[Top 10] Guild Wars 2 Best Healer Builds For Effective Healing

Prove that healers just want to have fun in Guild Wars 2 while still being effective in battle.
09 May 2024

Healer builds have become essential for teams since the Heart of Thorns expansion pack for Guild Wars 2 added Raid Missions. Back then, the game didn't really require a healer for PvE, but it evolved to include more difficult end-game content, and even if they were present in PvP and World vs. World, they weren't as noticeable as they are now. Let's examine the top healer builds that will provide effective healing for you and your teammates.


10. Ranger - Alacrity Support Druid PvE

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Who knew how much fun nature magic is in providing healing? 

We begin this list with the one that started it all in Heart of Thorns. The Ranger's first elite specialization is the Druid, who channels the power of the jungle into powerful healing magic. In battle, do not underestimate the Druid. It may choose to heal others, but it still possesses the long-range firepower for which Rangers are known.


Why Druid is great

This Druid build not only focuses on providing tons of healing for you and your allies, but also Alacrity, Might. Regeneration, and near-permanent Fury boons as well.

With the Druid’s ability to use the Staff and the Celestial Avatar F5 ability, you can heal allies from long-range.

With its access to the Celestial Avatar form, the Druid becomes a support powerhouse that any group would welcome to be their lead healer. 


Choose this build if...

You want to bring a pure support class that focuses on healing you and your teammates.

You have the patience of a saint in dealing with high-stress situations.

You go above and beyond just to save your teammates and will gladly risk it all for them.


Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Skirmishing - Sharpened Edges, Spotter, Quick Draw
  • Nature Magic - Instinctive Reaction, Windborne Notes, Nature’s Vengeance
  • Druid - Primal Echoes, Celestial Shadows, Grace of the Land


  • Boots with Magi stats (precision + vitality + healing) and five other armor pieces with Harrier stats (power + healing + concentration) with Superior Runes of the Monk (increased healing and boon duration).
  • Back piece and a ring with Magi stats and other trinkets with Harrier stats.
  • Main-hand Harrier stat axe and off-hand warhorn with Superior Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Water (heals allies around you whenever you land a crit).
  • Switch to a main-hand Harrier stat two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Transference and Water.

Utility Skills

Note: Spirit skills of core Ranger summons a spirit that slowly loses health over time and will die when the player moves away from its radius. Proper positioning is essential.

  • Water Spirit - summon a spirit that generates Regeneration boons for you and allies while also healing you within a radius of it.
  • Frost Spirit - summon a spirit that generates Might boons for you and your allies within a radius of it.
  • Stone Spirit - summons a spirit that generates Protection boons for you and your allies within a radius of it.
  • Optional slot - use any other skill depending on what you need for the current situation.
  • Spirit of Nature - elite skill that summons a spirit that heals and can revive allies from a downed state within a radius of it.

Ranger Pets

  • Fanged Iboga - deals ranged condition damage
  • Electric Wyvern - deals ranged condition damage

For more details, check out this link: Metabattle.com


9. Warrior - Heal Bladesworn PvE

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Imagine a big, burly muscle-bound powerhouse screaming at you to heal you... That is this build in a nutshell.

The Heal Bladesworn is a surprising build from a profession known for its pure DPS capabilities, relying on its Shout skills to provide tons of healing. You gain the benefit of additional heals with the Bladesworn elite specialization and its trait that increases incoming healing. Just because it is a healer doesn't mean it can't deal damage, so enemies who dare to defy you will soon learn to fear you.


Why Heal Bladesworn is great

The Heal Bladesworn build concentrates on giving you and your team a ton of Might boon stacks while simultaneously giving you and your team a respectable amount of healing thanks to the Tactics trait line. 

The Bladesworn build has the advantage of giving Might, but it can also heal allies with its Shout abilities. Although the main Warrior's Shout talents are powerful enough for the user to use alone, this build unlocks its support abilities. 

It is primarily a support build, but at its core, it is a Warrior, or more specifically a Bladesworn. Enemies will be eliminated with their powerful Dragon Slash if they dare to mock it.


Choose this build if...

You are willing to try a different build that can support your team as a Bladesworn.

You believe that your squad has enough damage dealers already and are willing to try this unusual but powerful build in raids, strike missions, and other open-world content.

You are a team player and don’t mind letting others shine as long as you get to support them.


Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Tactics - Roaring Reveille, Empower Allies, Vigorous Shouts
  • Discipline - Warrior’s Sprint, Double Standard, Axe Mastery
  • Bladesworn - River’s Flow, Lush Forest, Unyielding Dragon


  • Armor with Harrier stats (power + concentration + healing power) with Superior Runes of the Monk (increased healing and boon duration).
  • Trinkets and backpiece with Harrier stats.
  • Main-hand Harrier axe and off-hand warhorn with Superior Sigils of Concentration (increases boon duration) and of Transference (increases outgoing healing).
  • Switch to a main-hand Harrier mace with a Superior Sigil of Concentration.

Utility Skills

  • “To the Limit!” - shout skill that heals, gives your Bladesworn Adrenaline, and provides allies with Endurance
  • “For Great Justice!” - shout skill that provides Might and Fury boons for you and your allies.
  • “Shake It Off!” - shout skill that cleanses conditions and breaks you and allies out of stun.
  • Banner of Defense - banner skill that summons a banner that provides Barrier and defensive boons for you and your allies around its radius.
  • Tactical Reload - Bladesworn elite skill that reloads your Bladesworn ammo skills while also generating more charges while in the Dragon Trigger stance.

For more details, check this link: Gw2Skills.net


8. Mesmer - Heal Virtuoso PvE

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Mantras, mantras, and more mantras.

Who claims that Mesmers, much less a Virtuoso, cannot offer healing? Another unexpected build, this one makes use of both the Virtuoso's blades and the Mesmer's mantra talents to deliver the majority of its healing. You can both heal your allies and do more damage to opponents by casting several illusions and using your shatter talents.


Why Heal Virtuoso is great

The core Mesmer has access to mantra skills that are used to provide tons of healing for allies thanks to the Restorative Mantras perk. They are instantaneous and can provide additional healing when needed.

The build also focuses on healing allies by using the major traits, Restorative Illusion and Illusionary Inspiration from the Inspiration trait line whenever you summon illusions and phantasms. While the Virtuoso trades their illusions and phantasms for magic blades, they still trigger the traits when summoned and launched at foes (replaces the Shatter F1-F4 skills).

The build takes a while to get used to, but after enough practice, you can become a surprising healer for your team.


Choose this build if...

You want to try a peculiar Virtuoso build that trades some of its firepower for more utility and healing.

Your team lacks healers but has a good source of Fury boons already.

You are inspired by that quote from Ratatouille that says “Anyone can cook.” In that sense, any profession, even a Mesmer, can heal and this build proves it. 


Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Inspiration - Restorative Mantras, Restorative Illusion, Illusionary Inspiration
  • Illusion - Shatter Storm, Phantasmal Haste, Phantasmal Force
  • Virtuoso - Jagged Mind, Phantasmal Blades, Bloodsong


  • Armor with Zealot stats (power + precision + healing power) with Superior Runes of Divinity (increases all stats).
  • Trinkets and backpiece with Zealot stats.
  • Main-hand Zealot dagger and off-hand focus with Superior Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and of Accuracy (increases critical hit chance).
  • Switch to a main-hand dagger and off-hand sword with Superior Sigils of Transference and Accuracy.

Utility Skills

  • Mantra of Recovery - healing mantra skill that has increased power when used below 50%.
  • Mantra of Pain - mantra skill that deals damage and inflicts Vulnerability debuff on enemies.
  • Mantra of Concentration - mantra skill that breaks you and allies out of stun and provides Stability boon.
  • Mantra of Resolve - mantra skill that cleanses conditions on you and allies
  • Thousand Cuts - Virtuoso elite skill that launches blades at their enemies in a line.

For more details, check this link: GW2Skills.net


7. Warrior - Healbreaker PvP

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Remember Mr. Screams-a-lot? Same build, only in PvP.

Another worthy Warrior build that combines its innate tankiness with a surprising amount of healing, the Healbreaker carves a niche for itself in the realm of PvP. Healbreakers, like Heal Bladesworn, are a more reliable variant that is used in PvP because it does not rely on the Dragon Trigger Stance to deal damage and instead focus on being difficult to deal with, especially when it sits alone or with a teammate defending a node.


Why Healbreaker is great

  • Unlike the Heal Bladesworn build, the Healbreaker is more defensive and can assist its teammates when there is no other support in the team.
  • Spellbreakers are difficult to deal with on their own, but when they start healing themselves and their teammates, your enemies will have a difficult time.
  • The gameplay of the Healbreaker is similar to how they normally are played with the exception that they don’t have to go solo because they are flexible to be support and defense.

