Hailing from the icy reaches of Ann Arbor Michigan, Jake's always had to deal with the hard question, "Why don't you sound like a Yankee?"

That's because he didn't grow up in objective reality. Image boards, forums, and IRC chat rooms defined Jake's early experiences. In college he went on to study audio engineering and later, front end web development. One thing, however, always remained constant- an insatiable love for gaming, digital experience, and immersive roleplaying experiences.

Jake is the author of two literary fiction novels and a podcast host for the now-defunct, "Print: Hello World" show.

Here are some other potentially interesting facts about our character study:

It's fabled that Jake once ran a six months D&D campaign without any preparation or notes whatsoever.

He sweats Mountain Dew Game Fuel.

His k/d ratio is undefined because one cannot divide by zero.

The term, "Proxy hatch to grandmaster," is generally credited to him (this is still widely debated despite conclusive evidence).

Jake once beat the Elite Four with a level 100 MissingNo.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice