To a lot of people, Searyann is an Arch-Druid of Azeroth. But to her friends, she's simply a geek with a love for games, food, and thrifty shopping. She began writing at a very early age, roughly about 6 or 7. She competed in several poetry contests, placing between 1st and 3rd a majority of the time. She's been published in several outlet types. From school papers, to newspapers, even books of mixed authors. She's spent years perfecting her unique style and character, creating a vast pool of enjoyable topics to write about. Her passion for writing fantasy stories lead her to a love for writing game reviews and theories. Breaking down the why and how, then explaining it in a way other's may not have thought of. RPG's and MMORPG's are the ones she loves most. By far her favorite is World of Warcraft. Having spent years playing, she's got expert level knowledge. She has a drive to engage the people reading her work, phrasing every sentence to help the reader see exactly what she sees. She wants her writing to educate about different game types, while entertaining her readers with her many bloopers in game.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
World of Warcraft