[Top 10] Ark Survival Evolved Best Places To Get Chitin

[Top 10] Ark Survival Evolved Best Places To Get Chitin, Ark best chitin sources, top 10 Ark Survival Evolved Chitin creatures
11 Dec 2023

10. The Coast


Start at: 1:20 

This location probably sounds too general but as it can be found on multiple maps, the name seems to fit. We’re not referring to the deep ocean, but more to the shallow part near the beach. This is the perfect location for new players to find and hunt Trilobites.

You’ll gather insane amounts of chitin with just a Metal Hatchet, without putting yourself in danger. Trilobites can be found on the beach, but they usually prefer to stay in the shallow waters, so take a dive! 

Why the Coast is great for getting Chitin: 

  • It’s a popular spawning location, so you won’t have to travel and be exposed to the dangers of other biomes. The weather conditions are friendly and the place is not filled with dangerous carnivores. 
  • You only need a Hatchet and some motivation. Trilobites are the most accessible creatures to hunt, as all they do is run away. Even more, you’ll find plenty of them all over the shore. 
  • New players usually establish their first base on the beach, as it’s safer and more comfortable, so there won’t be any worries about carrying the chitin all the way home. 
  • Advanced players can tame a Diplocaulus and use it as a Trilobite hunter for an infinite source of chitin 

The ocean details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/The_Western_Coast 

9. The Northeastern Shores


Start at: 0:10

Found at the base of the mountain Far’s Peak, this location is perfectly placed to access multiple resources, not only chitin. It occupies the 9th place on the list, as these shores are a constant spawning point for Trilobites, but also Titanomyrmas, important sources of chitin.

While Trilobites are easy to hunt, Titanomyrmas are aggressive ants that will attack you anyway, so be prepared. You can also hunt them in the forest, but it’s easier to lose their track. 

Why the Northeastern Shores are great for getting Chitin: 

  • It’s an accessible location for any player, containing both Trilobites and Titanomyrmas. The most efficient way to get chitin here is by using the Sabertooth and attacking the groups of ants 
  • It’s way easier to hunt the ants here than in other biomes, like the Redwoods, as they’re visible at all times and can’t disappear into the forest. 
  • It’s a relatively safe location, compared to other chitin spots on the map. 
  • It’s perfectly placed for future adventures, with access to Far’s Peak, Dead Island, Frozen Tooth, and more. 

Northeastern Shores details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Northeast_Shores 

8. The Redwoods - The Island 


Start at: 5:00

Now that we mentioned it, the Redwoods Forest, located around Red Peak is another great location when it comes to hunting for chitin. On land, this resource is most effectively harvested using a tamed Megatherium, Direwolf,  Sabertooth, or Therizinosaur. A Beelzebufo can also come in handy, but more about that later.

The Redwoods Forest is filled with Titanomyrma, Meganeura, and other chitin-dropping creatures that will complete your inventory. All you have to do is gather the courage and tame the best dinosaur for the trip. 

Why the Redwoods Forest is great for getting Chitin: 

  • The forest is a spawning point for many arthropods, the perfect source of chitin, and many possible tames.
  • You can even attract arthropods by killing a creature and letting its body rot. This will attract the insects and gather them all together, so your work will be much easier. Use a Beelzebufo to kill the insects. 
  • The forest is also filled with metal, giant bee honey, and other important resources, so you’ll kill two birds with one stone.

The Redwoods details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/The_Redwood_Forests 

7. The Swamp - The Center 


 Start at: 3:20

Here is where the majestic Beelzebufo comes into play. Even if it’s not listed among the best chitin harvesters, the Beezebufo does the best job when placed in a swamp. Meganeuras, a rich chitin source, are its favorite meal, so there won’t be any problem with killing every single one of them.

If you kill a random dinosaur and leave its corpse, a bunch of Meganeuras will suddenly appear around it. Your Beelzebufo will have the perfect feast, and you’ll have the most amount of chitin ever gathered. 

