[Top 5] Dota 2 Best Jakiro Builds (Used By Pros)

20 Sep 2022


Rightfully named, the Twins, Jakiro is an abomination even amongst magical beasts. Combining polar opposites of ice and fire, Jakiro brings an abundance of Area of Effect damage to the battlefield, disrupting enemies both near and far. 

Jakiro is most commonly and successfully played in the position 4 and 5 position, offering one of the best lane harassers in the entire game. Jakiro’s innate skill set already has significant impact at all stages of the game, meaning he can enjoy the freedom of building a wide range of items to suit his team’s needs. As such, we shall see how the professionals build and skill Jakiro, and carry the game by supporting. 

5. Fly’s HardSupport Jakiro Build


Jakiro has been around since the beginning of Dota 2, and not much has changed in regards to his skill set and abilities. As such, we shall take a quick look at how xNova builds and plays Jakiro in the hard support role, much of which should still stay the same.  

Fly’s Skill Allocation: 

Level 1 - Q - Dual Breath

Level 2 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 3 - Q - Dual Breath 

Level 4 - W - Ice Path 

Level 5 - Q - Dual Breath

Level 6 - R - Macropyre 

Level 7- Q - Dual Breath 

Level 8 - W - Ice Path 

Level 9 - W - Ice Path 

Level 10 - W - Ice Path 

Level 11 - Left Talent

Level 12 - R - Macropyre 

Level 13 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 14 - E - Liquid Fire 

Level 15 - Left Talent 

Level 16 - E - Liquid Fire 

Level 18 - R - Macropyre 

Fly’s Item Build: 

First Buy: 2 Tangoes, Healing Salve, 2 Mangoes, Clarity, Wards and a Branch

Jakiro has one of the best early game stats, meaning that he can spend a lot less on stat items, and more on consumables that will help him dominate the early game. As you can see, Fly has bought 4 different types of regeneration, all to keep himself and his safelane in tip top shape and maybe even score a kill or two. We can see how many consumables he uses by the 4 minute mark, spamming ability after ability to make the enemy offlaner as uncomfortable as possible. 

1 Minutes: Magic Stick

Fly notices how aggressive and spammable the enemy offlaners are and opts for an early stick to give him some extra sustain in lane. 

4 Minutes: Ring of Basilius

Ring of Basilius is a very nice pick up in this game, as mana is the main limiting resource in the lane, giving Wraith King and himself some more liberal use of their abilities.  

8 Minutes: Boots of Speed and Smoke

Boots is an eventual must on all heroes. 

11 Minutes: Veil of Discord

Veil is a seriously underrated item in the game. It increases the magic damage you and your teammates do within a large AOE. Fly realizes the Veil is especially useful since his ally Tinker and Necrophos do all their damage with their magical abilities, making the item even more of a reason to pick up. 

13 Minutes: Arcane Boots

It is usually a toss up between Arcane Boots and Tranquil Boots. You almost never see any other boots being picked up on Jakiro. Fly notices that his team has a higher dependency towards mana as they already have a good source of HP sustain. 

18 Minutes: Aether Lens

Fly chooses an Aether Lens this game, to ensure that he is as far away from the enemy as possible, all the while, still able to cast his wide array of spells. The extra mana regeneration also makes it such that he can be more liberal with spamming his abilities. Note, a common thing to do to build the Aether Lens from disassembling your Arcane Boots.

25 Minutes: Eul’s Scepter

Eul’s Scepter is Fly’s final pickup for this game, giving him an additional level of disruption. The active tornado effect from the Eul’s Scepter works well with landing his Ice Path ability as well as buying him some time for himself if ever gets caught out. 

4. Whitemon’s HardSupport Jakiro Build

In this game Whitemon plays a very quick game of Jakiro, abusing his insanely strong harassment tools in the early game to close off a game relatively early.  

Whitemon’s Skill Allocation: 

Level 1 - Q - Dual Breath

Level 2 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 3 - Q - Dual Breath 

Level 4 - W - Ice Path 

Level 5 - W - Ice Path 

Level 6 - R - Macropyre 

Level 7- W - Ice Path  

Level 8 - E - Liquid Fire 

Level 9 - W - Ice Path 

Level 10 - Left Talent 

Level 11 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 12 - R - Macropyre 

Level 13 - E - Liquid Fire

Whitemon’s Item Build: 

First Buy: Tangoes, Sage's Mask, 3 Mangoes, Faerie Fire, Wards

Whitemon starts off with slightly lesser consumables than Fly’s, opting for an early Sage’s Mask to ensure more casts of Dual Breath. Whitemon realizes that the enemy offlane are both melee and is quite difficult for them to trade. As such, a salve is almost not necessary here as Whitemon is able to trade very comfortably. 

