Arkham Knight Bosses from Weakest to Strongest

arkham knight bosses
22 Mar 2019

This Article contains Spoilers from Batman: Arkham Knight. Proceed with caution.

Need some help with the bosses of Batman: Arkham Knight? Well, you came to the right place. In this article, I’ve ranked the character bosses of the Arkham trilogy finale. This does not include the tanks/other vehicles you face as “boss battles.” I’ve also provided walkthrough videos for anyone really struggling.

8. Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn


Originally a character appearing only in Batman the animated series, Harley Quinn has skyrocketed in popularity over her existence. In Arkham Knight, Harley is in mourning after The Joker’s death. After dealing with the Joker-Infected, you’ll come up against her and her men.

Fight Review:

Harley is a boss during a segment of the game where Batman has teamed up with Robin. You get to take her and her minions on with both members of the Dynamic Duo. Unfortunately if you’re looking for a drawn-out fight with Harley Quinn this is not your game.

Harley is pretty easy to beat. Once you knock her out, though, you have to deal with a number of her thugs. Also, I don’t advocate violence against women, but knocking Harley Quinn out is really satisfying because her voice is extremely annoying in this game.

As far as the setting goes, this fight is set in the hallway of the movie studio, which is the setting for this whole section of the game, so it’s pretty drab, especially compared to the other stages which you fight various Joker-lites on. The hallway is not dissimilar from the halls of Arkham Asylum in the first game. Maybe just a little bit cleaner.

YouTube Walkthrough

Rating: 50/100

7. Albert King


King is one of three Joker-Lites who have been infected by the Joker and taken on aspects of his personality.

Fight Review:

Unlike Harley, Albert King is a big brute who takes some time to take down. He’s also surrounded by thugs, which makes it difficult to focus on King alone. Thankfully, Robin is still by your side, so you’re able to use combos and Dual Team Takedowns to finish him off. The setting for this fight is also pretty cool. The Albert King fight takes place on the “Western” Stage of the movie studio. Batman and Robin fighting people surrounded by saloons is pretty cool.

YouTube Walkthrough

Rating: 75/100

6. Black Mask


Black Mask first appeared in August of 1985, in Batman #386. Born to self-absorbed, social-status obsessed parents, Roman Sionis was dropped on his head moments after his birth. His parents covered the incident up to avoid embarrassment. When he joined his family’s company, and was forced to break off his relationship with working-class model Circe, he murdered his parents by burning their house down.

After Bruce Wayne bailed his family company after Roman ran it into the ground, he broke into his family’s crypt and smashed his father’s coffin, turning it into his iconic Black Mask and taking on a new criminal identity.

In Arkham Knight, Black Mask is featured in the post-story Red Hood DLC, where Jason Todd takes him and his gang down.

Fight Review:

Black Mask is somewhere between Harley and Albert. He’s not as bulked up as Albert King, but he’s not a one-hit KO either. Instead, you have to alternate between fighting him and his men until you take them all down. The best part of this fight is that after Jason throws Black Mask out a window, he says “Say hi to Joker for me,” which is such a great Jason Todd line.

The environment for this battle is a drab warehouse. There’s not much to it, but there is some room to fight, so that’s good.

YouTube Walkthrough

Rating: 80/100

5. The Riddler


The Riddler first appeared in Detective Comics #140 in October of 1948. Edward Nigma (Later spelled Nygma or changed to Nashton) cheated in a school contest, which led to an obsession with puzzles. Eventually he donned the costume and moniker of the Riddler to combat Batman, who he saw as a worthy adversary.

In the Arkham games, The Riddler hides “Riddler Trophies” around the Asylum/Arkham City/Gotham City (depending on the game), as well as providing Riddler challenges for Batman to face as a side quest to the main story.

Fight Review:

Riddler isn’t a physical threat to Batman. In Arkham Knight, he knows it, and his response is to build a mech suit to take on the Dark Knight. He’s also surrounded by robot minions. Thankfully, you don’t have to deal with Riddler and his rambling alone. Catwoman is there to help!

