[Top 10] CoD Black Ops Cold War Zombies Best Guns

18 Dec 2021

[Top 10] CoD Black Ops Cold War Zombies Best Guns

Mobility, Firepower, and control are three main statistics any player looks at when selecting a gun or building up a class for a zombies match. Consider you are now in a completely different world than multiplayer. Unended hordes of the undead, If you are low on points, A max ammo powerup will be your only saving grace once your ammo runs dry. Each and every round you play gets progressively harder to the point where it’s just gross how many zombies are sprinting towards you, with the boss zombies spawning into the boot. You’re going to need a reliable weapon on your side and for today’s list, we will be doing just that, Sit back and relax. Here are our picks for the top 10 guns to use in Black Ops Cold War zombies.

10. Knife

Knife Pack-a-Punched "Closing Argument" Gameplay (Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Zombies) 

Channel: MJPW Gaming

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After reaching level 50 and you are getting ready for your first prestige, you will be given a new menu in the loadout menu next time you load up the zombies’ mode. It’ll be named “Skills” which can be found in the Classes tab in the loadout menu. From there you will see skills that will alter overall effectiveness when using a specific type of weapon or unlock special alterations with that specific weapon type whether it is melee, Snipers, Assault Rifles, or SMGs. You will be able to spend crystals (earned from reaching milestones I.E surviving until the end of every 5th round after round 10 in endless zombies). Once the melee skill is maxed out you will have access to use the knife in zombies.

The knife is the ol’ reliable of secondary weapons, It has gotten a buff since being used in previous versions of the zombies game mode but in Black Ops cold war it maintains a one-hit kill up until around 12 in its base form before you will then need to tier upgrade it ( In the arsenal robot, Check your map it will have a shield icon and spent using salvage found from zombies killed) or pack-a-punch your knife. 

On top of its impressive base mode damage, It also possesses one of the best, If not the best weapon mobility and control in the game. Granted, It’s a knife and not an actual firearm of course so it would be apparent that it would excel in close-range combat and overall movement speed and control of the weapon in question. Must be a skilled hand to use it in the higher rounds simply due to the number of zombies but is perfect for racking up points in an early game before you decide to upgrade another weapon, the knife, or simply grab the perks you need.

Why is the knife great?

  • One hit kill in base mode until round 12 
  • With it being a one-hit kill, It will count as a critical kill so you will get 115 points per zombie compared to the normal 90
  • Excels in every stat on the chart from mobility to firepower and weapon control.
  • Great early game point tracker

9. Gallo SA12

BEST Gallo SA12 Zombies Class Black Ops Cold War 

Youtube channel: DaveLovesGames

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Next on the list, we have the Gallo SA12, An automatic shotgun that can only be used semi-automatically if desired. Personally, I would take the Hauer 77 (mentioned in number 5 on the list.) but that is just due to personal preference.

 the Gallo SA12 is an outstanding shotgun to use all around, and having it be automatic is a plus, especially on the high rounds. I will personally admit I have even had trouble surviving using semi-automatics or one-shots. It boasts impressive damage with decent weapon recoil and overall movement speed. Becomes godly in the high rounds once upgraded fully. Is the first shotgun you unlock so it is a plus you have access to an automatic shotgun right out the gate. Also has a larger clip size and overall ammo capacity than compared to the Hauer.

Why is the Gallo SA12 great?

  • First shotgun unlocked in the game
  • Exceptional damage with decent mobility and recoil control
  • Being an automatic weapon, Has the advantage of taking on larger groups of zombies
  • Easy to use no matter how many hours you have under your belt

8. AK47

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War - Zombies Gameplay - Pack A Punch A AK-47! 

Youtube Channel: Cre8ive

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A personal favorite of mine as well as the 8th choice on our list we have the AK47, The community loved gem makes a comeback and is here to aid you once again in ensuring you hit your next round goal. 

The AK47 is an assault rifle with one of the highest stats for damage in class with decent recoil considering the firepower it possesses. Comes with three magazines of thirty bullets each so if used wisely, Can last you for a few rounds before you need to worry about restocking, Does not take many bullets to take down zombies with this weapon however so it should be fairly easy to reserve ammo. Movement speed is fairly good as well in the rifle class and can be upgraded with the use of attachments. 