5 Minutes: Boots of Speed

Whitemon decides to go straight into a Boots of Speed as he has already won the Safelane for his morphling. This gives Whitemon the ability to roam around the map better, spending less money on Teleportation scrolls. 

12 Minutes: Arcane Boots, Clarities

Arcane Boots is the boot of choice for this game, giving him and his team mates some much needed mana sustain. With the Morphling and Windranger already pressuring the enemy’s side of the map, Whitemon can farm the offlane more comfortably, using his Clarities to keep his mana afloat for the eventual team fights. 

16 Minutes: Aether Lens

Disassembling his Arcane Boots, Whitemon builds the Aether Lens as his first core item, prioritizing positioning himself neatly behind his team mates. 

19 Minutes: Ring of Basilius and a Fluffy Hat

Whitemon completes his Ring of Basilius, complementing his team’s mana dependency. 

28 Minutes: Force Staff

By now, his carries are already exceptionally fat due to the abundant space and map control during the early game, allowing for a quick and easy finish to the game. Whitemon has decided to obtain a Force Staff, giving him and his team mates some extra utility and some quick re-positioning, whether that be to escape Nature’s Prophet’s Uproot or even to stop a Spirit Breaker Charge. 

3. Wishing Well’s HardSupport Jakiro Build

In this next game, we will take a look at a top tier Immortal game by Wishing Well, who shows us how to play Jakiro in your local pub match making to gain some MMR. 

Wishing Well’s Skill Allocation: 

Level 1 - Q - Dual Breath

Level 2 - W - Ice Path 

Level 3 - E - Liquid Fire 

Level 4 - Q - Dual Breath

Level 5 - W - Ice Path 

Level 6 - R - Macropyre 

Level 7- W - Ice Path  

Level 8 - W - Ice Path  

Level 9 - Q - Dual Breath 

Level 10 - Right Talent 

Level 11 - Q - Dual Breath 

Level 12 - R - Macropyre 

Level 13 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 14 - E - Liquid Fire 

Level 15 - E - Liquid Fire 

Level 16 - Left Talent

Level 18 - R - Macropyre

Wishing Well’s Item Build: 

First Buy: Tangoes, 3 Mangoes, Magic Stick and Wards

Jakiro is one of the best carriers of the early game, giving him some extra burst mana regeneration, as well as giving some significant health regeneration, which can go a long way when trading with the enemy offlaner. 

1 Minutes: Clarity

Jakiro relies on a lot of mana early game, so some extra mana helps a lot with harass.

3 Minutes: Ring of Basilius, Mango and Clarity

As Jakiro’s skills shine in the early game, Wishing Well aims for more aggression through more regeneration, opting for a Ring of Basilius and some more consumables. 

8 Minutes: Boots of Speed

Boots are necessary for Jakiro to get into position more effectively. 

13 Minutes: Arcane Boots

Once again, Arcane Boots are the boots of choice for Jakiro, as he does not rely too much on health regeneration due to his careful positioning. After the early game, the hero generally does not want to be near the front of the battle. 

18 Minutes: Aether Lens

Disassembling his boots, Wishing Well obtains an Aether Lens as his first item as it synergizes well with his long cast range abilities, allowing him to position himself in safer positions from the enemy team. 

19 Minutes: Tranquil Boots

As his boots are now free to upgrade after disassembling them for the Aether Lens, Wishing Well goes for some Tranquil boots to ensure that he does not need to return to base as often, maintaining his presence on the map and defending key positions for as long as possible. 

27 Minutes: Aghanim’s Scepter

Aghanim’s Scepter upgrades Jakiro’s ultimate, enabling it to do significantly more damage, have a larger AOE, Cast range and last longer. Wishing Well realizes that his team has incredible sources of stunning abilities, from Legion Commander’s Duel, to Batrider’s Leash. This enables Wishing Well to easily make the best use out of his ultimate, adding incredible damage from afar and disarray amongst his enemies. 

2. Insania’s Hard Support Jakiro Build

In this gameplay video, Insania plays hard support, and like the other professionals covered in this article, favors immensely aggressive plays in the early game. The hero is not one to be played passively in the laning stage due to his abundance of harassment tools and insanely high ranged right click damage early on. 

