[Top 15] Best Dragons in MTG

mtg best dragons
28 Mar 2021

15 Best Dragon Cards in Magic! The Gathering


    Magic! The Gathering has 11,643 creature cards in the entire game, out of which 212 call themselves dragons. Usually when you think of Dragons red is one of the first things to come to mind, however dragons can be found in every color in the game and several are quite versatile. Depending on your format needs to fill out your deck change as your focus shifts as the length of the matches you play change, such as with Commander and Standard. These are the 15 best dragons in my opinion regardless of which format you're playing. 


15. Clockwork Dragon

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Starting off is Clockwork dragon, while this card doesn't seem like much at first glance and in fact might make most players quickly ignore this creature. How could this possibly be one of the best dragons? Simple, He is extremely versatile as any deck can run him and he hits the field as a 6/6 and can get increasingly more powerful overtime. As for his drawback all you need is Ferocity and his removal ability gets negated. Don't have ferocity, try proliferate.


14. Draco

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    Here we have another example of a diamond in the rough unfortunately tho this card is not as versatile as the last one. This creature shines best in rainbow decks. With the 12 different basic land cards that you have it is possible for this card to literally cost nothing. 5 Different basic lands makes his downside cost nothing and 8 makes his cast cost to be zero as well granted without other cards that could help you play multiple lands per turn its almost impossible to get him out earlier than 8 turns but it is possible to have him out on the 4th turn.


13. Furyborn Hellkite

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    This card like the ones before it requires quite a bit of setup however the reason this one ranks higher is because unlike the ones before him you don't really need anything special to summon him just summon him after attacking. Having a 12/12 flyer is extremely intimidating as it can withstand several cards that damage monsters outright and fears only creatures with reach and/or deathtouch. Combine this card with something like Haunted Cloak for a truly devastating monster.


12. Ramos, Dragon Engine

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    This is another one of those Rainbow gods. This card can get counters easily from multicolored spells. Unlike most other rainbow deck cards, this card can be summoned with any 6 mana meaning you don't actually need every color on the field before you can play this card then once this card is played your counters will stack up pretty quickly which could allow you to get his 5 counters after playing 2 cards. I dont think i need to talk about how helpful it is to have 10 free mana and if you use all of them you will instantly get all 5 counters back allowing you to easily use this ability every single turn.


11. Deathbringer Regent

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    This is a card that can be quite helpful to get you out of a stalemate or wipe the board. If this card doesn’t get countered it will wipe your field clean of creatures as well as your opponent’s. Normally this would seem like a bad thing, but being that black makes use of having cards in your graveyard such as Bonehoard or Apocalypse Demon or setting up for something like Avatar of Woe. With all that going for it already how can you say no to a 5/6 with flying. Once again throw a Haunted Cloak on this bad boy and you get a free attack the turn you summon him.


10. Demanding Dragon

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    This card might not have the same clearing power as the previous card but this one is less of a double edged sword. For only 5 mana this card allows you to deal damage to an opponent unless they sacrifice a monster. Now this card is a little more effective in Standard games as opposed to Commander games but that doesn’t make it less effective in Commander. Being a red card it has access to a lot of possibilities to receive haste and can pair really decently with red staples like War’s Toll or one of my favorites yet again,Haunted Cloak.


9. Darigaaz The Igniter

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    This is a dragon that Is more powerful when facing mono decks and if they like to keep their hand stocked they’re in for even more punishment. Being a 6/6 for 6 also isn’t too bad either, especially with such a good ability. Since this card is black, red, and green it leaves multiple opportunities to add haste, lifelink, trample, deathtouch, and much much more to make it even more devastating.


8. Crosis,the Purger

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    This is another card that plays better against mono color decks than anything else but works a little more like a mill card rather than burn.This is another 6/6 for 6 which is a common theme for dragons. What this card has that might give it an edge over the last card is this has a greater chance to be enchanted with hexproof as it has blue as well.  


7. Dragonlord, Dromoka

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    Once again I love white and green and this card is a monster. This card cannot be countered (sorry blue decks and controls) and to further add insult to injury your opponent can't play ANYTHING during your turn(since everything besides lands are considered spells). This is a fearsome defender so adding something that would give this guy vigilance and double strike would really skyrocket this Dragons power and give you 10 life every turn unless blocked and even then very few things could stand up to this guy. 

6. Flameblast Dragon

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    Moving right along we have Flameblast Dragon. This card can be great if you don’t have anything in your hand and you wanna do some damage. With this card attacks you can tap the same lands you used to summon him so that if your opponent has creatures to block you can take out at least one before your opponent can think about blocking or if your opponent has no monsters that's an easy 10 damage taking out half of their life in a single hit which is seriously intimidating.

5. Broodmate Dragon

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    What more really needs to be said about this card, for the same 6 mana as most of the other cards in this list you get 2 monsters for the cost of one. That means you get 2 attackers or blockers or both if somehow you get vigilance on this creature (do I need to say haunted cloak again) granted that won’t allow your token to attack without tapping but hey. Any card that can stand up to the lightning helix and lightning strikes that are running rampant through standard is ay-okay in my book.

4. Darigaaz Reincarnated

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    Protection you say? Well look no further than this creature. It throws off the usual 6 mana cost staple in the dragons by instead having a cost of 7 but I think that 1 extra mana is well spent. It has an additional +1/+1 but the best thing about this creature is that as long as this card makes it to the field, removing it might prove nearly impossible. Bounce him? Unless you can destroy lands he’ll just come right back Faster than if you killed him. Unless you can counter him before he hits the field you’re in for a world of hurt.

3.Hellkite Tyrant

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    Back to the 6 mana cost again and this card might actually shine a little more in commander than standard but still becomes more powerful the more opponents are in the game. When this card attacks you can control all artifacts that player controls and if you manage to get 20 of them you win the game. They don’t all have to be stolen either if you throw a few extra Artifacts in your own deck, steal a few of your opponents and call the game in your favor.

2. Dragonlord Kolaghan

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    What’s not to love about a creature that gives every other creature you control haste. As long as you can keep this card on the field you never need to worry about summoning sickness. It is entirely possible to have this card in your hand from the beginning and get him on the field on your 6th turn. You might not have kited out any counter spells by then or you might have used the turns from the first to your 6th doing so. This creatures last ability is really ineffective in commander, as you can only have one of each card, but in standard or modern you could really limit the moves of most opponents as almost anything worth running usually has 4 in the deck.



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    Here it is the surprise wild card no one expected. This card is the number one dragon because out of all 11,000 cards that magic has this card was the number 1 most played card in 2020. Flying and haste in itself is a good combination to have but by exerting this card you get a nerfed flameblast dragon that doesn’t affect other dragons or players at the expense that this card doesn’t untap during your next untap step. That’s it, being an easy donside to work around it's quite understandable to see why this card was the most played as aggro decks seemed to be on the rise in the current meta of the game.


    There you have it my opinion of some of the best dragons for Magic! The Gathering. What’s your opinion? Do you know of any cards that you think are more powerful? I made this list in the hopes that i could reveal a few hidden gems in the dragon genre as there are quite a few really broken, really well known dragons.


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