A game loving fanatic, that grew up inspired by the dark lords of the Sith, leading him on a path of destiny, to compete with the greatest villains of all games, simply wanting to eliminate them, and become the true enemy of their worlds. Starting off innocently as many millennials did, growing up in the 90's, with the need to wipe the floor with the small fries, like King Koopa, aka Bowser. Then ravaging the schemes of King R. Rool, and his army of Kremlings. As time moved on the adventures, and conquests of evil, had him traveling to all kinds of different worlds, as he conquered his way through every game he could get his hands on. Having to adapt, and change his ways, or methods of destruction, with each evolution of the game consoles, much like his time killing his way through Goldeneye, on the N64. Then slaughtered through the constantly changing, and advancing graphics, on next gen consoles, until he felt the need to test his natural skill level in video games, to battle his way up the ladders, in the world of competitive gaming. He spent several years massacring millions of people around the world, especially in FPS games like the halo series, and Call of Duty, eventually to be ranked among some of the top in the world in MLG. Only then to realize there was barely any profit in it at the time. He made the tough decision to hang up his pro gaming controller, and went on to pursue more ambitious goals, like finishing college to learn how to develop video games, and focus on Multimedia development, at Full Sail University, and DeVry University. During this time off from the competitive world of gaming, he went back to his original ways in video games, with the need to conquer them as the one true super villain, and immersed himself into the worlds of RPG's and MMO's. But his competitive nature never went away, which led him to set constant new goals, to become one of the best in every game, or server he played on, or at the very least one of the most notorious, especially when he couldn't keep up with the Pay to Win games. But all of that carnage led him to today, constantly blood thirsty for the next great adventure in a new world, simply wanting to try and conquer them ,as the next greatest villain that will kill his was through the most iconic enemies, and challenge even the gods, to make become a greater threat to the world they tried to ravage, or control. His tales of conquest will still go on for years to come, and some of his past experiences have been shared through multiple platforms of media.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Overwatch, Fallout 76, Sea of Thieves, ESO, RDR2,