Insania’s Skill Allocation: 

Level 1 - Q - Dual Breath

Level 2 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 3 - Q - Dual Breath 

Level 4 - W - Ice Path 

Level 5 - W - Ice Path 

Level 6 - R - Macropyre 

Level 7- W - Ice Path  

Level 8 - W - Ice Path 

Level 9 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 10 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 11 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 12 - R - Macropyre 

Level 13 - Right Talent

Level 14 - Q - Dual Breath  

Level 15 - Q - Dual Breath 

Level 16 - Right Talent

Level 18 - R - Macropyre 

Insania’s Item Build: 

First Buy: 2 Tangoes, 3 Mangoes, 3 Branches and a Sentry Ward

As you can see, Jakiro professionals favor high amounts of sustain the the early game, as your job in the position 5 role, is to make the lane as comfortable and as easy for your hard carry as possible. This generally means dumping a lot of your spells and making the enemy use as much of their consumables as possible 

1 Minutes: Magic Wand

Due to a Keeper of the Light and Mars lane, they tend to spam a lot of their abilities. This makes a Wand very valuable in this circumstance. 

5 Minutes: Boots of Speed

Boots are necessary for Jakiro to get into position more effectively. 

7 Minutes: Infused Raindrops and Sentry Wards

With the end of the laning stage, Infused Raindrops give Insania some extra mana regeneration as he rotates around the map, looking to score some kills. The Raindrops also make him much tankier due to the enemy’s high magic damage in the early game. 

12 Minutes: Arcane Boots

Once again, Arcane Boots are the boots of choice for Jakiro.

19 Minutes: Aether Lens

By now, it can be said that Aether Lens is a very core pick up on Jakiro, allowing him to have a little bit more freedom at the back fights in landing his abilities. The extra mana regeneration is also welcoming. 

24 Minutes: Force Staff

Force Staff should mostly be built on your position 5 heroes if the game requires it to. The enemy Sven is weak against kiting mechanisms, and as such Insania opts for a Force Staff to reposition allies and himself as required. 

31 Minutes: Lotus Orb

Insania opts for utility in this game, as his team has plenty of damage already. Insania’s last item in this game is an item used as utility against the enemy team’s debuffs. The Lotus Orb also dissuades enemy’s from their single target abilities which the Lotus Orb can deflect. 

1. Sneyking’s Hard Support Jakiro Build

We finish off this list of Jakiro builds with Sneyking’s hard support, who goes for some different sort of utility. The game is a stomp from the beginning, with Sneyking absolutely abusing the enemy offlaner, leading to an eventual snowball from the allied Templar Assassin and an early victory. 

Sneyking’s Skill Allocation: 

Level 1 - Q - Dual Breath

Level 2 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 3 - Q - Dual Breath 

Level 4 - W - Ice Path 

Level 5 - Q - Dual Breath  

Level 6 - R - Macropyre 

Level 7- Q - Dual Breath  

Level 8 - W - Ice Path 

Level 9 - W - Ice Path 

Level 10 - W - Ice Path 

Level 11 - E - Liquid Fire

Level 12 - R - Macropyre 

Level 13 - E - Liquid Fire

Sneyking’s Item Build: 

First Buy: Tangoes, Headdress and Ward

In this game, the enemy offlaners have quite a powerful laning stage and is one of those exceptional cases that make Jakiro hard to trade against. The Skywrath Mage can outrange a lot of Jakiro’s spells and auto clicking ability, making an early Headdress a valuable pickup to counteract the damage coming from the enemy offlaners harass. 

1 Minutes: Magic Stick and Tangoes

Skywrath and Mars cast a lot of spells, making a Magic Stick a valuable choice. 

6 Minutes: Infused Raindrops and Tangoes

Deciding to roam, Sneyking purchases some infused raindrops and tangoes to ensure he stays in tip top fighting shape when fighting. 

7 Minutes: Boots of Speed

As soon as Sneyking can afford it, he purchases boots for more mobility. 

11 Minutes: Mekansm 

With the Templar farming reliably in the jungle, Sneyking is able to secure some additional early game creep kills which allow him to farm up an equally early Mekansm, which is extremely useful for early game engagements and sieging. With an Enigma and his Liquid Fire ability, the Radiant team are able to push towers rather quickly to which a Mekansm is rightfully beneficial. 

13 Minutes: Arcane Boots

The standard upgrade for boots on Jakiro, allowing more liberal use of his abilities and Mekansm, which costs mana. 

17 Minutes: Cloak and Wind Lace

Sneyking opts for more defensive and utility items, prioritizing his allies' health and safety. 

20 Minutes: Glimmer Cape

Upgraded from the Cloak, the Glimmer Cape allows Sneyking to save and buff allies as well as himself. It is especially useful against allies Skywrath Mage targets due to the strong magical resistance the active on the Glimmer Cape gives. With Sneyking’s powerful early game choices, the Radiant are able to wrap up the game extremely quickly. 

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