Jacqueline has been gaming since she first played Tetris on her red Gameboy Advance. Growing up, she became an avid Sims gamer, and continued gaming in college, where she earned a degree in creative writing. She uses this degree to write articles and blogs in hopes that one day, she can write for big gaming companies like Nintendo.

Each video game contains a world of its own, and that’s what makes her passionate. Backstory and flavor text elevate a game, making for an interesting plot. Video games are much more than gameplay, and this inspires Jacqueline to write about games and the intricate backstory that goes with them.

Her favorite games include The Legend of Zelda series. Sitting down watching and reading about the lore and timeline is a guilty pleasure of hers. The Breath of the Wild Sequel announced at E3? You bet she has read dozens of theory posts and is constructing her own. She also likes to break out her old PS2 from time to time and play Soul Calibur or Crash Bandicoot, feeling the nostalgia from the low-quality graphics.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Persona 5