Daniel is a video game enthusiast that has been playing since the days of the SEGA Genesis. He runs a Gamer's Zone community on Facebook that he's run since 2012 that he's driven to more than 100,000 followers/likes. He's an expert on creative writing, whether based around the gaming field or beyond, and has written about games since 2014. He has taken his love for gaming to new levels by writing about them, running the Facebook page about them, and even streaming them, with great success thus far! He's an expert in writing about the latest going ons in the gaming world as far as releases and such are concerned, as well as gaming lore for different games. His favorite genres of gaming are RPG's and Platform games, by far being the ones he's had the most success with, though he'll also hold his ground in racing games. Daniel's favorite game series of all time is Sonic the Hedgehog, with Spyro and Kingdom Hearts close behind. He also won an Atari Pac-Man challenge in Texas when he as a teenager! I mean can you beat that?
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage, Kingdom Hearts 2, Fortnite