Dota 2 How To Predict Win

How To Predict Win
11 Dec 2023

Predicting your win before the game has even started is a power move, letting your enemies know that you are confident and ready to stomp. However it can also result in toxic behaviour from the enemy team.

Prediction points are granted when you purchase a battle pass during the internationals season, the points can be used in the start of every game. When you start a match there will be an indicator at the left side of the screen, if you want to predict just click on it and your hero will say a bold line that will indicate to your enemies that you are here to win, the more games you win in a row the more prediction charms you get to predict further games.

Meaning you have to have won a certain number of predicted games in a row to get the charms and further predictions.

How it Works:

  • If you have prediction points left, there will be a timer at the start of the game, before the timer ends just click on predict.

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