Choose this build if...

  • You want a Spellbreaker build that is flexible enough to be both a tank and support in PvP.
  • Your team is sorely lacking support roles and you are stuck as a Spellbreaker. Good thing you know a way to help your teammates.
  • You may be a medic, but you don’t mind kicking butts every once in a while.

Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Discipline - Warrior’s Sprint, Brawler’s Recovery, Burst Mastery
  • Tactics - Roaring Reveille, Shrug It Off, Vigorous Shouts
  • Spellbreaker - No Escape, Slow Counter, Revenge Counter


  • Because PvP doesn’t require armor and just uses Trinkets with certain stats, this will ignore armor stats. PvP Amulet with Avatar stats (power + precision + healing power + vitality) with Superior Runes of the Soldier (increased vitality, toughness, and grants shout skills the ability to cleanse conditions)
  • Main-hand dagger and off-hand shield with Superior Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Absorption (steals boons from enemies whenever you interrupt them).
  • Switch to a main-hand sword and off-hand warhorn with Superior Sigils of Transference and Energy (gain some Endurance after switching to the weapon set).

Utility Skills

  • “To the Limit!” - shout skill that heals, gives your Bladesworn Adrenaline, and provides allies with Endurance
  • “For Great Justice!” - shout skill that provides Might and Fury boons for you and your allies.
  • “Shake It Off!” - shout skill that cleanses conditions and breaks you and allies out of stun.
  • “On My Mark!” - shout skill that marks a target, inflicting Vulnerability and Revealed debuffs
  • Battle Standard - Core Warrior elite skill that summons a banner that revives downed allies and finishes off downed opponents while granting boons.

For more details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg


6. Revenant - Ventari Vindicator PvP

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With all the utility the build can provide, it is always a welcome sight to see in your team.

Revenants have always been an interesting profession to play as and against in PvP. Their adaptability makes them a well-rounded profession to play as, and it goes without saying that they are excellent healers. The Ventari Vindicator build boosts its healing power even more by incorporating traits from the Vindicator trait line and the defensive formation of the Legendary Alliance Stance.


Why Ventari Vindicator is great

  • Ventari Vindicator can switch between offense and defense by changing the formation of their Alliance Stance. If they need to assist in the capture of a node, they use the offensive (Archemorus), and if they need to support, they use the defensive (Saint Viktor) and Ventari.
  • It takes some getting used to using the Legendary Centaur Stance and moving Ventari's Tablet around, but with enough practice, the Ventari Vindicator becomes a very easy support to use.
  • The build benefits from having access to a variety of healing sources. Both stances have healing abilities for you and your allies, and even dodging heals them.


Choose this build if...

  • You are an experienced Revenant-main who knows how to properly manage your energy and can channel Legends during crucial moments.
  • You already have another Revenant on the team with an offensive-centric build and you are willing to go as a support variant.
  • You can be the anchor of the team when they need it the most. You and your Ventari Tablet will provide the healing and protection they crave.

Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Invocation - Cleansing Channel, Spirit Boon, Song of the Mists
  • Salvation - Eluding Nullification, Fortified Blessing, Unyielding Devotion
  • Vindicator - Redemptor’s Sermon, Song of Arboreum, Saint of zu Heltzer


  • Because PvP doesn’t require armor and just uses Trinkets with certain stats, this will ignore armor stats. PvP Amulet with Avatar stats (power + precision + healing power + vitality) with Superior Runes of the Flock (increases both healing and vitality, and provides additional heals for allies around you after using a healing skill)
  • Main-hand two-handed greatsword with Superior Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Energy (gain Endurance after switching to the weapon set).
  • Switch to a two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Transference and Energy.

Utility Skills

The utility skills of Revenants are tied to the Legends that they channel, so instead of listing what skills to use, we will list what Legends to use.

  • Legendary Centaur Stance, Ventari - core legendary stance that focuses on healing and support skills that centers around the heal skill, Project Tranquility, and moving it around the field.
  • Legendary Alliance Stances, Archemorus and Saint Viktor - Vindicator legendary stance with a unique F3 skill that switches between offensive red skills (Archemorus) and defensive blue skills (Saint Viktor).

