Hailing from the desert but living in the forest, Bridgette began gaming at an early age and continued to keep video games as a part of her life all through growing up. It wasn't long before she found her favorite niche which was anything and everything horror-based. While she enjoys a great variety of games and styles, horror has a special place in her heart and makes her quite savvy with the genre. Years of experience with creative writing has given her a way with words and an ability to express herself easily, to share her passion for games and creativity. Spending time with family is her favorite thing to do above all, but video games are an important part of her life as well. When her nose isn't buried in a book, or she isn't enraptured by a current game, you can find her walking her dog in the local park.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
RE4 Remake, LoZ: Tears