[Top 5] Ark Survival Evolved Best Dinos For Thatch

 [Top 5] Ark Survival Evolved Best Dino For Thatch, Ark best 5 thatch dinos, best dinosaurs for Thatch ark survival evolved
11 Dec 2023

5. Megaloceros 

Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer seems to be quite skilled when it comes to gathering thatch. This creature is smart, fast, and peaceful, so it often prefers to run and jump away from its predators. However, when tamed, this herbivore can inflict a merciless attack on its enemies, causing them to bleed to death as their health and stamina are reduced. 

Their saddle is available from as early as level 30, but they need to be tamed using the KO strategy. Use an Argentavis or a bola, it’s up to you. 

What makes the Megaloceros great for Thatch: 

  • It’s commonly found in forests and on the tops of mountains. While it doesn’t harvest wood, the Megaloceros has incredible efficiency in harvesting thatch. This resource is the only collectible that it can gather with a high gain per action. 
  • It tends to run around in the woods. With its speed and agility, it can get up to 1000 thatch in a single run, filling up your storage.
  • As thatch is not that heavy, and the Megaloceros has a decent base weight, transport should not be a problem. 

Megaloceros details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Megaloceros 

How To Get The Megaloceros:


4. Mantis

With fast, deadly attacks in the most surprising moments, the Mantis is surely a frightening creature. However, when tamed, its large aggressive range becomes your most powerful advantage. It’s even capable of maneuvering more than swords, as it can do miracles if given a pickaxe to work with. 

Besides Mutagel, Flint, and Silicate, the Mantis has the highest efficiency at gathering Thatch. Regarding the taming part, this creature has special requests. Firstly, get some bug repellant and death worm horns for feeding, then pray! 

What makes the Mantis great for Thatch:

  • Mantis, despite being difficult to tame, is a very versatile tame. It can gather thatch with the highest efficiency, both on its own and equipped with a pickaxe. It’s truly a magnificent tame for getting as much thatch as possible in the shortest amount of time. 
  • It can be equipped with tools and get insane resources quickly, including Thatch. It’s also an excellent builder, so you can make use of the harvested resources. 
  • It’s a great soldier and mount, holding powerful attacks against any potential enemies.

Mantis details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Mantis 

How To Get The Mantis:


3. Mammoth 

There are not a lot of creatures in Ark Survival Evolved that can efficiently get enough thatch for crafting new items and evolving throughout the game. The Mammoth is, luckily, one of them. With a great gain per action for thatch and a 75% weight reduction for wood, this furry mammal excels at harvesting trees. Even more, besides its herbivorous diet, it’s a fierce combat specialist and a fantastic support tank. 

Of course, great benefits come with hard work, so taming this giant requires a KO method, while the freezing temperature of its climate is slowly decreasing your health. 

What makes the Mammoth great for Thatch: 

  • Living in a cold, extreme climate, the Mammoth has developed an unbelievable strength for an herbivore. Regarding harvesting, its exclusive purpose seems to be linked to cutting trees and getting as much wood and thatch as possible. 
  • The Mammoth is one of the few creatures from the snowy areas that can gather thatch with incredible efficiency, providing the construction materials you need in the least amount of time. 
  • This mammal can choose what type of resource to gather. Use its Tusk attacks to get the most thatch! 

Mammoth details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Mammoth 

How To Get The Mammoth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5Gp8frjY-w&ab_channel=Sethum 

2. Gacha 

The Gacha is an extraordinary creature that can digest any object that falls in its mouth and transform it into precious resources, tools, and weapons. This sweet giant doesn’t do much, except find food in the deep forest that’s usually its home. Its excrements are replaced with glittering crystals that grow on its back and contain miraculous items inside including Thatch. 

What’s interesting about taming a Gacha is that it can only be fed when it’s happy. A sad Gacha will simply ignore you. Choose plant species Y traps and snow owl pellets for higher taming effectiveness. 

What makes the Gacha great for Thatch:

  • This creature is one of the best collectors of all time! It has full harvesting effectiveness for 10 resources, including Thatch! Tame one and enjoy all its abilities! You’ll gather not only thatch but also many other resources.
  • It can learn to craft flint specifically, as well as other resources. If you wish to have a Thatch Gacha, advance the crafting skill to about 160% and enjoy incredible quantities of metal with no effort. 
  • Gacha’s skill points can be transferred to their weight, so after some time this creature can store huge amounts of thatch, while also producing crystals that may contain it. 

Gacha details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Gacha 

How To Get The Gacha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhBaM8O_6h0&ab_channel=Tecorsuh 

1. Brontosaurus 

As the best thatch gatherer in the entire game, this docile herbivore has one big advantage: its size. It can both harvest and carry unbelievable amounts of resources, all while clearing the land for your next base! Its primary attack is the tail swipe, and while it doesn’t involve any sharp teeth or claws, one or two hits can become deadly for new or mid-level players.

Because of its sheer bulk, few creatures dare to provoke the Brontosaurus! Taming this giant is worth it. With a normal saddle available at level 63 and a platform saddle available at level 82, the Bronto is the best addition to any tribe.

What makes the Brontosaurus great for Thatch: 

  • This tameable, rideable and breedable herbivore is an excellent gatherer. With the highest harvesting efficiency for berries, plant species X speed, and thatch, just a few tail swipes are enough to fill your storage!
  • Despite its slow speed, the Bronto is a great transporter. It has the third-best base weight from Ark, and it can even be equipped with a platform saddle that has extra storage units. 
  • Thanks to its huge AOE, it can gather huge amounts of wood or thatch, even if it’s not its specialty. Also, it can create massive areas of destruction, demolishing any trees that stand in their way. 
  • Who would dare attack such a giant? As a mobile base platform, you can even add manned turrets on its back for extra protection. 

Brontosaurus details: https://ark.fandom.com/wiki/Brontosaurus 

How To Get The Brontosaurus:


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