Top 10 Best Fallout 3 Weapons (And What’s Deadly About Them)

Best Fallout 3 Weapons
22 May 2019

10. Lincoln’s Repeater

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One of the most common weapons within Fallout 3 is the Hunting Rifle, easily found on most bodies of Super Mutants. It may be common, but it just lacks the punch you need when trying to defend yourself from the post nuclear war world, so why not upgrade?

The Lincoln’s Repeater is a lever action rifle dealing 50 damage per shot, which is twice as powerful than the Hunting Rifle. With a clip size three time larger than that of the Hunting Rifle there is no reason not to love this weapon.

Easily found within the Museum of History sitting pretty in a display case ripe for the taking.

Kill off a few ghouls and this gun can be yours to shred up the Capital Wasteland.

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Need to fire off a few shots in memory of the man whose name is on the weapon. This gun does more than just remember a president, it kicks some ass.


9. Victory Rifle

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If you love trick shots and no-scopes, then a top priority of yours should be tracking down the Victory Rifle. Clocking in at 40 damage per shot with another 40-damage added for critical hits this weapon is every Bush Wookie’s dream. This weapons’ nonexistent bullet spread makes up for the small clip size as you should not be missing many shots. This weapon is waiting for you up in a sniper shack overlooking Rockbreaker’s Last Gas, but it’s not that simple. You will need either a lockpick skill of 100 or the companion Dogmeat. If you have Dogmeat by your side you can simply instruct him to find you a weapon while inside the sniper shack and he will fetch the Victory Rifle without needing the lockpick skill maxed out.

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You’ll hit headshot all day in the name of the flag on the butt of the rifle.


8. A3-21's Plasma Rifle

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With the ability to literally melt your opponents, there’s not much more you can ask for. Yet, this weapon just keeps on giving. A3-21’s Plasma Rifle has an astounding damage per shot of 50 with a critical damage of another 50. This weapon requires micro-fusion cells, which are common across the wasteland and has a clip size of 12 allowing for a lot of damage output before having to reload. This gun is easily obtained within Rivet City by completing The Replicated Man quest and siding with Harkness in the end.

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Last thing your enemies will see is the laser rushing toward their face seconds before impact.


7. Terrible Shotgun

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The Terrible Shotgun is exactly the opposite of what you expect, this gun absolutely shreds at close range. Shooting nine pellets per shot, totaling 80 damage per shot, with 49 critical damage per pellet this gun is insane. The high damage coupled with a large 12 shells per clip the massacre is endless. This gun can be found on Smiling Jack within the Evergreen Mills at any point in the game. Although this could be a little tricky because not only will you have to get past countless raiders, but there is a Super Mutant Behemoth in the area.

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It may be called terrible, but this gun not only looks pretty but blows your enemies to pieces.


6. Shishkebob

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The first melee weapon on this list is the Shishkebob. The 35 damage per attack may not seem like much at first glance, especially with a critical damage increase of 24, but the Shishkebob is more than just a sharp knife. This flaming sword also sets your target on fire causing an additional two damage per second for the next five seconds. You can obtain this weapon in multiple ways, one of the easiest being finding the schematics and the listed parts, motorcycle gas tank, motorcycle handbrake, lawn mower blade, and a pilot light, or alternatively by obtaining it through Vance. If you choose to get the weapon from Vance you can simply kill him and loot it off his body.

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With this flaming knife you’ll be able to cook your enemies as rare as you want.


5. Vengeance

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There isn’t much to say about the Vengeance other than wow. Inflicting 220 damage per second, enemies don’t stand a chance against it. This fully automatic weapon does 11 damage per shot with a 0.5 spread easily making almost all your 240 shots per clip connect with their intended target. This weapon is loaded with electron charge packs which can be found in countless places throughout the wasteland. The weapon itself is found within a very deadly area known as the Deathclaw Sanctuary. Once inside the sanctuary you must head southwest until you find a pool of blood and the Vengeance will be there.  

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Rightfully located next to a pool of blood, symbolizing the exact way your enemies will be left after catching you with the Vengeance.


4. Metal Blaster

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The only DLC weapon on this list is the Metal Blaster. Shooting nine projectiles per shot at 6.1 damage per projectile totaling 55 damage per shot it is tough to not want to buy the DLC for this weapon alone. Each projectile has potential to hit the target with critical damage causing an extra 27 damage per projectile. The Metal Blaster uses micro-fusion cells and has a clip size of 24. As mentioned before, this weapon is apart of The Pitt DLC, in order to obtain it you must give Everett 50 steel ingots during a quest entitled Mill Worker.

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A single pull of the trigger sends a laser light show straight to your enemy’s face.


3. Deathclaw Gauntlet

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The second, and final, melee weapon on this list is the Deathclaw Gauntlet. This awesome looking weapon deals 20 damage per attack and an additional 30 damage on a critical hit. This weapon is able to hit the enemy at a rate of 1.6 attacks per second. These stats may seem very lackluster to be so high on the list, but the best is yet to be revealed. The Deathclaw Gauntlet ignores all resistances the enemy may have which means it is a consistent 20 damage straight to the health points. In order to obtain the Deathclaw Gauntlet within the base game you must first find its schematics. The schematics can be found in three separate locations, Rivet City after completing Bannon’s quest Council Seat, F. Scott Key Trail & Campground in a trailer, and lastly as a random encounter on a dead Wastelander. If you own The Pitt DLC, you can also find the Deathclaw Gauntlet on the body of John Bear after the second battle in The Hole.

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May not be the Infinity Gauntlet, but it sure packs a hell of a punch.


2. Experimental MIRV

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When you think of going out with a bang, the first thing that should come to mind is the Experimental MIRV. This weapon does a monstrous 20336.2 damage per second as it fires off mini nukes. That’s not all, the Experimental MIRV does not just fire off a single mini nuke like the Fat Boy, it fires off eight, in a single shot. After each shot you will have to reload this insane weapon, but chances are you will have nothing to be afraid of as a single shot destroys every enemy in sight. The Experimental MIRV can be found after completing the quest Keller Family Refugee.

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Ever hate an enemy so much you want to blow them out of existence, eight mini nukes should do the trick.


1. Alien Blaster

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Last on this list, the most insane weapon in Fallout 3 is undisputedly the Alien Blaster. With a monstrous 100 damage per shot and potential for another 100 damage on top of that, if landing a critical shot, the Alien Blaster melts almost every enemy in an instant. There is only one drawback to this weapon, the ammo is limited within the wasteland. There are only 120 alien power cells found at the site of the weapon and that is it, once you shoot them all you are out forever (unless you have the Broken Steel DLC which grants access to more cells). This weapon can be found at any point during the game in the northeast portion of the map near a crashed alien spaceship. The spaceship can be found directly north of the MDPL-13 PowerStation.

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This weapon is literally, out of this world.


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