The Sims 4 Best Criminal Careers That Are Fun

The Sims 4 Criminal Career
11 Dec 2023


The Sims 4 Criminal Career is one of the original careers available in the base game.

To begin with, the pay is notoriously low. But the promotion bonuses are exceptional! If your sim is hot-headed, mean, or an evil genius, keep reading.

There are two branches of the criminal career: The Oracle Branch and The Boss Branch. The Boss branch is by far the most profitable of the two, paying more per hour and having you work fewer hours a week! But don’t write off The Oracle career yet. Each has their own highlights.

Criminal career

We don't all have to be upstanding citizens.

There are five levels to progress through before you have to pick a branch. To begin with, you get paid very little. But each promotion comes with a large bonus and cool rewards.

The promotion requirements and daily tasks are mischief-related with ‘playful’ being the ideal mood. Your sims can become playful by watching comedy on a TV, taking a bubble bath, or watching funny videos on ‘’.

Once you reach level five, you choose which branch to progress into – The Boss or The Oracle.

What is great about the Criminal Career:

  • Large promotion bonuses
  • Achieve high mischief skill
  • Live on the other side of the law! 

How much you can earn with the Criminal Career:

  • The highest level, Level 5 (Minor Crime lord), has earnings of §192 a day.

How to become a Criminal:

  • Open your sims phone
  • Choose ‘Find a job’
  • Choose the Criminal Career

Boss Branch

The cool outfit isn't the only great thing about the Boss career.

The Boss branch contains 5 different career levels, each with large bonuses. The daily tasks and promotion requirements are based on mean interactions, mischief and handiness skill. It helps if your sim is focused!

The earnings of this branch are particularly large, with the ability to earn §3115 every day!

What is great about the Boss Career:

  • Large promotion bonuses
  • High daily earnings
  • Work only a few hours a week
  • Raise mischief skill and handiness skill

How much you can earn with the Criminal Career:

  • The highest level, Level 10 (The Boss), has a daily earning of §3115 a day

How to become The Boss:

  • Open your sims phone
  • Choose ‘Find a job’
  • Choose the Criminal Career
  • Progress to level 6, then choose the boss branch

Oracle Branch

Who wouldn't want this outfit?

The Oracle branch also has 5 levels, each with large promotion bonuses. The earnings aren’t quite as high as the boss branch, but you can still make lots of simoleons!

This is the perfect branch for your sim if they are into programming, mischief, and hacking.

What is great about the Oracle Career:

  • Large promotion bonuses
  • Achieve high mischief skill and programming skill
  • Live on the other side of the law!
  • Use your sims’ brainy side

How much you can earn with the Oracle Career:

  • The highest level, Level 10 (The Oracle), can earn §2212 a day.

How to become The Oracle:

  • Open your sims phone
  • Choose ‘Find a job’
  • Choose the Criminal Career
  • Progress to level 6, then choose the Oracle Branch

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