[Top 10] Far Cry 5 Best Loot Locations For The Best Loot

Far Cry, Far Cry 5, loot, prepper stash
11 Dec 2023

Whether you’re just embarking to save Hope County or you’ve just run out of  ammo for the eightieth time, unfortunately defeating this game requires money. Oh yes, just because the Seeds have taken over doesn’t mean that capitalism doesn’t keep flowing through this American valley! A quick and easy way to make money and find items is with the prepper stashes left over by those crazy enough to see this apocalypse coming. There are many to choose from, so how do you know where to start? As always, we’ve helped you out by selecting the top 10 best loot locations to give you the best hand (of money) up over your enemies.


10. Swingers

Okay okay, don’t get too excited about this name it doesn’t mean what you think….This stash is just a few swings away from granting you a super great hunting outfit!

What makes Swingers great:

  • Hunter Outfit you receive will up your camouflage for both hunting and stealth
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To Swingers Location

How To Get Swingers Stash


9. Vespiary

This prepper stash is just about the most fun you’ll ever have in a grain elevator.

What makes Vespiary great:

  • Gold Medalist Weapon Skin
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To Vespiary Location

How To Get Vespiary Stash


8. The Holdouts

So I don’t think when Elliot left his house he thought YOU would be getting these supplies…but clearly given the massive “RESIST JACOB” sign on his house I don’t think he would mind giving it to you after all….

What makes The Holdouts great:

  • Vietnam lighter to add to your collection (prize for collecting all 12)
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To The Holdouts Location

How To Get The Holdouts Stash


7. Foxhole

So the Foxhole is a little burned down, but luckily this prepper stash was saved from the fire. Is a bunker a good place to survive a fire? Should firefighters be teaching that? Regardless of these questions, the outfit you’ll get in this prepper stash is worth searching the ash for.

What makes Foxhole great:

  • Militia Outfit
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To Foxhole Location

How To Get Foxhole Stash


6. Playing With Fire

No, this isn’t the prequel stash to Foxhole. The location couldn’t be further from the previous stash, it’s on a good old yellow school bus. Well, at least it starts there…then goes to a sewer. Kind of like many of this author’s report cards….

What makes Playing With Fire great:

  • Molotov - Enhanced Recipe which proves very useful in outpost takedown
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To Playing With Fire Location

How To Get Playing With Fire Stash


5. Man Cave

Every guy’s got a man cave, but not every man’s got a prepper stash. And not every man has a 2012 Kimberlite TCZ, but after you find this stash, you sure as hell will!

What makes Man Cave great:

  • 2012 Kimberlite TCZ accessible for free from any Car Spawn location
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To Man Cave Location

How To Get Man Cave Stash


4. Hangar Pains

The name says it all: getting into this hangar is a bit of a pain! But what you’ll find inside will have you flying high…..literally.

What makes Hangar Pains great:

  • Pack Hunter plane which is accessible from any Plane Spawn location
  • Cheeseburger Bobblehead
  • Hares Magazine which allows you to find Hare locations throughout Hope County
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To Hangar Pains Location

How To Get Hangar Pains Stash


3. Gone Squatchin’

Unfortunately you won’t be finding the elusive sasquatch on this mission, but what you will find is arguably better. Just get ready for the possibility you MAY spot said beast on your salmon fishing trip….

What makes Gone Squatchin’ great:

  • Fishing Magazine: Chinook Salmon, giving you locations of Chinook Salmon in Hope County
  • Vinyl crate for Turn The Tables side quest with Wheaty
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To Gone Squatchin’ Location

How To Get Gone Squatchin’ Stash


2. Overwatch

Raptor Peak is not a location to take lightly, but for the outcome of this stash you’ll have to risk it. But overwatch? Yeah! It would be nice to have someone to watch over you up there….

What makes Overwatch great:

  • Flight Suit outfit
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To Overwatch Location

How To Get Overwatch Stash


1. Getaway

McCollough’s garage has our favorite prepper stash find. SSR? Super Seriously Rad? You be the judge when you get the chance to run some peggies down flat in this bad boy on four wheels.

What makes Getaway great:

  • 1973 Pygmation SSR car available from any Car Spawn location
  • $1,000 to spend on whatever you see fit
  • Three Perk Magazines to add to your Perk abilities

How to Get To Getaway Location

How To Get Getaway Stash

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