For more details, check this link: GuildJen.com


5. Thief Specter - Heal Specter PvP

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With the Thief now receiving a support role, it can now give what it takes from enemies like a true Robin Hood.

The Thief’s End of Dragons elite specialization, the Specter, was made with the intent of nudging them into a more supporting role in mind. This makes them a great candidate for providing tons of healing potential when your team is lacking in that department. They borrow a mechanic from Necromancers and gain the ability to enter a Shadow Shroud.


Why Heal Specter is great

  • The Specter is mostly a support-centric elite specialization, and the build makes perfect use of its skills. It can use these for both offensive and defensive purposes, but the build for today focuses on defensive and support.
  • The build relies on the Specter player to be highly mobile and zip across the battlefield with its wells and short bow 5 skill, blinking everywhere to get to its targets.
  • The Heal Specter retains its ability to chase down its target, much like its pure offensive roamer counterpart, only this time you are keeping up with your allies and providing support.

Choose this build if...

  • You want to play as a highly mobile healer that can get to allies in need of support quickly.
  • You want to play with a profession that has the mobility of a Thief, the healing capabilities of a Druid, and the shroud form of Necromancers.
  • You aren’t concerned with the meta and just want a fun, fast-paced, easy-to-use build.

Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Shadow Arts - Shielding Restoration, Shadow Saviour, Cover of Shadow
  • Trickery - Thrill of the Crime, Bountiful Theft, Sleight of Hand
  • Specter - Consume Shadows, Traversing Dusk, Shadestep


  • Because PvP doesn’t require armor and just uses Trinkets with certain stats, this will ignore armor stats. PvP Amulet with Sage stats (power + vitality + healing power + condition damage) with Superior Runes of Altruism (increases healing power and boon duration while transferring conditions from allies to yourself after using an elite skill)
  • Main-hand scepter and off-hand pistol with Superior Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Courage (gain Might boons after hitting an opponent with a cooldown).
  • Switch to a two-handed short bow with Superior Sigils of Battle (upon switching to short bow, gain Might boon stacks)  and Energy (gain some Endurance after switching to the weapon set).

Utility Skills

  • Well of Gloom - Specter healing well skill that shadowsteps you to your target, crippling enemies and healing allies.
  • Well of Bounty - Specter well skill that shadowsteps you to your target to grant boons on you and your allies.
  • Well of Silence - Specter well skill that shadowsteps you to your target, dazing enemies and inflicting debilitating conditions.
  • Shadow Refuge - deception skill that drops a pulsing area-of-effect on you and your allies, healing them while providing Stealth.
  • Shadowfall - Specter elite skill that shadowsteps you to your target and drops a pulsing area-of-effect that pulls enemies towards it while dealing increased damage.

For more details, check this link: GW2Skills.net


4. Elementalist - Zerg Support Tempest WvW

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One of the best healers in World versus World makes it way to the list.

Finally, a healing build tailored to World versus World. While there are numerous candidates for a WvW healing build, the Zerg Support Tempest outperforms them all. It not only provides tons of healing for the team, but it also demonstrates its great utility by sharing tons of powerful Auras. You can change from highly mobile offensive support to defensive support by switching from dual daggers to staff, depending on what your team requires.


Why Zerg Support Tempest is great

  • Although Elementalists are professions that can be difficult to master, they become powerhouses when wielded by capable players. The same can be said with Tempests and the current support build.
  • The auras the Tempest can share with their allies can easily turn the tide in World versus World where zerg fights last just as long as the supporters can heal their allies.
  • The Support Elementalist has always been a worthy support build in the realm of WvW and the Support Tempest is one of its strongest variations.

Choose this build if...

  • You have mastered your skill rotations as a Tempest main.
  • You know when to use the proper aura shield that best helps your allies in battle.
  • You are a mainstay in World vs World and know what it takes to survive and conquer the different Borderlands.

Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Fire - Conjurer, Smothering Auras, Pyromancer’s Puissance
  • Water - Soothing Ice, Cleansing Wave, Powerful Aura
  • Tempest - Unstable Conduit, Invigorating Torrents, Elemental Bastion


  • Armor with Minstrel stats (toughness + vitality + healing + concentration) with Superior Runes of the Monk (increased healing and boon duration).
  • Trinkets and backpiece with Minstrel stats.
  • Dual Minstrel daggers with Superior Sigils of Transference (increases outgoing healing) and Energy (gain some Endurance after switching to the weapon set).
  • Switch to a main-hand two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Life (gain charges that increase healing by 10 for every kill capped at 25 charges) and Energy.