Overall the AK47 is a good choice for anyone who prefers gathering the zombies up in one place and mowing them down instead of one shooting everyone using shotguns, Can take you up to high rounds just as easily as any other weapon on this list and is definitely not a weapon to get rid of or pass it up when given the chance in the mystery box. 

What makes the AK47 great?

  • A timeless classic
  • Exceptional damage 
  • Generous ammo reserve
  • Great handling and movement speeds
  • Little recoil despite the firepower

7. M79 Grenade Launcher

M79 Grenade Launcher Pack A Punch Level 3 Black Ops Cold War Zombies 

Youtube Channel: IvanGoldBit

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In 7th place on the list we have the M79 Grenade launcher, Personally is the bane of my existence hearing explosions and having my screen and controller shake for the entirety of the game but that grudge that I am definitely not alone on unfortunately is not enough to keep players from using this unnecessarily powerful weapon.

In terms of damage output, This weapon can easily be considered to be in the realm of the Ray gun, The D.I.E electro, and other superweapons in the game. What it lacks in overall movement speed and recoil control it easily makes up for in terms of damage. Capable of tearing down hordes of zombies with a single blast. Once upgraded, You are given a three-shot magazine instead of the usual 1 which is a necessity especially in the higher rounds when the zombies seem to be coming from everywhere. Be sure to be cautious of blast damage but with the emergence of the Ph.D. flopper/Slider perk that comes in with the season 6 update. That should not be a problem for those who have their crystals saved up to upgrade this necessary perk 

What makes the M79 great?

  • Amazing Damage
  • Decent Ammo pool despite the ammo type 
  • Decent mobility and weapon control despite the firepower and weight of the weapon.

6. M16

M16 Pack-a-Punched "Skullsplitter" Gameplay (Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Zombies) 

Youtube Channel: MJPW Gaming

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Up next in 6th place we have another fan favorite of the call of duty franchise, The M16 tactical rifle. This three-round burst is a headshot machine both in multiplayer and zombies and would recommend it to anyone looking for a new weapon to level up or try out.

Next to the AUG ( not mentioned on this list but an exceptional tactical rifle as well) It possesses one of the highest damage outputs in its class and comes with a courteous amount of bullets in terms of magazine capacity and overall ammo capacity of the weapon. Has amazing recoil when firing and exceptional movement speed when traversing the map with this weapon as well.

As stated earlier, It is relatively harder to survive higher rounds using semi-automatic or one-shot weapons simply due to the volume of zombies coming your way. After a while, If you get cornered, It will be harder to escape and continue the fight than if you had a superweapon, Automatic or explosive weapon on hand. However, From personal use and watching many others do the same it isn’t impossible. Just requires a different style of play from other weapons and can easily hold its own fighting alongside the Ray gun in the high rounds once upgraded so I wouldn’t demote any value from this weapon and its overall reliability, Damage, as well as weapon recoil, is what earn it this spot on our list.  

What makes the M16 great?

  • Three round burst provides expectation accuracy
  • Little to no recoil
  • Great damage 
  • Clear iron sight design so a sight attachment is not required.

5. Hauer 77

Hauer 77 Pack-a-Punched "Orion 777" Gameplay (Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Zombies) 

Youtube Channel: MJPW Gaming


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Taking up the halfway point on our list, We have my personal go-to for every zombie game in the Cold War that I play. This weapon is ridiculous in terms of damage and doesn’t even get me started with how it is upgraded…In the right hands, this is around 60 and higher without any doubt. 

Its insane damage stats aside it also boasts nice recoil control and decent movement speed standard. The only downside in this weapon in my opinion would be the low ammo capacity, Even with attachments, it’s a little low. But being able to easily cut through boss zombies and regular ones like butter makes me forget about the ammo. You will have the points to fund your ammo problem considering the number of kills you are going to be getting with this weapon in the first place. 

Overall, This weapon is amazing and it outshines a lot of other guns in my opinion, however with the low ammo I have to put my emotions to the side on this one and award it 5th place. Would have been ranked lower if it weren’t for the damage, recoil, and movement speed.

Why is the hauer 77 great?

  • Exceptional damage 
  • Decent ammo reserve and can be upgraded with attachments
  • Great mobility 
  • Little recoil 
  • Movement speed when carrying the weapon is fair 

4. Die Electro Bolt

Call of Duty: Cold War Zombies – Die Maschine – D.I.E. Electrobolt Wonder Weapon Guide 

Youtube Channel: MADCAST


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In 4th place, we have our first superweapon on the list and it is the D.I.E ElectroBolt. This weapon is one of four variants that can be unlocked by upgrading the base version of the weapon, the D.I.E Shockwave.

