Civ 5 Best Ideology - Which To Choose

Civ 5 Best Ideology
18 Sep 2021

Each Ideology has a three-tiered set of sixteen tenets. These tenets are unlocked by accumulating Culture. The first two civilizations to adopt a certain Ideology will receive one or two free Early Adopter tenets, thus granting an advantage to the development of their Ideologies. In this Article we will be going over the three ideologies in the game and why they are useful in their respective ways


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The Freedom Ideology is best-suited for those playing a Civ seeking a Scientific, Cultural, or Diplomatic Victory in Civilization 5: Brave New World. This Guide will highlight the benefits of choosing to follow this Ideology and strategies you can use to help get the most of its Tenets. Look to the main Ideology page to learn some of the drawbacks of having a different Ideology than other in-game Civs, along with a summary of the perks your Civ will get when following it. Freedom is a popular choice for Diplomatic Victory, for you can gain Influence with City-States simply by having a Trade Route with them, and that will give you more votes in the World Congress. It is a very easy-to-acquire boost that will help with those City-States that have had long-standing Alliances with other Civs. With a smaller Military and Tall Cities running many Specialists, you will have a lot of gold output to help you buy off the others. Diplomatic Victory also relies somewhat on Science to get to the Era required for the World Leader vote, and Freedom is great for that.

What's Great about Freedom

Specialists consume less food and generate less Unhappiness than regular Citizens Foreign Legion - Units specialized in fighting away from home that keep the unique Promotion when Upgraded to Infantry Golden Ages last 50% longer +Happiness for Economic and Growth buildings like Banks, Mints, Hospitals, and Medical Labs Increased City Combat Strength for Defense Gain Influence each turn you have a Trade Route with each City-State Buy Spaceship Parts with Gold Increased Production of Military Units and +15 Influence for gifting one to a City-State Easy Tourism boost from all Cities with a Broadcast Tower.

Choose Freedom If..

Freedom is the best ideology of choice if you are going for any victory except domination/ Due to its focus on great persons and specialists it is not the most suited for domination game styles.

Freedom Details: Freedom


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The Autocracy Ideology is best-suited for those playing a Civ seeking a Domination, Cultural, or Diplomatic Victory in Civilization 5: Brave New World. This Guide will highlight the benefits of choosing to follow this Ideology and strategies you can use to help get the most of its Tenets. Look to the main Ideology page to learn some of the drawbacks of having a different Ideology than other in-game Civs, along with a summary of the perks your Civ will get when following it. Autocracy's benefits for Domination are very clear, given there is a 50-turn boost to combat strength of all your military forces and big boosts to producing Military units along with more Experience for those new units. Your units will be cheaper to buy and that will be easier to do with less overall upkeep when you have a massive Military. The doubling of Strategic Resources will help you support many more of the powerful late-game units, as well. You will also be able to maintain positive Happiness in order to allow City Growth throughout your Empire when capturing more of your opponents' Cities. What isn't so obvious is how following this Ideology can help you win Diplomatically or Culturally.

What’s great about Autocracy: +1/+2 Happiness from Defensive/Offensive Buildings - Castle and up, Barracks and up Wounded units inflict more damage Reduced Maintenance and Gold Purchasing of Units Build Courthouses faster and gain +3 Happiness from them, offsetting the Happiness cost of a City Increased Production of Military Units and +15 Starting Experience Double Strategic Resources to support more Units Double Spy Stealing rate to catch up Technologically while on the warpath Gain Influence over any City-State you can Demand Tribute from Clausewitz's Legacy - gain a big +25% increase in Combat Strength for 50 Turns after adopting - steamroll the rest of the world and finish a Domination Victory!

Choose Autocracy if.. Mainly go for this ideology if you plan on aiming for a domination victory. The tenets in this ideology are almost all geared toward improving your military. Though it can also be used for cultural and diplomatic victories with some of the tenets they provide. The only victory type that this one is not well-suited for would be science victory since you will be too busy with wars or building wonders, spreading your culture as well as tourism to have the time to worry about building up your science output.

Autocracy Details: Autocracy


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The Order Ideology is best-suited for those playing a Civ seeking a Domination, Cultural, or Scientific Victory in Civilization 5: Brave New World. This Guide will highlight the benefits of choosing to follow this Ideology and strategies you can use to help get the most of its Tenets. Look to the main Ideology page to learn some of the drawbacks of having a different Ideology than other in-game Civs, along with a summary of the perks your Civ will get when following it. Order's effect on Domination Victory is to give you much more Production in your Cities to facilitate a larger Military, while giving you the Happiness you need in order to have a Wide Empire that is continually growing. Cities' Unhappiness will be offset by gaining Happiness from Monuments and newly conquered Cities will get a free Courthouse, which will let you Annex those Cities as soon as they're done with Revolt without any negatives. Buying Buildings that generate Happiness will be cheaper in all your Cities, whether directly (colosseum) or indirectly through Order's Tenets (Factory). This synergizes very well with Commerce and Big Ben, while Landskechts can be upgraded to give you Units that get double gold when capturing Cities, no matter the era. The possibility of Scientific Victory is also boosted, as wide empires will not have as many Specialists as those following Freedom. Factories will contribute +25% to Science output in each City, and Science buildings will give extra Happiness to give you room for Population growth. I would go Freedom for a Tall Civ seeking a Scientific Victory, but Order may well be your best choice if you have more Cities. Spaceflight Pioneers will give you the ability to finish Spaceship Parts with Great Engineers, which will be easy to come by if you started Tradition then went Wide through conquest and are able to buy them. A Reformation Belief also allows the purchase of any type of Great Person if you go with Piety Policies to get more Faith and Gold from your Cities. You may also direct Food and get +9 per turn for a land trade route to make select Cities taller and further increase their Scientific Output. Naturally, you would still want Rationalism to get +2 Science from every Specialist, even if you do not complete the Tree.

Why Order is great: Happiness from Monuments and Production Buildings (Factory, Windmill, Solar/Nuclear/Hydro Plant) Spies twice as likely to catch enemy agents attempting to steal Technology Increased Production (+1) from Mines/Quarries and +2 flat Production per City Tourism to other Order Civs and those with less Happiness Gold cost of Purchasing Buildings reduced Internal Trade Routes 50% more effective Gain +25% Science from Factories +15% Attack Bonus when fighting in Friendly Territory Finish Spaceship Parts with Great Engineers

Choose Order if.. This Ideology is best suited for domination, cultural as well as scientific victories. Personally, I believe this ideology is an all-rounder. The benefits granted from this ideology tree can give you an edge in all of the possible victory types due to the benefits of the tenets and if used the right way in order to achieve your desired result.

Order Details: Order

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