[Top 25] Best Skyrim Weapon and Armor Mods Everyone Should Use

Skyrim weapon mod, Skyrim armor mod
11 Dec 2023

Skyrim has offered us an unlimited amount of gameplay in its vanilla version. With the wonderful and talented modding community, they have created mods that allow us to re-experience Skyrim all over again! With modding, you can customize different aspects of the game however you want! Even until you break the game! 

The mods listed here today focus on weapons and armor mods that are lore friendly with maximized immersion. These mods will tackle different aspects of weapons and mods, from texture replacements to content polishing or complete overhauls. Each tweak is guaranteed to elevate your experience in Skyrim and you can feel free to mix and match different combos of the mods here!

25. Scoped Bows SE

This weapon mod will add 32 scoped bows to the current list of weapons that can be forged with existing materials in Skyrim. You’ll get to have two scopes for quick shots or precision shots.  The unique bows will also have scopes! So, bye bye crosshair!

What's great about Scoped Bows SE:

  • Much more realistic view when shooting an arrow
  • Better accuracy and precision 

 Scoped Bows SE details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/912


24. Ritual Armor of Boethiah SE

With this mod, you’ll be able to forge a full matching black dragonscale armor complete with a half cloak. The cloak, also known as the Ritual Shroud of Boethiah, will have the unique ability to muffle your steps and slow the enemies’ movement within a certain range. It’s great for alerting you when an enemy is nearby in the event of sneak attacks. 

What's great about Ritual Armor of Boethiah SE:

  • It’s an aesthetic armor set for the Ebony mail without compromising the armor rating of getting Ebony armor pieces since Dragonscale is the best.
  • It compensates for the sins you have to commit to being the champion.

Ritual Armor of Boethiah SE details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8110


23. Talos Housecarl Armor Pack

Before Talos was worshiped as a God, he was a warrior who fought valiantly to defend Tamriel. Next to him was his personal housecarl who was by his side during his rule. After there were no more battles, Talos got sets of armor forged for his housecarl to honor him. This mod will allow us to wear an important piece of history while remembering the housecarl’s contribution. You can also gift the armor to your own housecarls! (Yes Lydia, you too). 

What's great about Talos Housecarl Armor Pack

  • It’s lore-friendly and it allows you to show your political side in Skyrim
  • Housecarls are underrated, this mod honors their contribution 

Talos Housecarl Armor Pack details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5540/


22. Dark Brotherhood Armor

As an assassin faction, you would expect your outfit to be dark and blend into the shadows. Unfortunately, the vanilla version of the Dark Brotherhood’s armor so this mod is here to readjust it. Be gone, bright red colors on the Dark Brotherhood Armor. Now you can readjust the colors to 4 different variations in the mod! Your armor will look sleek and easy to move in! 

What's great about Dark Brotherhood Armor:

  • Change in color will not take away the elements of its original vibe
  • Muted colors increase immersion of the game because bright colors will definitely get you caught in real life

Dark Brotherhood Armor details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109579


21. NordWarUA's Race Armor Expansion

This mod adds new thalmor, elven and orc armor to make them look sharp and snazzy especially when you encounter them in the wild. It’s also optional for you to retexture both races’ weapons too! Mods like these tweaks so little but yet, add so much personality and layer to the races! 

What's great about NordWarUA's Race Armor Expansion

  • The armor fits both races’ aesthetic which keeps the immersion
  • Thalmor deserves some love too, even if they don’t deserve it

What's great about NordWarUA's Race Armor Expansion details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/34585


20. The Gifts Of Akatosh

Akatosh is one of the few Aedras that does not have a quest in Skyrim but that doesn’t mean you can’t have things that are blessed by the Father of Dragons himself. The Gifts of Akatosh will give you the opportunity to forge armor pieces and weapons from a special material, Blessed Metal of Akatosh. They won’t be easy to find so you can just take your time and enjoy the ride like the Stones of Barenziah but that’s what makes them special when you get the full armor!

What's great about The Gifts Of Akatosh:

  • It’s a unique set of armor from Akatosh so it’s something for all the collectors out there
  • The materials cannot be obtained so this can be a great challenge 

The Gifts Of Akatosh details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9865


19. DX Faction Crossbows SE

The ever-powerful crossbow in Skyrim has only been exclusively made for Dawnguard members. With this mod, now you can forge crossbows for The Companions, Dawnguard, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Imperial Legion and Stormcloaks in Skyrim with their own version of bolts. There is also a storyline that you will follow to understand why crossbow making was extended to the other factions too. The factions are. 

What's great about DX Faction Crossbows SE:

  • More design options for crossbows
  • The storyline here is quite interesting and makes good use of the ongoing tensions between factions 

DX Faction Crossbows SE details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4047


18. Oblivion Artifact Pack

This pack will bring Oblivion’s weapons, armors, and unique items to Skyrim and let you enjoy the nostalgia of Oblivion. Each item will be somewhere in Skyrim and it’ll be a little quest on its own to gather them all. There is a console command for you to make all these locations available in your journal too!

What's great about Oblivion Artifact Pack:

  • Lore friendly and makes Skyrim properly feel like land with lots of history
  • It allows you to bring elements of Oblivion to Skyrim for old time’s sake

Oblivion Artifact Pack details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10644


17. Weapons Of The Third Era SSE

If you are a sword wielder, this is the mod for you. This mod will add a variety of new Morrowind-themed weapons to your game, especially swords. They kept the designs of the weapon simple and sleek. If you prefer clean-looking weapons that aim to get the job done, this pack does it! It also includes a version of the original Morrowind Enchantment, an easter egg for those who also played Morrowind. 

What's great about Weapons Of The Third Era SSE:

  • A purely aesthetic clean weapon mod
  • Easily installed and it can go anywhere on the load order

Weapons Of The Third Era SSE details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5019


16. Lore Weapon Expansion SE

This is an expansion on the existing list of weapons in Skyrim. All the weapons will be based on the previous games in the Elder Scroll series or based on the books in Skyrim. There will also be silver weapons in this expansion and it comes with the silver effect for more undead damage!

What's great about Lore Weapon Expansion SE

  • Good for people who are looking to start small since the expansion is not overwhelming
  • Doesn’t stray from the gameplay of Skyrim

Lore Weapon Expansion SE details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9660


15. Bosmer Armor Pack

Most races like Orcs, Thalmor, and Imperial have their own set of armor in Skyrim. This mod will add 5 different Bosmer Armors that are suitable for all races and genders. These armors bear details of leather, staying true to the nature of Bosmers who are natural hunters. Bosmer NPCs will be spotted wearing the default Bosmer Plain Armor so just like the Thalmor, you can spot them afar from their armor!

What's great about Bosmer Armor Pack:

  • Lore friendly and immersive
  • The mod is not extensive, which might be overwhelming if combined with other armor mods

Bosmer Armor Pack details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5597


14. LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE

If you’re looking to just remodel the existing weapons in Skyrim, this is the mod for you. Some weapons are deemed too bulky or too ugly in the vanilla version of the game. This mod will simply reshape the weapon mesh into something much more conventional and pretty. Then, you can slap on any textures that you like on it! It’s simple and everything is up to your choice when you are installing. 

What's great about LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE:

  • The mod does not affect anything in the game. It is purely for aesthetics! 
  • You get to choose which weapon you want to re-mesh!

LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2017


13. Armor And Clothing Extension

This mod looks to extend the variations of NPCs outfits and also the outfits you can find. With this mod, NPCs will dress according to their status and rank in society. Mages will also be dressing according to their school of magic which will definitely liven up the grey College of Winterhold. You’ll also be able to choose to give clothing items a limited armor value for some protection.

What's great about Armor And Clothing Extension:

  • Increases immersion and adds layers to the existing game, literally
  • It does not complicate the gameplay or game experience

Armor And Clothing Extension details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19002


12. Immersive Weapons

Similar to Immersive Armors, this mod aims to expand your selection of weapons that blend into the environments and conditions of Skyrim. The weapons in this mod take inspiration from real-life weapons with the pure intention of immersion! One of the best things about this mod is that you’ll be able to use the smelter to break down vanilla weapons into usable ingots to forge new weapons. 

What's great about Immersive Weapons:

  • The mod is constantly being updated with new weapons
  • Weapons are leveled so it is evenly distributed through the map

Immersive Weapons details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16788


11. Dragonbone Barbarian Armors

Dragonbone armor is one of the strongest armor in the game and its no surprise that the game only has two variations of it just like other armor. This mod will add three more modular Dragonbone armor at three different locations to be looted from. The female version will stay true to the Barbarian and Forsworn skimpier style with fewer clothing pieces while the male version will have a much more complete look. 

What's great about Dragonbone Barbarian Armors:

  • Gives more variety to the Dragonbone armor without breaking immersion
  • With the skimpier outfit for females, you have the option to live life as a Forsworn now

Dragonbone Barbarian Armors details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4200


10. Skyforge Weapons

Skyforge Weapons are supposed to be one of the best steel in the game even though it’s not the case here. This mod will make each Skyforge weapon look magnificent and fit for one of the best factions in the game. All you need to do is to complete The Companions questline before talking to Eorland. Then, you’ll be able to forge anything you want at the Skyforge!

