MTG Arena Best Blue Cards (Top 50)

MTG Arena Best Blue Cards
11 Dec 2023
Magic the Gathering Arena is one of my favorite games and Blue is my favorite color, I know I’m everything wrong with Magic. What this means is that I'm well versed in the color, and I wanted to share some of my knowledge and thoughts on the subject.

With that said, It's hard to quantify what makes a card one of the best, so this list may differ from yours. But before we get started a few things should be noted this list will be designed with historic in mind, there are so many great blue cards from past sets it feels like a loss to limit it too standard. This will be based on a few things cost, efficiency, abilities, power/ toughness, and value generation will all factored in.

It should be noted that this is not an end-all beat-all list. With all of that said, Let's get into the meat and potatoes of this list, shall we?

50. Persistent Petitioners

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Great two drop
  • One of the best brawl decks out there right now, Gadick, The Wizened, 23 islands the rest Persistent Petitioners, you'll either love me or hate me
  • Tap four cards no extra mana cost, mill 12 is devastating

49. Pteramander

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • A one drop with flying is nice
  • Just playing the game will start to lower the cost of it becoming a five with flying
  • The possibility of a 5/ 5 flying turn 4 is outstanding

48. Sphinx of Foresight

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Round one scry three is incredibly powerful allowing you stack the deck for either the creatures or land you need to play this card
  • 4/ 4 flying is always welcome even at 4 drop
  • Each upkeep an automatic scry allows you to always know what you next draw is and plan a head and stack the deck in your favor

47. Gadwick, The Wizened

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • X card draw you choose how many you want to draw
  • Tapping permanents whenever you cast a blue spell
  • Great when combined with a few instants

46. Frogify

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Turns opponents creatures into frogs with no ability
  • Turning a huge beastie into a frog feels so damn good

45. Brineborn Cutthroat

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • 2/ 1 flash for 2
  • Buffs anytime you cast a spell on your opponent's turn pretty awesome
  • Plenty of flash and instants in blue get him big and slap them down

44. Drowned Secrets

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • 2 cost continual mill
  • Assume 2 mill every turn

43. Essence Capture

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Two cost counter creature pretty good
  • +1/+1 on target creature you control
  • TONS of value in this card

42. Fblthp, The Lost

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Card draw of one is ok, card draw for two much better
  • Swing in with him either he doesn't get blocked but if he does, just bounce him back to your deck
  • Fun and continual nuisance for your opponent

41. Kasmina’s Transmutation

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • For 2 mana turns a big guy into a 1/ 1
  • Ability loss for 2
  • When combined with frogify that's a minimum of 8 times you get the chance to turn your opponent's cards into frogs

40. Metamorphic Alteration

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Copy a creature
  • Two of your big things or one of your opponents cards
  • For two drop

39. Negate

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • No creatures for you

38. Arcane Adaption

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Three drop
  • Great in tribal deck
  • Makes any card make sense in a tribal deck

37. Cancel

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Three drop
  • Coutah
  • This card is part of the reason blue players are so hated

36. Flux Channeler

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Great effect for a three drop
  • Proliferate is fun regardless of what color you're in

35. Jace, Cunning Castaway

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Three drop planeswalker before they were cool
  • Planeswalker tokens hahaha

34. Psychic Corrosion

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Pretty good mill card
  • consistent mill potential
  • Great three drop

33. Thought Collapse

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • mill is fun
  • The best of both worlds counter and mill

32. Phantom Warrior

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Three drop unblockable
  • 2/ 2 unblockable
  • Buff him to make him huge and demand an answer
  • Did I mention he's unblockable

31. Sage’ Row Denizen

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Consistent repetitive mill
  • 2/ 3
  • 3 mana repeat mill

30. Jace, Wielder of Mysteries

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • One of my favorite Jace planeswalkers
  • The I like to mill even if i’m milling myself card

29. Leyline of Anticipation

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Opening hand plays are fun
  • EVERYTHING has flash

28. Precognition Field

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Knowledge is power
  • An extra card to cast if its instant or sorcery
  • Deck stacking

27. Sleep

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Pseudo removal
  • Great four drop
  • Allows you swing in with nearly no fear of retaliation

26. Patient Rebuilding

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Consistent Mill
  • Pretty consistent Draw

25. Tezzeret, Artifice Master

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • The +1 is token generation
  • Card draw always fun
  • The -9 is powerful as hell

24. Atemsis, All Seeing

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • 4/ 5 flying
  • Card draw
  • Secondary win condition

23. Nezehal, Primal Tide

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Can't be countered
  • No maximum hand size
  • A pretty way keeping itself alive as well

22. Spell Pierce

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Great early game counter
  • One drop potential counter
  • Hilarious when it works late game

21. Mass Manipulation

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • The x x cost can can be one
  • 6 drop stealing of planeswalkers is fun

20. Omniscience

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • If you have the mana and the high cost cards this card is great
  • Just remember that for value you need to have more than 11 cost worth of cards other than this in your hand
  • Great with cards that give you no maximum hand size such as Nezahal

19. Mirror Image

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Copycat
  • Having multiple of your best card is always great

18. No Escape

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Scry is a powerful mechanic
  • And Exile, an all-around great card for 3 drop

17. Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Her -3 is strong
  • +2 is pretty good, removing flying is nice
  • Card draw is very good if she can get to 9

16. Narset, Parter of Veils

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Has the ability to single-handedly shut down some decks
  • -2 allows you to get what you sooner than later

15. Waterknot

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Perma tap an opponent's big thing for three mana
  • This 3 cost card can remove a threat any mana cost
  • Great potential value

14. Sinister Sabotage

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Surveil is pretty strong, Scry is better but Sirveil is pretty good in its own right

13. Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • The target tax has the potential to make some decks useless
  • Tokens
  • Card draw

12. God-Eternal Kefnet

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • An annoyingly recurring card that demands an answer
  • The copy ability is strong as hell allowing to play a card for less than normal
  • 4/ 5 flying for 4

11. Murmuring Mystic

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Great ground blocker at 1/ 5 for 4 it has some value
  • Playing blue you should have plenty of instants and sorceries to make this a threat
  • An army of small flyers is harder to deal with in most cases than 1 or 2 big ones

10. Spark Double

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Copy any creature or planeswalker but stronger
  • Gets around the legendary token rule by removing that aspect
  • Great effect for 4

9. Storm Sculptor

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards

  • 3/ 2 unblockable

  • Bounce back one of your creatures to your hand choose either a flash card or something with a great entry or play effect

  • Pretty good for 4, played in many decks because of the unblockable aspect

8. Tamiyo’s Epiphany

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • 4 cost scry 4
  • Card draw is always fun
  • With the cost of 4 this card is a value powerhouse

7. Omnispell Adept

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • 5 cost drop may seem kind of step but coming in at 3/ 4 is pretty good
  • The 3 tap effect can more than make up for the steep cost buy letting you play incredibly expensive cards for just 3 mana

6. Humongulus

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • 2/ 5 hexproof for 5
  • May not end the game self but may be able to protect your life points so you can end the game

5. Switcheroo

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • No limit on cost power or toughness
  • A potentially insane amount of value
  • Here have my 1/ 1 all take that 7/ 7

4. Dream Eater

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • FLASH 4/ 3
  • Surveil 4
  • Bounce their most dangerous card back to their hand

3. Jace, Ingenious Mind Mage

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • Both of his +1 are incredibly good
  • -9 can end games
  • Swing in with everything and then untap everything potentially game-ending

2. Nexus of Fate

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • An extra turn for 7
  • Gets shuffled back into the deck not the graveyard
  • Recurring extra turns, value is great here

1. Fleet Swallower

Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
  • 7 drop 6/ 6 demands an answer
  • Mills a terrifying half of their deck and you round up
  • And that is reoccurring on attack, this card ends matches by itself

Thank you for reading this article, I hope you had as much fun reading as I did deciding what cards to put on it. While you're here, why not check out these other articles from

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