The environment for this fight is one of Riddler’s challenge rooms. It’s a big square, basically. Not much to it, but there’s room to move.

YouTube Walkthrough

Rating: 85/100

4. Scarecrow


Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow, first appeared in World’s Finest Comics #3 in September 1941. He developed an obsession with fear and revenge in childhood due to constant bullying. He first donned the Scarecrow identity at his high school prom. He later became a psychologist at Arkham Asylum, eventually developing a toxin that would induce fear in people.

In Arkham Knight, he has returned after an absence in Arkham City, thought to have been killed during the events of Arkham Asylum. He is one of the main villains in the game.

Fight Review:

This isn’t so much a boss fight as the climax of the game. It’s mostly cutscenes. You don’t physically get to fight the Scarecrow, but you do get to play as the Joker, so that’s a plus.
What’s more interesting about this “fight” is the semi-redemption of Jason Todd. He saves Batman from the Scarecrow in his new guise of the Red Hood, allowing Batman to take Scarecrow down.

This sequence takes place in the old Asylum, which brings the trilogy full circle. The graphics have improved significantly since the first Arkham game, making it worth the return.

YouTube Walkthrough

Rating: 85/100

3. The Arkham Knight


Jason Todd, the second Robin made his original debut in March 1983, in Batman #357. Originally little more than a Dick Grayson rip-off, Crisis on Infinite Earths reimagined him as a street rat that was found stealing the tires off the Batmobile.

His Post-Crisis origin is pretty much intact in the Arkham universe. What changes is his death. In the comics, he died and was later resurrected by either a crazy clone of Superman punching a wall or a Lazarus Pit. In the Arkham series, he was kept alive, and became the Arkham Knight rather than the Red Hood as he does in the comics, though he eventually abandons the Knight mantle to become the Red Hood.

Fight Review:

This is one of the more difficult fights in the game. Jason was trained by Batman so it’s not as easy to take him down as it is some of the others. Like with the other bosses, you do have to contend with support from his men in the midst of the boss fight, as well as not getting sniped by Jason himself. However, If you stay above the arena, you can mostly avoid the men and focus on getting Jason.

What’s most interesting about this fight is the dialogue between Batman and Jason. Jason has been tortured and is a little off his rocker at this point, and Batman is trying to reach his wayward son. Though he is not completely successful, as mentioned earlier, Jason will come to Bruce’s aid later.

This fight takes place in an abandoned shopping mall, which gives a wide area for the fighting to take place in, and lots of room for both Batman and Jason to move around.

YouTube Walkthrough

Rating: 90/100

2. The Joker


The Clown Prince of Crime first appeared in Batman #1 in the Spring of 1940. He was meant to be killed off, but was instead made into a recurring adversary for Batman and Robin; a rivalry that has endured to this day.

In Arkham Knight The Joker is dead, but lives on in Batman’s psychepscyhe, as Bruce has been infected with the same Toxin as Albert King and the others.

Fight Review:

Again, this isn’t really a boss fight. The game turns into a first-person shooter where you play as the Joker during the climax of Batman’s infection, where he very nearly becomes his greatest enemy.

This sequence takes place in the old Asylum, which looks great with its updated graphics. It’s also always great to hear Mark Hamill as the Joker.

YouTube Walkthrough

Rating: 95/100

1. Killer Croc


Originally, Waylon Jones was just a deformed human. Through the years of his development, he turned into the giant crocodile monster he is seen as in the Arkham games and modern comics..

Fight Review:

The Killer Croc boss battle occurs as part of the Seasons of Infamy: Beneath the Surface DLC. In this fight, you are aided by Nightwing, which helps to wear the giant monster you’re fighting down. Still, this is the most difficult character boss in the game. Unfortunately, Croc, like everyone else, is surrounded by minions you also have to take out.

This fight takes place beneath the city, where you have to navigate through to reach Croc. The battle itself takes place in another big room, leaving plenty of room for you to move, and plenty of room for Croc to charge around.

YouTube Walkthrough

Rating: 100/100

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