From 80's slasher films to paranormal exorcisms, Katherine is an expert in the horror genre. An experienced English & Writing Major with a natural love for the shadows, Katherine has hacked her way through The Walking Dead video game series in addition to writing horror short fiction about unruly spirits and revenge-driven demons.

An expert in Fantasy writing, she has worked on non-profit projects to benefit The Pollinator Project, as well as the Fandom Trumps Hate annual Tumblr event. Katherine enjoys outlining ironclad plotlines, ranking the scares in horror RPGs, and causing mayhem in Hyrule when she needs a break from the realm of the unknown.

On her downtime, Katherine loves cosplaying and watching SyFy shark films with her younger sister. Her favorite game of all time is Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, in which Katherine has trained for months in order to become a professional Guardian hunter.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild