[Top 15] Dota 2 Best Ward Spots For Winning Games

11 Dec 2023

The overseeing wards protect you from your foes and guide you to your way in the enemy territories. Wards are an integral part of the game, a mechanic which can’t be removed or replaced. To appreciate our love for the wards, we have compiled a list of the best 15 Ward Spots that are sneaky and give you an edge over your foes and help you win your games!

15. Jungle Rune Ward

Jungle wards are back in the meta as they reveal your enemy’s position as they farm away unaware of your knowledge of their whereabouts. You can also ward slightly more to the right, as shown above, to ensure the wards don’t get dewarded by the obvious sentry spots.

Advantages of this ward

  • Useful to spot runes
  • Can also spot enemies farming neutrals

14. Highground Ward

Highground wards are essential in the late game if you’re pushing into the enemy team. Their position gets compromised and can’t initiate as you can quickly escape or retaliate without them getting a chance to react. 

Advantages of this ward

  • Low chances of getting dewarded
  • High value with vision 

13. Mid Lane Ward (Dire)

Wards between the towers have been the rage in recent times, this is due to the significance of courier snipes and TP rotations. If your enemy is being sneaky by rotating and hiding in the trees, waiting for the perfect time to pounce on you, then this ward is definitely a lifesaver. It can also be used offensively to initiate on the enemy mid if you know the coast is clear.

Advantages of this ward

  • Great to snipe couriers
  • Gives vision in case of any TP rotations

12. Mid Lane Ward (Radiant)

Wards between the towers have been the rage in recent times, this is due to the significance of courier snipes and TP rotations. If your enemy is being sneaky by rotating and hiding in the trees, waiting for the perfect time to pounce on you, then this ward is definitely a lifesaver. It can also be used offensively to initiate on the enemy mid if you know the coast is clear.

Advantages of this ward

  • Great to snipe couriers
  • Gives vision in case of any TP rotations

11. Radiant Rune Ward

This rune ward is only possible if you get crafty with the game by quelling a few trees, which is always a great way to ward. This ward provides you the vision of the power rune, which ensures you don’t waste your time going to the other side in search of it. Along with that, this ward also spots out any potential gank attempts on you, making you play safe.

Advantages of this ward

  • Gives vision of the power rune
  • Spots any potential gank

10. Top Radiant Cliff Ward

This ward is great if you’re on either side of the map. For Radiant, this is a great defensive ward to spot any potential Roshan attempts or to safeguard your ancient creep stacks. For Dire, this ward turns into an offensive ward, giving vision of the enemy team while they farm or as you’re attempting to Rosh.

Advantages of this ward

  • Gives vision of Roshan
  • Spots any potential gank

9. Mid Lane Rune Ward

Mid wards are important and every midlaner must place them right early from the game. These wards provide you vision of the power rune, which ensures you don’t waste your time going to the other side in search of it. Along with that, this ward also spots out any potential gank attempts on you, making you play safe.

Advantages of this ward

  • Gives vision of the power rune
  • Spots any potential gank

8. Roshan Ward

This ward is of mega value in the late stages of the game where the game is essentially dependent on Aegis. Enemies may try to sneak into Rosh, but you can spot it out with this ward. You obviously don’t get any vision inside the Roshan but you can definitely see enemy supports or heroes, in general, standing outside to guard their cores.

Advantages of this ward

  • Spots enemies going into Roshan if they aren’t smoked
  • Great to spot power runes

7. Dire Top Jungle Ward

This ward is of high value, both on Radiant and Dire to spot out enemy carry heroes farming alone. Intercepting smoke ganks becomes easy with this ward. If you’re on Radiant, you can put this ward down on the cliff or on the low ground to provide vision as your team is fighting Roshan.

Advantages of this ward

  • Spots any hero farming in the jungle

6. Tier 3 Ward Dire

Wards between the towers are criminally underrated as they’re not utilized much in your typical pub games. These wards are extremely useful after the 15-20 minute mark as all your tier 1 towers are destroyed, you need this ward to push lanes and scout for any enemies in the process of smoking up or ganking any lanes.

Advantages of this ward

  • Spots out rotations
  • Geat to snipe couriers or intercept ganks

5. Jungle Cliff Ward

This ward is of high value, both on Radiant and Dire to spot out any TP rotations on the outpost or catch any enemy carry heroes farming alone. Intercepting smoke ganks becomes easy with this ward. If you’re on Radiant, you can put this ward down on the cliff or on the low ground to provide vision as your team is fighting Roshan.

Advantages of this ward

  • Spots any hero farming in the jungle
  • Outpost vision
  • Also great for spotting any smoke ganks

4. Tier 3 Ward Radiant

Wards between the towers are criminally underrated as they’re not utilized much in your typical pub games. These wards are extremely useful after the 15-20 minute mark as all your tier 1 towers are destroyed, you need this ward to push lanes and scout for any enemies in the process of smoking up or ganking any lanes.

Advantages of this ward

  • Spots out rotations
  • Geat to snipe couriers or intercept ganks

3. Every Cliff Ward

Cliff wards, no matter wherever on the map, are considered extremely useful if you know how and when to place them. Some wards are only nice if you place them under a certain time frame, ex. Before Roshan. They offer you flying and unobstructed vision in a huge AoE.

Advantages of this ward

  • Extremely high unobstructed vision
  • Great to spot out rotations and hiding enemies 

2. Camp Blocker Ward

Another integral ward in the game is the ward spot that blocks camps. You may use this to simultaneously provide vision and block enemy camps so they can’t farm or pull. At the same time, this ward can also be used for blocking your own hard camps. This ward has the highest chance of getting dewarded, hence people use sentry wards to block camps so they don’t end up feeding gold to their foes.

Advantages of this ward

  • Blocks neutral camps
  • Provides visions
  • Prevents enemies from stacking or pulling

1. Safelane Ward

This ward is extremely useful in the early game, it is used to spot any enemy TP rotations. It can also be used to prevent the enemy support from pulling if you spot him under this ward, it’s also great to cancel any salve or clarity potions or snipe couriers if you spot them under this extremely useful ward. In most games, this ward goes unnoticed.

Advantages of this ward

  • Spots enemy rotations
  • Low chances of getting dewarded
  • Can snipe enemy couriers and cancel potions

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