Technically, You have infinite ammo with this weapon has the D.I.E shockwave and all of its variants including the ElectroBolt all come with the ability to suck the life force out of zombies, Rewarding you with ammo for each zombie soul you suck into the weapon. Just be sure to not get cornered and die when refilling up your ammo using this method. In terms of damage output, this one is the strongest out of the base form and the remaining three variants ( Nova 5, Ice, and explosive fire rounds). The bolt of lightning deals more damage the longer the fire button is held. Easily disintegrating any foe in your way. Not the best in terms of movement due to its bulky feature but this weapon was meant for those who prefer to stay in one position and have the zombies come for them. From personal experience I deem this to be a fact

What makes the D.I.E ElectroBolt Great?

  • Virtually limitless ammo due to its ability to restock ammo from killing zombies
  • Has damage that outshines all weapons on this list and in the game for a period of time after you held down the charge long enough
  • Almost no recoil despite shooting an overcharged beam of electricity

3. Ray Gun


Youtube Channel: ICloudz


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Ah the Raygun, A Zombie staple dating back to WAW this powerhouse has you feeling like a kid again no matter how many times you pick it up. One of the best in terms of overall firepower and mobility. Recoil and the splash damage from firing shots too close take some getting used to but you’ll get used to it over time. A rule of thumb I’ve learned throughout the years would be to not use the sights on the weapon but rather fire from the hip and use the in-game crosshairs to aim. You will find that the accuracy of the weapon greatly improves and you can control your shots better

Next to its amazing damage and one of the best in class in terms of mobility, It also does not skimp out on the ammo, You get 160 bullets in store for 30 rounds per mag. This can be doubled when going to the pack-a-punch machine. One of the rarest guns to get out of the mystery box but has fair chances at spawning from round 35 and up.

What makes the RayGun great?

  • A timeless classic, An absolute place to use every single time
  • Great mobility despite the firepower it is packing
  • generous ammo reserve 
  • Clean weapon design 
  • Insane damage 

2. Rai-K 84


Youtube Channel:  NoahJ456

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If you have ever used the RayGun before you have had the thought of the idea of the RayGun in different forms, whether it be an AR, SMG, or shotgun I’m sure you have come across the idea once or twice in your life, Myself included. The second map in the Cold War called “FireBaseZ” Brought us just that. Coming in second place on our list we have the Ray Gun in assault rifle form! The Rai-K 84.

This Rifle packs a serious punch in terms of damage. Also possesses a ranged energy grenade attachment to fire at your enemies, In addition to its raw firepower, it also comes with a generous ammo reserve and is on par with the RayGun in terms of mobility. Like the Ray gun, it is extremely rare to get out of the mystery box but has higher odds during the later rounds, more specifically round 35 and up. Unless you are playing in FireBaseZ however, Then you are given the option to gather parts scattered around the map to build you a free one without having to spend points to try and get it. 

What makes the Rai- K 84 great?

  • Equal to RayGun in terms of firepower despite being an automatic weapon
  • Energy grenade launcher attachments give you an additional mode of ranged combat
  • Ammo Reserve is generous despite it being a wonder weapon.


Mauer Der Toten - Free CRBR-S Wonder Weapon Guide (Black Ops Cold War Zombies) 

Youtube Channel: Invalid

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The final weapon on our list is the powerhouse of powerhouse weapons. Released in the third zombie’s map in the game “ Mauer Der Toten” This gun absolutely melts zombies no matter the round you are on. To add to this it also spawns weapon variants from the zombie you kill and each variant comes with its own advantage from comparison. To wider bullet spread, Firing a stream of energy or zombie seeking missiles. The CBRBS has everything you can possibly want out of a weapon. Amazing damage, Exceptional mobility and virtually no recoil to be seen at all. You will rarely find yourself switching to your secondary because with the number of zombies you will be mowing down with this thing you will have weapon drops sprawled out all across the map, allowing you to just switch out if you run out of ammo. 

What makes the CBRBS great?

  • Best damage out of all weapons in-game
  • Virtually a limitless pool of ammo due to the weapon variant drops
  • Virtually no recoil, All shots are laser accurate
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