Why the Swamp is great for getting Chitin: 

  • Direwolves and Beelzebufos are commonly found in the Swamp, so you’re going to visit it anyway to tame one of these creatures, as both are crucial for advancing in the game. 
  • It’s just so easy to hunt Meganeuras here with a Beelzebufo. Of course, it can be dangerous, so you have to watch your back all the time, but it doesn’t involve exploring terrifying caves and killing hideous creatures. 
  • It’s a sure source of chitin. No matter the time of the month or the hour of the day, you will always find arthropods to hunt for chitin if you have a Beelzebufo. 

The Swamp details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Swamp_(The_Center) 

6. Anthills - Crystal Isles 


Start at: 10:50

So, we’ve talked about the Sabertooth, the Beelzebufo, and the powerful Direwolf, but there’s another chitin-harvester with the highest efficiency out there waiting for you. Contrary to everything you know, The Dodicurus can be used to gather all the available chitin from the Anthills located on Crystal Isles.

This location is a hidden paradise if you’re searching for chitin, so don’t waste another minute and head there right now. Not only is it full of ants, but other insects are constantly surrounding the place 

Why the Anthills are great for getting Chitin: 

  • It’s the most peaceful option for gathering Chitin if you play on Crystal Isles. It’s mining the hills with a Doedicurus. No attacks, no kills, no running for your life. 
  • The hills are surrounded by Titanomyrma and Dung Beetles that are frequently spawning, so if the ants aren’t enough, there is always a second option available. It’s a chitin paradise. 
  • The Anthill can also be mined using simple tools, like the Hatchet, so even new players can benefit from this amazing place. 

Anthills details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Anthills_(Crystal_Isles) 

5. The Swamp Cave - The Island  


Start at: 4:30 

Don’t confuse it with the Swamp. It’s an entirely different location, on another map. However, the concept of a swamp filled with arthropods - chitin sources- remains the same. This cave is a chitin mine, as it combines the creatures from both a cave and a swamp, so almost every single corner is a spawning point for a chitin source.

You’ll find Meganeuras, Arthroplueraa, Titanomyrmaa, and Pulomonoscorpius, all covered in chitin, but with great resources comes great danger. The cave is no place for beginners, as the minimal equipment involved any 3 pieces of SCUBA and Ghille Armor, a Cryopod, and a Megatherium. 

Why the Swamp Cave is great for getting Chitin: 

  • Megatherium is the main tame needed to explore the cave, followed by the Beelzebufo. It’s like the cave is yelling at you to gather as much chitin as there is, 
  • There are chitin sources at every corner. Scorpions, spiders, giant ants, and meganeuras are swarming around the place. You’ll kill them even if you’re not looking for chitin, so make the best out of the experience and choose this cave when the goal is harvesting giant amounts of chitin 
  • You’ll find very unique loot crates in this cave, so the chitin is not the only reward that’s waiting for you. 

The Swamp Cave details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Swamp_Cave 

4. Eldritch Isles - Crystal Isles 


Start at: 0:40 

A Carnivore’s Island, filled with rare resources and terrifying creatures is not the go-to for the Early-Mid Game, but once you’re advanced, you start seeing the beauty of this location. It’s one of the best places to farm chitin, AnglerGel, Biotoxin,  Aberration materials, and Element Shards.

Some tips to keep in mind are that the island is very dark, so you’ll need Gamma commands, and that the giant Crystal or water bubbles can electrocute you. Are you ready to bring your Direwolf here and start harvesting? 

Why Eldritch Island is great for getting Chitin: 

  • The Glowbug, Eurypterid, and Karkinos are just some examples of giant insects covered in chitin that will surely fill your tame’s inventory in seconds. The Island is the perfect place for high-level players to test their skills and gather chitin at the same time
  • Along the South, East, and North Coast there’s a sure spawning point for an incredible number of Karkinos. These creatures, while horrifying and aggressive, are one of the best sources of chitin available in Ark. Extra, you can find Dung Beetles or other peaceful insects. 
  • It’s a simple location in geographic terms. Compared to Apotheosis, you won’t have to bounce around and won’t get lost that easily. 

Eldritch Isles details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Eldritch_Isle_(Crystal_Isles) 

3. Desert Cave - Extinction 


Start at: 0:30

The location of the Artifact of Chaos, this cave is truly a chaotic place to find yourself in if you’re not ready for its challenges. There are important sources of chitin here, like the Mantis and Arthropluera. As a bonus, the adorable Achatina can be found here too, but you’d rather take it home and build a farm than hunt this little creature.

The cave contains 7 known loot crates, from Blue to Red, so adventuring here has more advantages than simply gathering infinite chitin. Lastly, don't forget to take a Megatherium with you. 

Why Desert Cave is great for getting Chitin: 

  • The Mantis and Arthropluera are the main sources of chitin hiding in this cave, and both are ready for a fight. They will be waiting at the entrance of the cave, so you’ll get your well-deserved chitin right from the start.
  • Besides chitin, you can find insane amounts of metal, stone, and flint in this cave. 
  • Win challenging fights, test your abilities, and encounter the Titanoboa and the majestic Rubble Golem, all while gathering chitin. Your inventory after finishing this cave will not only get incredible resources but also items from unique loot crates. 

Desert Cave details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Desert_Cave_(Extinction) 

2. Central Cave - The Island 


Start at: 15:50

This is the cave that contains the Artifact of the Clever, needed to summon the  Broodmother Lysrix. Find in the middle of the island, near the Volcano, and dare to enter. The Center Cave is also known as the Chitin Cave, due to the unbelievable amount of chitin players can obtain just from passing through it.

Choose the Sabertooth as the favorite tame if your goal is gathering chitin and don’t let yourself be fooled by the fluorescent vegetation around. Bats will fly out of the walls and bugs will attack from every corner, as you disrupt their peace in this dark location. Another idea for conquering this cave is to bring a Baryonyx, as fresh meat from killed piranhas hunted in the cave will heal its wounds. 

Why the Central Cave is great for getting Chitin: 

  • It’s literally a cave full of insects, with the small addition that these insects are giant, aggressive, and deadly. Araneo, Arthropluera, Dung Beetle, and Pulmonoscorpius are just examples. 
  • The Sabertooth is the creature with one of the highest efficiency in harvesting chitin and also the highest damage per attack. This makes the tame perfect for both entering the cave and transversing it all the way to the Artifact of the Clever. 
  • The Arthropluera will give an amazing amount of chitin, but with a price. Its acid attack will break a primitive Flak Armor, so an idea is to bring Hide Armor for a little bit of protection. 

Central Cave details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Central_Cave 

1. The Lair - Valguero 


Start at: 0:30

The Lair is also referred to as the Spider Cave, so it’s crystal clear even from its name that this cave is hell for any player, but a chitin paradise at the same time. The cost of going through webs and fighting gigantic, hideous spiders is well worth it, not just in terms of Chitin, but also in terms of loots crates, and artifacts.

The cave contains the Artifact of the Strong, Immune, and The Artifact of the Pack, so there’s a lot to discover here. The recommended equipment is a torch, gas mask, bug repellant,  Campfires to remove leeches, and a Flamethrower, then you’re good to go. 

Why the Lair is great for getting Chitin: 

  • Here are some of the arthropods found here: Araneo, Meganeura,  Achatina, Arthropluera, Leech, and Titanomyrma, all of them full of chitin. Actually, arthropods are almost the only type of creature that can be found in this place, so there’s no way to miss it. 
  • Besides Chitin, it’s one of the rare locations where you can get Titanoboa Venom, Leech Blood, Organic polymer, and oil. All of them are in one huge, labyrinthic cave. 
  • The Beelzebufo has limited access to the cave, so while it’s not the best mount if you want to reach the artifacts, it’s a nice option for harvesting chitin. Of course, always bring a strong tame with you too, as the creatures here will kill you instantly otherwise. 

The Lair details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/The_Lair_(Valguero) 

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