Utility Skills

  • “Wash the Pain Away!” - Tempest shout skill that heals and cleanses conditions from you and your allies within a radius.
  • “Eye of the Storm!” - Tempest shout skill that breaks you and allies out of stun while granting Swiftness boons.
  • Conjure Earth Shield - conjure skill that summons a magnetic shield that replaces your weapon skills, providing additional toughness and vitality while wielding it.
  • “Flash-Freeze!” - Tempest shout skill that inflicts damage on enemies while granting a Frost Aura for you and allies.
  • “Rebound!” - Tempest elite skill that protects you and allies from a lethal hit and heals them instead while providing an aura shield based on your current elemental attunement.

For more details, check this link: GuildJen.com


3. Necromancer Scourge - Heal Scourge PvE

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Suck it up, Anakin. Heal Scourges keep their teammates alive with its Sand Shrouds and barriers.

Tried and tested by many players, the Heal Scourge build is considered to be one of the most broken healing builds in the game. Using the innate tankiness the profession has thanks to its access to powerful Barriers, this build can take on even the hardest open-world challenges to date. As long as you don’t underestimate your enemies and pour on the pressure, you will come out on top as a Scourge to never mess with.


Why Heal Scourge is great

  • The Heal Scourge build is considered to be one of the most overpowered builds in the game for good reason as it uses its skills to continually heal itself and mitigate damage for itself and allies.
  • If things get too hairy for whatever reason, players can use the Sand Swell skill to get away quickly.
  • It becomes really difficult to die if you soak damage like a sponge and then heal right back up to full health quickly. 

Choose this build if...

  • You want to feel immortal as one of the most powerful builds currently in the game.
  • You aren’t afraid to get in the middle of the battle and take punishment just to save your allies.
  • Your team already has a powerful necromancer on the team and they need another support who can also tank occasionally.

Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Blood Magic - Ritual of Life, Banshee’s Wail, Transfusion
  • Soul Reaping - Unyielding Blast, Fear of Death, Eternal Life
  • Scourge - Abrasive Grit, Herald of Sorrow, Sand Savant


  • Armor with Magi stats (precision + healing + vitality) with Superior Runes of Mercy (increased toughness, healing power, and revive speed while granting additional health to downed allies).
  • Trinkets and backpiece with Magi stats.
  • Main-hand Magi main-hand dagger and off-hand torch with Superior Sigils of Transference (increased healing power to allies) and Water (heal allies occasionally when you deal critical damage).
  • Switch to an offhand warhorn with Superior Sigil of Paralyzation (increased stun duration).

Utility Skills

  • Well of Blood - well skill that continuously heals allies
  • Signet of Undeath - signet that gives life force when enemies die and revives a nearby ally while sacrificing some health when activated.
  • Spectral Grasp - spectral skill that pulls enemies to you while inflicting Chill debuffs and gaining life force.
  • Sand Swell - Scourge punishment skill that acts similar to a Mesmer’s portal skill with the bonus of granting Barrier after exiting.
  • Summon Flesh Golem - core minion elite skill that summons a powerful minion that provides excellent crowd control.

For more details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg


2. Engineer - Heal Mechanist PvE

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I'm an Engineer. That means I solve problems. With guns. If that doesn't work, use even more guns in a Jade Battle Mech. You'd best hope it's not pointed at you.

While the Mechanist is renowned as a powerful elite specialization for the Engineer that provides tons of DPS potential, it can also be a solid candidate for support set-ups. Its gameplay style is similar to how it would act normally, only needing to adjust its positioning to be near the Battle Mech to reap the majority of the benefits. As long as players stick with the mech, they will be within the range of their skills.


Why Heal Mechanist is great

  • The Heal Mechanist is in the current Meta for a reason. It is a great support unit variant of an equally powerful DPS build that only needs to switch a few things around to become one or the other.
  • The strength of the build comes from proper positioning. The closer you and your allies are to the Battle Mech when you activate skills, the more likely you will be granted barriers and protection.
  • The many engineering kits the build uses makes Heal Mechanist a support juggernaut that is capable of healing from short, medium, and long ranges.

Choose this build if...