What's great about Skyforge Weapons:

  • The textures and the details are gorgeous
  • Gives the Skyforge more use after finishing The Companions questline

Skyforge Weapons details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5609


9. Zim's Immersive Artifacts

Unique weapons in Skyrim are usually extremely underwhelming especially when your own normal weapons outshine them after a few levels. So this mod aims to make Skyrim's most legendary and infamous artifacts more powerful like they rightfully should. With this mod, all your efforts and dying at least mutiple times to get these unique items will finally be worth it! 

What's great about Zim's Immersive Artifacts:

  • The weapon will finally match up with what it's supposed to do
  • Makes you appreciate the artifacts more

Zim's Immersive Artifacts details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9138


8. Thane Weapons Reborn

The first time I played Skyrim, I sold the Axe of Whiterun because it was such a disappointing weapon on its own. The only thing unique about it is the name. This mod will replace each hold’s thane weapon with a unique one. There is also an option for you to have the weapon as it is or enchanted.

What's great about Thane Weapons Reborn:

  • Gives new purpose to the thane’s weapon instead of just being a decoration
  • It makes the rank of thane feel more important and serious

Thane Weapons Reborn details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8387


7. Royal Armory - New Artifacts

It always bothered me when important and essential NPCs carried normal-looking weapons. With this mod, now your important NPCs will carry unique weapons with special enchantments on them. You’ll be able to get your hands on some of them, not all. Sometimes the unattainable is what makes the items so special. 

What's great about Royal Armory - New Artifacts:

  • Gives your important NPCs a chance to live up to that importance
  • Collectors would love them. There is a console command to obtain those you cannot get.

Mod name details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6994


6. Jaysus Swords SE

Jaysus Swords SE adds 50 different handcrafted weapons to the existing list of weapons.  It also allows you to forge the ever-famous Redguard curved sword, Scimitar and it also has multiple unique weapons that you can also collect in the game. If you have Immersive Weapons also installed, just be sure to download the patch for it. 

What's great about Jaysus Swords SE:

  • Lore friendly and stays true to current races found in Skyrim
  • Overall great details with well-balanced stats so it does not mess with your gameplay

Jaysus Swords SE details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29415


5. Tribunal Robes And Masks

Tribunal Robes And Masks are made to finally give mages proper protection gear. There’ll be options for unarmored, light and heavy armor that look equally as stylish. You’ll be aiming to be the Arch Mage of Winterhold College so you gotta look the part too!

What's great about Tribunal Robes And Masks:

  • Finally, stylish robes!
  • Finally, armored robes that will hold up in battles instead of using wards

Tribunal Robes And Masks details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4937


4. Aetherium Armor And Weapons

In Skyrim, you’ll come across a limited amount of the unique material, Aetherium. After collecting all four pieces, you’ll be given the option to forge one artifact at the Aetherium Forge and that’s all. Now with this mod, you’ll be able to forge more artifacts as you wish. You get to decide if you want to forge Aetherium equipment or an enchanted equivalent! 

Aetherium Armor And Weapons:

  • Great for players looking to complete a full Dwavern aesthetic with a twist
  • Lore-friendly while gorgeous

What's great about Aetherium Armor And Weapons details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2687


3. Skyrim SE Expanded Skyrim Weaponry

This mod adds 105 weapons to the existing weapon pool! It has everything from hatchets to spears to staffs, allowing you to diversify your combat style. The designs are more lore-friendly and they make use of the vanilla textures or any textures you are using. You can also choose to allow NPCs to wield and sell these weapons or not.

What's great about Skyrim SE Expanded Skyrim Weaponry:

  • Using present weapon textures allows the weapons to be more cohesive with the rest of the game
  • Huge variety of weapons to enjoy

Skyrim SE Expanded Skyrim Weaponry details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2300


2. Unique Uniques SE

This mod aims to give unique weapons a complete revamp to make them even more striking and worth at least half the effort of getting them. The revamped version is still very much lore-friendly so this is perfect for those who just want the unique equipment to look like it should.

What's great about Unique Uniques SE:

  • Gives unique equipment their personality back
  • It doesn’t break the game experience as it only changes the equipment’s appearance

Unique Uniques SE details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3334


1. Immersive Armors

Looks are half the effort! If you are looking to expand your Skyrim experience, this mod will diversify your wardrobe for sure! Immersive Armors adds new armor, shields, and clothing pieces like eye patches and earrings to the game! Think of it as a Sims 4 in Skyrim. The mod allows you to customize a lot of options according to race or culture or even enemy types during installation!

What's great about Immersive Armors:

  • The mod is constantly being updated with a new selection of items
  • Entirely customizable in-game

Immersive Armors details: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3479

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