Trent is a full time manager and part time fantasy creator. He runs campaigns of dnd with mind altering endings and choices and has written and publish a book on Amazon called Terra-pocolypse. He loves RPGS and adventure games. Souls like games have been his go to recently due to customization. He’s an expert in theories of games and builds for characters. He has entered into reedys competitions and placed top 3 multiple times being edged out by worthy competitors. He has played games since 2000 when he was a wee child and plays to this day as an adult in his mid 20’s. Everything from racing to simulations to adventures to sports games everything is fair game and has the same amount of chance to keep him captivated. He loves to write about monster catching games and books because of the connection the gamers have with their monsters and the understanding they must have.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Elden Ring