  • You want a powerhouse healer on your team to carry you to victory.
  • You already have a DPS Mechanist on your team and you don’t mind choosing a support role.
  • You can quickly reposition yourself to provide the support you and your team need at a moment’s notice.
  • You named your Battle Mech Heavy and roleplay as its pocket medic. Team Fortress 2 players will know that joke.

Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Inventions - Over Shield, Soothing Detonation, Medical Dispersion Field
  • Alchemy - Health Insurance, Backpack Regenerator, HGH
  • Mechanist - Mech Arms: High-Impact Drivers, Mech Frame: Channeling Conduits, Mech Core: Barrier Engine


  • Armor with Harrier stats (power + healing + concentration) with Superior Runes of the Monk (increased healing and boon duration).
  • Trinkets and backpiece with Harrier stats.
  • Main-hand Harrier mace and off-hand shield with Superior Sigils of Transference (increased healing power to allies) and Concentration (increases boon duration).

Utility Skills

  • Med Kit - engineering kit that replaces your utility slots with skills that provide healing and support
  • Elixir Gun - engineering kit that replaces your utility slots with skills with a gadget that can deal condition damage while providing additional support for you and your team.
  • Barrier Signet - Mechanist signet skill that reduces strike and condition damage passively, and casts a dome around your mech, protecting you and your allies from ranged attacks while granting Barrier.
  • Shift Signet - Mechanist signet skill that increases movement speed passively and once activated acts as a shadow step that cleanses two conditions from you.
  • Mortar Kit - core engineer elite skill that swaps your utility slots with mortar shots that can either deal damage, inflict conditions or provide long-range support for your allies.

For more details, check this link: Metabattle.com


1. Guardian - Healbrand PvE

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The profession that was built to be a support turns out to be the king in the current meta.

The Healbrand, a Guardian who uses the Firebrand elite specialization to complete its support role that it has always had a firm grip on, is at the top of the list. The build focuses on providing a plethora of healing and quickness boons for you and your allies in order to take on the mightiest Raid and Strike Mission bosses. The core Guardian is a great support profession on its own, and the Firebrand adds even more to it with its powerful Tomes that replace the core F1-F3 Virtues and Mantra utility skills, so it sits atop the support Meta.


Why Healbrand is great

  • Lead the charge and stay in the middle of difficult fights as a tanky support.
  • The Healbrand excels in providing tons of Quickness, Swiftness, and Fury boons on top of healing and drops them in spades.
  • The build also provides tons of defensive support boons like Stability, Aegis, and condition cleanses, making the Healbrand a top contender for best healer and support.

Choose this build if...

  • You want to be one of the very best support professions in the game and have the ability to quickly give the boons your team needs depending on the situation.
  • You always want to have a spot in all teams as you are always welcome in raids, strike missions, dungeons, fractals, open-world activities, etc..
  • You will gladly leap into the fire to protect your teammates and secure victory. You don’t leave a man behind.

Full build details:

Traits and Major Perks:

  • Honor - Protector’s Restoration, Honorable Staff, Writ of Persistence
  • Virtues - Resolute Subconscious, Absolute Resolve, Battle Presence
  • Firebrand - Liberator’s Vow, Weighty Terms, Loremaster


  • Armor with Harrier stats (power + healing + concentration) with Superior Runes of the Monk (increased healing and boon duration).
  • Trinkets and backpiece with Harrier stats.
  • Main-hand Harrier mace and off-hand shield with Superior Sigils of Transference (increased healing power to allies) and Concentration (increases boon duration).
  • Switch to a Magi stat (precision + healing + vitality) two-handed staff with Superior Sigils of Transference and Concentration.

Utility Skills

  • Mantra of Solace - Firebrand healing mantra skill that heals you and grants boons to allies around you.
  • Mantra of Potence - Firebrand mantra skill that grants Quickness boons to you and allies.
  • Bow of Truth - spirit weapon skill that summons a spirit bow that shoots area-of-effect healing arrows.
  • Mantra of Lore - Firebrand mantra skill that grants Regeneration boons and cleanses conditions for you and allies
  • “Feel My Wrath!” - core elite shout skill that grants Fury and Quickness boons for you and allies while the Quickness applied to you is doubled.

For more details, check this link: Hardstuck.gg


Closing Thoughts

Although there are many other healing builds out there, there can only be a few to sit on top of the mountain. With the metagame constantly evolving, so too must the various builds in order to be flexible. With that being said, which of these builds have you used lately, and what are some tweaks you could do to further improve them? Let us know and let your voice be heard.

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