9: Decisive Strike

Level 10: Judgment

Level 11: Demacia Justice

Level 12-13: Judgment

Level 14-15: Courage

Level 16: Demacia Justice

Level 17-18: Courage

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

Because it's centered on fighting, you'll want to max out your Q “Decisive Strike” so you can deal even more damage. Not only that, but the Q “Decisive Strike” scales with your items, so you must max it out first. Your second ability should be E “Judgement” then W “Courage” to deal as much AoE damage as possible.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Doran’s Shield, Health Potion, Sheen, Caulfield’s Warhammer, Boots, Divine Sunderer, Mercury’s Treads, Black Cleaver, Sterak’s Gage, Serylda’s Grudge, and Spirit Visage. 

3. VS AD Champions

Welcome to a build designed specifically for playing against an enemy team with a heavy AD composition. That is also an area where it excels. Of course, if they only have one AP champion on the team, you should still use this build because they can't do much damage. Can they, or can't they? But if they do, you can always buy one item that increases your magical resistance. You'll want to stack as much armor as possible with any item that provides it.

Of course, with this build, you will be on the frontlines protecting your back line from assassins and anyone else who can harm them. That is all you have to do. You will be able to tank a lot of damage but not deal much, which is fine. You did your job correctly if you were able to block almost all of the enemy's abilities.

Use This Build If:

  • If you’re playing against a heavy AD team composition. 
  • You will need to be on the frontline with this build to tank all the damage.
  • Protecting your backline should be your primary objective. 
  • Assassins won’t be able to put a dent into your armor so don’t be scared to engage them. 
  • Great for engagements and starting fights. 



  • Grasp Of The Undying 
  • Demolish
  • Second Wind
  • Overgrowth


  • Nimbus Cloak 
  • Celerity


Level 1: Decisive Strike

Level 2: Judgment

Level 3: Courage

Level 4: Judgment

Level 5: Courage

Level 6: Demacia Justice

Level 7: Courage

Level 8: Judgment

Level 9: Courage

Level 10: Judgment

Level 11: Demacia Justice

Level 12: Courage

Level 13: Judgment

Level 14-15: Decisive Strike

Level 16: Demacia Justice

Level 17-18: Decisive Strike

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

Because the build is centered on gaining as much armor as possible, you should max out your W “Courage” first. We've already stated that you won't be dealing damage, so don't focus on that.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Doran’s Shield, Health Potion, Ironspike Whip, Plated Steelcaps, Stridebreaker, Dead Man’s Plate, Sterak’s Gage, Death’s Dance, and Randuin’s Omen. 

2. VS AP Champions

What could be worse than facing a full AD team? Playing against an AP team. If you've ever been in pain, you'll understand why this is worse than stepping on nails. It isn't much you can do except build magical resistance and hope for the best. Sometimes the best isn't enough, and you'll still be one-shotted, but let's reduce the chances of that happening, shall we? 

This build excels at preventing you from taking a lot of magical damage. Of course, you'll rarely be playing against a full AP team, and most of the time they'll have one or two AD champions, so with this build, you'll build some HP and armor to counter them as well. The goal, as with the previous build, is to be on the front lines, protecting your team from those nasty mages from the mages guild.

Use This Build If:

  • You are up against a team that’s heavily AP damage centered. 
  • If the enemy mages are snowballing heavily. 
  • To be on the frontlines protecting your team from all the damage. 
  • You will still deal a tiny amount of damage but not enough to one-shot people. 



  • Grasp Of The Undying 
  • Demolish
  • Second Wind
  • Overgrowth


  • Nimbus Cloak 
  • Celerity


Level 1: Decisive Strike

Level 2: Judgment

Level 3: Courage

Level 4: Judgment

Level 5: Courage

Level 6: Demacia Justice

Level 7: Courage

Level 8: Judgment

Level 9: Courage

Level 10: Judgment

Level 11: Demacia Justice

Level 12: Courage

Level 13: Judgment

Level 14-15: Decisive Strike

Level 16: Demacia Justice

Level 17-18: Decisive Strike

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

My position is unchanged from the previous build. The main goal of this build is to avoid being one-shot by enemy mages. You must be the tank your team requires, and you must not be afraid to tank some abilities. You will prioritize W “Courage” because it reduces the amount of damage you take and makes you tankier. You will max your Q “Decisive Strike” or E “Judgement” second depending which is needed during the game.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Doran’s Shield, Health Potion, Null-Magic Mantle, Sheen, Ironspike Whip, Mercury’s Treads, Stridebreaker, Spirit Visage, Sterak’s Gage, Force Of Nature, and Gargoyle Stoneplate. 

1. Immortal Garen 

Have you ever wished you could play as an M1 Abrams in a video game that wasn't about tanks? If you do, then this build is ideal for you. You will not only deal massive amounts of damage, but you will also be unkillable. This build brings the best of both worlds together. This build excels at providing you with enough sustain and survivability that killing you is nearly impossible. You will feel as if you are a God among humans.

Not only that but most people will be discouraged from even attempting to pick a fight with you, making it ideal for solo farming or simply strolling around the map. But, for the love of Jesus, if you do decide to go this route, please be the first to engage in combat. If you believe your team can win, do not back down from a fight. You will survive you have the armor for it.

Use This Build If:

  • You’re the only tank in the team. 
  • Nobody else wants to engage or force team fights. 
  • You’ll be able to push safely and do objectives because the other team will be put off from trying to pick a fight with you. 
  • You’ll have the armor and magic resistance to survive a nuclear blast. 



  • Grasp Of The Undying
  • Shield Bash
  • Second Wind
  • Revitalize


  • Triumph 
  • Legend: Tenacity


Level 1: Decisive Strike

Level 2: Courage

Level 3: Judgment

Level 4-5: Courage

Level 6: Demacia Justice

Level 7: Courage

Level 8: Decisive Strike

Level 9: Courage

Level 10: Decisive Strike

Level 11: Demacia Justice

Level 12-13: Decisive Strike

Level 14-15: Judgment

Level 16: Demacia Justice

Level 17-18: Judgment

Analysis Of Abilities Allocation:

Because you're trying to impersonate an M1 Abrams, you should logically max out your W “Courage” before moving on to the other abilities. You can max out Q “Decisive Strike” or E “Judgement” depending on what you're doing the most during the match. If you farm frequently, max the value of E. If you're fighting a lot, max your Q.

Items (are sorted from the early game to the late game):

Doran’s Shield, Health Potion, Boots, Bami’s Cinder, Aegis Of The Legion, Sunfire Aegis, Mercury’s Treads, Thornmail, Spirit Visage, Gargoyle Stoneplate, and Warmong’s Armor. 

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